How to Show Love to a Guy

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Simple Ways To Show Your Guy You Care (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)
Video: Simple Ways To Show Your Guy You Care (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)


It is very difficult to show a guy that you like them. It is also difficult to find the most plausible way between the decision to go overboard or too timid for someone who has no idea that you are having a crush on them. If you want to show a guy that you like them, let them notice you by getting to know him then show signs that he has caught your eye. If you want to know how to express your feelings to a guy without being considered too reckless or sending too many messages, follow these steps.


Method 1 of 3: Leave Signs

  1. Pay attention to your appearance. Let him know that you like him by trying to be pretty whenever you are with him. You should still be yourself, but pay more attention to your hair, makeup, and outfit, and he will begin to notice you. You don't need to wear tight suits and high heels if you're playing volleyball with him, but let him know that you care about how you look around him.
    • Do not be afraid to wear too sexy. If you feel comfortable with your body, show it a little.
    • If you're uncomfortable wearing too much makeup, don't try to look like someone just to impress him.
    • Try to use lipstick, brush lipstick in front of him. This will give him more attention to your lips.

  2. Express your feelings to him with body language. Your body language can tell him that you think of him more than a friend. When you talk to him, turn your body toward him and make eye contact with him to show that he means a lot to you. Don't be distracted by turning around, looking around, or checking your phone.
    • Naughty haircut when talking to him. This shows that you are feeling tense around him.
    • Constantly look out the door. This will show him that he is making you feel embarrassed.
    • Don't forget to smile. A smile will show how much you value him - even if you smile for no reason at all.
    • Keep your body facing him. If you are sitting, cross your legs toward him, do not put your legs back against him. If you are standing, point your shoulders toward him.

  3. Teasing him. The more you tease a guy, the more likely he will be sure you like him. You can start to tease over and make it clearer gradually. There are many ways to make fun of a guy like:
    • Whisper to him so he can stand close to you as you two talk.
    • Teasingly pats him on the arm, teases him, and creates a fun and engaging relationship to show that you are interested in him.
    • Laugh. Even if he isn't very happy when you approach him, keep smiling gently to let him know that you are having fun teasing him.
    • Don't overdo it. The joke should also be moderate.

  4. Break the barrier of physical contact. When you get along with a guy, don't be afraid to lightly hit his arm or shoulder when he says something funny. You can make physical contact while you are joking around or even hug him when you meet if it feels appropriate. Breaking the barrier of physical contact will help him realize that you want to be closer to him.
    • Just make sure that he wants to be in contact with you and that you don't make him feel uncomfortable.
    • If you get closer to a guy and are just doing a run or physical activity together, offer to massage him. If he likes it, he will agree and will notice how comfortable you make him.
  5. Praise him. It can be difficult to compliment a man without making it too obvious that you like him. You don't need to say, "Wow, you're so sexy" to let him know that you like you, compliment him with skillful compliments. If he's recently cut his hair or is obviously wearing a new shirt, just tell him he looks great. If he does something very well, be it math or sandwiches, let him know he does well.
    • You can also get closer and compliment his personality. You can praise him, "You're very funny, you know?" or "You always know how to make others happy."
  6. Ask him if he likes someone. This isn't the most subtle way to show you like him, but it does work. Just ask very normally if he likes someone, or maybe even talk about what qualities he wishes to have in his girlfriend. Let him open up and see if he tells you he likes someone or if he wants any qualities in his girlfriend. But be careful - let him realize that you're only asking for your own reasons, not because you want to be his good friend and talk about his love story.
  7. Tell him that you're open to having a boyfriend. Just plainly mention that you are looking for a date and looking for a boyfriend. Don't show that you're desperate to date anyone you know - just show him that you're seriously thinking about it. You can express and talk about the qualities you're looking for in a boyfriend, and list a few of the qualities that make him special.
  8. Make him invite you out. You can try getting him to ask you questions so you can show that you like him. Just simply talk about your upcoming plans or mention your visualization of your plans, and wait for him to ask if you want to do something when he knows you're single. You could say, "I don't have any plans for tomorrow night, but I want to do something fun," and wait for his response.
    • You can take advantage of common interests to do your advantage here. Mention upcoming sporting events or say your favorite band is getting a show in town, and wait to see if he wants to come.

Method 2 of 3: Tell the Guy You Like Him

  1. Surely he likes you. While there is no way to guarantee that he will feel the same way or not, there are many signs that tell you what his true feelings are for you. It's best to make sure he likes you before you go ahead and tell him how you feel. Here are some ways to see if he considers you more than a friend:
    • Pay attention to what he says. Notice if he compliments you all the time, ask if you like someone and tell you that he wants a girlfriend.
    • Pay attention to what he does. If he likes you, he will find every opportunity to hang out with you, make an effort to make physical contact and even offer sweet offers like lunch with you.
    • Pay attention to his appearance. If he is always attentive to his appearance when he knows he will be with you, then maybe he likes you too.
    • Notice if he invites you to hang out. If he asks you to spend time together, not even the kind of dating event, then he may have a crush.
  2. Tell him you like him. If you've shown him that you like him but it's not working, then it's time to tell him directly about how you feel.Choose a time and place where you are both private and stress-free, then calmly tell him how you feel about him. Don't put too much pressure on him or on yourself, then wait for his response.
    • Just relax. If your guy doesn't reciprocate your feelings, at least you know it instead of worrying.
    • Let's say it simply. Don't overwhelm him by talking too fast and include 150 reasons why you like him so much.
  3. Respond accordingly. If he likes you, you can give him a hug or just show that you are happy, start talking about dating and elevate your relationship. If he doesn't reciprocate your feelings, that's OK - just show your friend mature enough by not showing he's too sad or even angry just because he doesn't feel the same. like you.
    • If the guy likes you too, then humorously talk about the ways you've tried to show him that you like him.
    • If he doesn't like you, don't be disappointed. Be proud of yourself for having the courage to say your feelings and then let everything go.

Method 3 of 3: Get to know the guy

  1. Get to know him as a friend. If you want a guy to date you, you need to lay a solid foundation for your relationship.But if you are not really friends yet, then you need to befriend him to be able to show that you are you. like him. If you don't know him at all and he doesn't know who you are, it will be more difficult to show your true feelings to him. Thus, getting to know him as a friend will help you see if the two of you really get along and will give you a chance to show how great you are in a completely comfortable situation. .
    • Get started friendly. You should not ask him to go out or express your overly emotional thoughts on him right away. Just relax and start building a happy and friendly relationship with the guy.
    • Into friendship orbit. Don't overwhelm a guy by wrapping him around. Just slowly increase the amount of time you spend together.
    • Don't let yourself fall into the "Friends Zone". You should try to be friends with him but don't develop into a close friendship as it can be weird when you try to elevate the relationship to a romantic level.
  2. Start with your general interests. If you want to get to know a guy, you can start by talking about all the common facts, from your family to your favorite sports team. If you don't have that much general information, you can learn from others, and you will find yourself coincidentally sharing some interests with him. And if you want to pretend that you care a little about your favorite sports team when you don't really care, that's okay.
    • Almost every guy loves to talk about sports. If you are both interested in a team or a sport, you can talk about it, otherwise you can read more about his favorite team and then talk about some of the information you read with him.
    • Use music as a cohesive. Find out if you two are interested in a particular band - if not, ask if he has a suggestion for you. If you've developed your friendship to the right level, you can give him a CD of your favorite music to get his attention.
    • Talk about your family. Be sensitive and talk about your siblings or pets.
    • Find out if you both love something. If he finds that you like sushi, he will be more likely to ask you to try a new sushi restaurant in the city.
  3. Let's laugh together on a certain topic. Find common topics that you both find funny, be it one of your mutual friends who never feel satisfied or the creepy poster behind a math class. Whatever the reason you two laughs together for, you're developing a stronger bond with him and showing him how funny you are.
    • If you find out what you can laugh together, it will create a secret joke and help you become closer.
    • You can even come up with an annoying story to laugh with. It could be an annoying teacher that neither of us can stand, or if both of them dislike a certain pop star, the two of you can laugh together.
  4. Get to know his friends. This is how to enter a man's heart by respecting his friends. If you make his friends love you, he will be more likely to love you. Going out and being friendly with his friends shows him that you are an interesting person who can get to know anyone and also let him know that you are showing your feelings. If you don't care about him, then you won't care about his friends either.
    • You should get to know his friends but make sure you are not always "hooked on" him, especially at men's events.
  5. Make a friendly offer. Once you get to know him a little, you can ask him to ride in the car or go for lunch if he seems to really need someone. If you can't do it, you can give him something. Even though this is a small act of caring for a friend, he will still find that you really care about him. Just make sure that he offers to help you, too, so that the relationship isn't one-sided.
    • If he misses a class, offer to copy the work for him or bring it to him.
    • If you meet him while shopping for coffee, ask him if he wants something to drink.
    • Just remember not to overdo it. If you're not yet his girlfriend, don't offer to do laundry for him or go to the grocery store.
  6. Ask for his phone number. If the two of you have been friends for a while and have been hanging out together more, it would be more natural to ask him for his number. Be gentle and don't ask in a way that invites him out on a date. Instead, ask him for a phone number so you can text him when everyone gets together at a restaurant, send a specific message about your party, or whatever. If he was a gentleman, he would not refuse or think it was odd.
    • Having a guy's phone number will help strengthen your communication with him. Now you can start texting and take your relationship to the next level.
    • Once you have his phone number, make sure you're not the only one calling or texting him.


  • Remember that you don't have to have the same interests as him. Guys can love things that are weird to you, don't pretend you love too. Even so, just show that you support what makes him happy (e.g., Different Music Gu).
  • It's best to be friendly with his friends, but don't overdo it or he might think you like his friends and / or just use him to get to know his friends. Just be a mutual friend.
  • Don't joke around too much. If you want to make fun of it, be moderate. If your jokes go too far, he'll think you're the type of person who likes to joke around and will start to have a bad impression of you. And you don't want that to happen.
  • Don't worry if you think you've done or said something too stupid, because if he likes you, he will understand.
  • Don't be disappointed if you feel too stressed out doing something like this. Just smile and / or wave at him.
  • Be yourself. If he wants to change you, then he doesn't have to be the person you're looking for.
  • Don't be a stalker. If you know some of his information, don't go foolish enough to tell anyone or try to find out more.Find out more about him once you get to know him.
  • Usually a guy in the “Friendship Zone” will not be able to see you more than a friend. They will usually just treat you like one of his friends. Understand the difference between being a friend and just being in the friendship zone.
  • Don't initiate a conversation with problems they don't know; like makeup, women's movies, or how fat you are.
  • Teasing him. If you are talking and hanging out with him, then you have to leave you can always tell him, "I like you very much" or "You're cute" and then leave. This action will make you more mysterious. If he doesn't like you, he won't continue. If he is interested, he will continue to see you.
  • Don't talk about yourself. Let him see that you are more interested in what he says, and prefer to hear him talk about himself than you do.
  • Be yourself. A guy should really love you for his own sake. If you behave differently and he loves you, then to some extent when you get back to yourself, he realizes you've changed. Always be yourself and act as if you were with your friends.