How to show a girl that you like her

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell A Girl You Like Her (Without Getting Friend-zoned)
Video: How To Tell A Girl You Like Her (Without Getting Friend-zoned)


If you're looking to build a relationship with a girl but don't know how to get started, here are a few tips that will help you break the gap.


  1. First of all, please make friend with her. Trying to control your libido and see her as a girl, not a challenge of conquest. Your first goal is to get to know her as much as possible, not just looks.
    • Team up with her on a science or history project. Show that you are an easy person to work with, give it your best, and listen to what she says. Perhaps a friendship will begin.
    • Choose her when you choose a group for sports activities.After the game, give her some encouragement that she did a great job and that you are happy to play with her.
    • Build a strategic friendship with one of her friends. It doesn't matter who that friend is, as long as you don't flirt publicly with her. That friend should give you a chance to be introduced.

  2. Say "Hello" to her when you see her nearby, but don't overdo it, otherwise she will get scared.
  3. Look into her eyes and smile. Making eye contact is a great way to show a girl that you like her without saying it out loud. Make eye contact with her, don't shy away and don't stare under her neck during this particular moment. If she looks back at you, smiles or blushes, then maybe you have a chance. If she is upset or gives you a "what the heck is that?" Look, pause for a moment. However, keep in mind that she may be noticed by the opposite sex a lot, so it may be a habitual look if you are a stranger or almost unfamiliar. Don't give up hope just for a little annoyance, maybe there's something in her shoes? Wait a while and then try again.

  4. Go ahead and Introduce yourself. Don't rush, be slow, and remember, you are trying to make friends. Being overly positive will often make her feel scared or scared.
    • A really simple and basic introduction would be very helpful. You can say: "Hello, my name is. Nice to meet you". You don't have to need cheesy saws to impress her.
    • If you're a bit shy or shy, you can go over to her and say: "I would be very sorry if this is a bit awkward, but I am really thrilled being around pretty girls. My name is". Maybe she will vibrate if you do this naturally.
    • If you are more confident and want to add a bit of appeal to your introduction, try something like: "I hope you understand that it's hard to muster the courage to talk to the prettiest girl in school. My name is. May I get to know you?"

  5. Start a conversation. Talk about a safety topic like school or the weather, then ask her a few things about herself. It is very important to listen to her answer! Don't talk about yourself too much. Focus on her.
    • Avoid talking about religion, politics or "controversial" topics. Beliefs and politics are not appropriate topics to discuss because they will cause strong emotions and divide us into parties or religious groups. This means that if you are religious and she is not, or she is part of a party and you are not, she most likely won't give you a chance without considering other qualities. your. Keep some religious and political topics for discussion later.
    • Choose one thing that you think she really cares about. People often like to talk about herself, and naturally she will like to talk about herself, about her interests or interests. If she is prompted to talk about one of these things, you won't need to talk much and the conversation will feel very natural.
    • Pay attention to what she says. Show interest in her as an individual. If you really think about what she said and remember them, you can use them in a way that benefits you: they can help you come up with the best gift or start a joke. but only two people understand.
  6. Compliment her on something she's good at or interested in instead of her looks. Her appearance is godsend but she has achieved her own accomplishments. Find some of her skills like drawing, singing, or sports. Be honest with your compliments.
    • It is said that women often try hard to look beautiful, so if she has a new hairstyle or a new bag, you might as well notice that, especially if she has great taste. Just being able to recognize something new or different about her shows that you care, and that you like her.
    • Emphasize the aspect she wants to be seen with. Does she see herself as an athlete, thinker or a social worker? Give her compliments that make her feel surprisingly well coordinated, intelligent, or compassionate. Find out how she wants to be seen and then compliment her on it.
  7. Continue to show concern for her. If this is a fleeting encounter and will be your only chance to show her how you feel, flirt a little more than usual.
    • If you're with friends, ask her if she wants to hang out with your friends. If she's busy, ask if she wants to hang out at another time. This would be the perfect time to get her number.
    • Break the touch barrier. While talking to her, gently touch her hand, arm, or shoulder. These are safe places to touch a girl, as long as she knows you. If you do it the right way and she likes you, it will make her feel very excited.
    • Please tease her a bit. If you are friends, tease her gently (make sure she knows you're joking!) Or offer to piggyback on her. Don't act too much, but don't be shy!
  8. Patience. These things take time. But by giving her all of her attention, she will eventually find out that you like her.
    • In the meantime, use all possible opportunities to invite her to a dance, swim or rock climbing, invite her to a party, or join her and her friends. Make sure you have a good relationship with her.
  9. Look for signs of affection from both sides. Try to read her body language. Does she lean towards you? Did she just gently touch your arm? Does she respond to your gaze? Does she play with her hair, smile or giggle? If so, chances are she likes you too. You have made quite a bit of an impression on her!
  10. Choose your next course of action. Once you have completed all of the above, what to do next is completely up to you.
    • You can invite her on a date if you feel you have a chance. You can really make a strong impression on her on a great date.
    • You can give her a gentle first kiss or even a daring French kiss. Be careful though, as this can ruin your first appointment and better be saved for later.
    • Perhaps what you really want is to know how to flirt before you actually move on. Look no further. You will be able to juggle soon!


  • Behave with confidence and be yourself. Confidence is the deciding factor, and dignity is inevitable.
  • Learn to understand what others mean. Some girls will simply dislike you, that's life. If you really upset her, leave and don't make things worse.
  • Be brave and let her know how you feel about her - procrastinating will often only lead to regret and a waste of opportunity. If you never ask, you never know. Dealing with rejection is not a big deal and it will make you a stronger person.
  • If you become good friends with her friends, chances are she will like you more quickly.
  • Don't act too "fidgety", especially in the early stages it can get too overwhelming. You should also try not to be too earnest.
  • Hope for the best, but don't forget to be prepared for the worst. Don't keep a grim face when you invite her, but don't be an overly excited little puppy without prejudice.
  • Always trust the voice of the heart, not the reason. If you don't feel confident enough to approach her, don't do it.
  • Be careful where you touch her. You probably don't want her to feel uncomfortable around you and hurting her.
  • Look her in the eye and when she does look back away and smile.
  • As a girl, I know that there are guys who don't make it clear enough sometimes. In my experience, you can give some suggestions, although it may not be strong enough, otherwise she will reach out to others if she does not receive a signal from you.


  • Never brag to a friend about how well you and her are in relationship. If it gets to her ears, you'll be seen as immature. Girls don't want your friends to know if they've kissed or slept with you, no matter if you're a great guy. In fact, one thing that makes you an attractive guy is that you keep the secret of what happened between you and her.
  • If a girl shows you that she likes you (whether you like her or not), you should still be careful when talking to your friends about it. Some friends may tease her and make her feel uncomfortable, and that is not at all cool. On the other hand, you won't want to be laughed at by her friends (whether behind or in front) when you show her your feelings.
  • If she tries to kiss you, be careful with how fast you are moving - you can make her feel like that's all you want.