How to Show Love

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to love and be loved | Billy Ward | TEDxFoggyBottom
Video: How to love and be loved | Billy Ward | TEDxFoggyBottom


You may be afraid to confess to someone you love, but it will be much easier to confess your feelings than you do. With a little preparation, you can turn your confession into a memorable milestone in your life.


Part 1 of 3: Situation assessment

  1. Review the situation. Consider the right time and assess the situation carefully. Consider your relationship with your partner and try to guess how they'll accept your confession. Ask yourself if the other person loves you too. If so, you just need to find ways to proactively speak. If not, you may need to think carefully.
    • You may have feelings for a friend, but you are not sure if he / she loves you. You will need to think carefully about how your confession will affect your friendship. Loving your best friend can be a great experience - as long as they have feelings for you, too.

  2. Make sure you love If you've never loved anyone, it will be difficult to understand the meaning of your confession. There are three types of love: affection between friends, affection for family, and love between couples. If you really feel like you love the person, you should let them know. However, it's important to consider how important it is to say you love someone.
    • Each person has a different definition of love. Some people argue that young people tend to confuse "true love" with infatuation at the level of being superficial or "first love". Others believe you can feel deep and meaningful love at any age.

  3. Be sincere with your intentions. Don't tell the person "I love you" just because you want them to take care of you more. You should only say love words if you plan to continue pursuing the relationship. Couples love often involves a degree of concern and promise to the other party.

  4. Try starting with less serious statements. If you are not confident, try saying emotional words that are not too serious. You can say this, I will go out with me, "I really like you" or "You make me very happy". "I love you" is probably the most influential quote - but it's not the only way to let someone know that you care about them.
    • Say you love something about the other person. Try saying, "I love the way you dance" or "I love the way you think".
    • Think about how little pressure the person will react to a confession. If he / she accepts your confession and says they like you very much, there is a high chance that your love will be accepted.
  5. Brave. Life is short and love is a truly sincere feeling. If you love someone, it doesn't always mean that they love you, or maybe one day they won't love you anymore. However, love is an inner feeling and you cannot ignore it. Sometimes, the only way is to go ahead and express it, even when you're worried. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Setting up the space

  1. Choose a romantic space. Find a quiet place where you can have a private conversation. Invite him / her to a restaurant, or garden, or more generally, somewhere outside in the sun. Make sure the other person feels safe and comfortable.
    • A specific place will depend on who you confess to. Choose a place that is special to you two.
  2. Create meaningful moments. You may both be serious about confessing feelings, so make the moment special. You can plan ahead or wait until you are both getting along. That moment can be extremely romantic or simply happy. Express your love when you really want it.
    • This can happen during a beautiful sunset after a great date, or when "your favorite song" is played during an important school dance, or when you are both having a good laugh and Very happy just being together.
    • Watch romantic scenes on movies or TV shows for inspiration. Analyze the scenes where the protagonists confess their love. You need to understand the feelings you want to express.
  3. Make sure you have your own space. You can express your love in a public place if you think it is appropriate. However, keep in mind that your partner may not like it when she is noticed by others. Think carefully if you are not sure how the other person will react. When the two of you can talk privately, the other person will have space to respond freely.
  4. Plan to confess. Make arrangements to see the person if you have not had a date. In that moment, let it happen naturally. However, you can certainly create a space for your confession to be romantic and timely.Don't be in a rush and know what you're going to say.
    • You can also write a love letter if you can't be with your loved one. This approach is still very emotional although it's a bit theoretical.
  5. Attract your partner's full attention. Don't confess when the other person is distracted or when they are leaving. Loving words are more effective when you look into each other's eyes passionately. If you have a special occasion together, have the courage to confess your love. Sometimes, we have to admit, there is no such thing as a "right moment". You can get the person's attention by saying, "I have something important to tell you." advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Confession

  1. Make eye contact with the other person. When you feel it's time to speak, gaze at the person with passion. Eye contact is a signal that shows you being honest. It also helps you instantly identify the other person's feelings when you say love words and helps you both feel connected.
  2. Say "I love you" or "I love you". Just simple as that. If you truly love that person, you don't need to change or add any other poses. However, if you feel ready, it shouldn't be a problem to add the romantic element and boost your emotions a bit. The most important thing is to be sincere and honest. Say you love the person so much that you feel like you need to.
    • Consider explaining a story that led to your love for your significant other. You should be truthful, sincere, and sweet. Confess your love in your own way and make your ex feel special.
    • Depending on how comfortable you are, you can choose to confess in a casual or formal way. Make sure the other person understands you're being serious.
  3. Kiss that person. If the person you love says "I love you too": rejoice! This is a special occasion. Actively control the flow of your feelings of love and elevate it to an even more wonderful experience. Whatever happens, this is a life event that you will remember for many years.
  4. Calm. Give your ex more time to process your loving words. In some cases, the other person will be more than willing to say they love you too. On the other hand, if your confession surprises them, they may need to think twice. Listen and respect them. Don't make any assumptions yourself.
    • If your partner doesn't reciprocate your feelings, that's fine too. You will probably get hurt, but don't get angry. Accept it.
  5. Proud of myself. Regardless of how the person responds, be proud of saying your feelings. You have the courage to tell someone that you love them and that you sincerely. Either way: your partner now understands your feelings. advertisement


  • Calm and polite. If your ex needs time to think about your confession, give them time. You cannot force love.
  • If you can't speak up, try writing a love letter. This is probably easier.
  • Don't infer the worst for yourself. If they don't love you, don't assume it will harm your friendship or that you will never confess.
  • Practice speaking in front of the mirror. This way, you can get used to how it feels.
  • Prepare in advance. Think about what you will say and try to imagine how you would react if the person agreed or refused.
  • Confidence when you confess. This will help the other person believe in your love.
  • To flirt with a cuteness; Maybe you blush when you tell someone you like them.