Ways to be more confident

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 tips to boost your confidence - TED-Ed
Video: 3 tips to boost your confidence - TED-Ed


Confidence is important for comfortable social communication, performing well in school and advancing in your career. If you lack confidence, you should learn to become more confident as it can be beneficial. You can build your self-confidence by understanding social situations that cause you to lack confidence, using tactics to feel better about yourself, learning to assert yourself in social situations, and maintaining attitudes. positive. Read the following article to learn how to be confident.


Method 1 of 4: Identify Challenges

  1. Build awareness of negative thoughts and beliefs. To become more confident, you need to identify negative thoughts and beliefs. Always have a notebook with you so you can write down your negative thoughts and beliefs any time they come to mind. Then, review what you've written and try to identify the source of these thoughts. What situation or character is the cause of these thoughts and beliefs?

  2. Identify situations that affect your confidence. Many people have factors that affect confidence in a negative way. Try to identify situations and locations that have a negative effect on how you feel about yourself. Being aware of the situation can help you clearly point out how you feel.
    • For example, you might find yourself losing confidence when you go to the gym. Think about what makes you doubt and judge yourself to help improve your confidence. Would you feel better wearing different clothes? Using other exercise machines? Or go to the gym when there are more people?

  3. Determine if others are the cause of your loss of confidence. A comment from a friend or family member can also negatively affect your confidence. If you think the person has a negative effect on your confidence, you need to find a way to deal with them.
  4. Reconsider your lifestyle. Exercise, diet, and rest all have an impact on how you feel about yourself. If you don't take good care of yourself, you will end up thinking that you are not worthy. Send positive signals to your mind by taking care of your physical needs and staying healthy.

  5. Review the environment. A comfortable environment will help us feel more confident. If your home is not clean and inviting it can affect how you feel about yourself. Do your best to keep the house (or at least your room) clean and tidy. Place meaningful items around to make your home special. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Become more confident

  1. Use active self-chat. Positive daily affirmations can help you become more confident. Take some time before going to work or school to look at yourself in the mirror and say something encouraging. You can say what you believe or like about yourself. Here are a few examples of positive affirmations:
    • "I am an intelligent person."
    • "I am a good father."
    • "I have accomplished many important things in life."
    • "People like to be around me."
  2. Recognize and challenge negative thoughts. Everyone has negative thoughts, but the person who lacks confidence will overwhelm them. It's important to understand and challenge your negative thoughts in order to become confident. Learn to perceive and say what you don't accept in this thought.
    • For example, if you have the thought "I am a fool" you need to realize that this is just your own thought by telling yourself, "I have thoughts that I am a fool." Then, challenge the thought by replacing it with a more positive thought, such as "I'm smart."
  3. Visualize yourself becoming confident. Visualization is a powerful tool to help you become more confident. To use visualization, close your eyes and imagine a moment when you were successful with something and felt extremely confident. Try to remember every detail of that moment, where you were, with whom, what you said, how you felt. Repeat that moment in your head every day to build your confidence.
  4. Write self-confidence boosting notes. Sticky sticky notes around the house can help you feel more confident. Write positive messages for yourself on sticky notes and stick them around the house, at your desk or on the locker at school. The more often you see positive messages, the more confidence you have in yourself.
    • You can write on a sticky note like this: "You are talented!" "You have the best idea!" or "You're doing well!" Use your imagination to create your own message of encouragement.
  5. Stay with the optimistic people. The people around you can make a big impact on your confidence level. If your friend often criticizes you or has a negative attitude, then it's time to change. You can talk to them about negative comments or try to get them to stop saying things that hurt your confidence.
    • Keep in mind that you cannot change others. You can only change the way you treat people. Try to be optimistic if the people around you are pessimistic.
  6. Take good care of yourself. Exercise, healthy food, rest, and relaxation are all important elements of self-confidence. When you take good care of yourself, you send your mind signals that you deserve to be cared for. Make sure you take the time to meet basic needs like exercise, eating, sleeping, and relaxation.
    • Aim for 30 minutes of exercise each day.
    • Eat a balanced diet with a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
    • Get 8 hours of sleep each night.
    • Take at least 15 minutes a day to practice yoga, deep breathing exercises or meditation.

Method 3 of 4: Assert Yourself

  1. Understand the importance of asserting yourself. Stand up for yourself or simply speak up when you want to join a story that shows you are confident. If you lack confidence, you may find it difficult to assert yourself. By building assertion, you will feel more confident and people will see you as confident.
  2. Recognize your rights. Part of asserting yourself is believing your voice deserves to be heard. Think about why people should hear, believe, and respect what you say. Try keeping a journal of your thoughts and feelings that you can't tell at society, at school, or at work.
  3. Identify situations in which you need to assert yourself. If you have trouble asserting yourself, there will be extremely difficult situations. Think about what the situation is and why it keeps you from speaking up or standing up for yourself. Take note of the situation and what you want to change in the future.
    • Describe the situation and participants. Places and characters you cannot assert yourself.
    • Describe your feelings. How do you feel when you can't or don't assert yourself?
    • Describe what you want to change. What would you like to change about the way you react to that situation?
  4. Practice assert yourself. Before asserting yourself in a challenging situation, take time to practice more. You can either practice on your own or ask a close friend to help you. Start testing out a few simple situations where you need to assert yourself and gradually increase the difficulty. The way to assert yourself is to repeat assertions in a calm, slow tone.
    • For example, imagine that your friend asks you to party with her on a weekend and that you don't want to go because you feel tired. Just tell her, “I don't want to go to a party. I want to stay home and rest. "
    • Remember to speak in a calm voice. Don't scream or be angry. Just repeat the affirmation every time she begs you to agree to go to a party.
    • Always keep in mind that emulation will not be the same as real life situations. Try to incorporate all sorts of reactions into your role to make sure you are as prepared as possible.
  5. Assert yourself in real life. After practicing and feeling more confident in your ability to speak and stand up for yourself, you can try asserting yourself in real life. As with a situation simulator, you can start with simple situations to gradually build confidence in more difficult situations.
    • Try asserting yourself in small ways first, such as giving an opinion in a conversation or speaking out in a meeting.
    • As you become more confident, try asserting yourself in complex situations, such as fighting someone or turning down a close friend or co-worker.

Method 4 of 4: Demonstrating Confidence in Social Situations

  1. Learn to accept a compliment. Compliments ease the tension between you and your partner and help make the interaction more positive. You will find it difficult to accept other people's compliments if you are not really confident. You may feel uncomfortable or decline a compliment. To become more confident, you need to learn to gratefully accept a compliment. Next time someone compliments you, don't deny it, but say thank you for the compliment.
    • For example, you can respond to a compliment by saying, “Thank you. I appreciate this. ” Or simply say "Thank you!".
    • Make sure you also know how to praise others. Complimenting others distracts attention away from yourself, which can make you more confident. A unique compliment will help show your confidence.
  2. Accept that you cannot change others. Sometimes people lack confidence because they rely too much on other people's reactions to them. To become more confident, you have to accept that you cannot change others and that you cannot influence their responses. You can only control yourself. Strive to be accepted by many. Avoid explaining their mistakes and trying to change them.
  3. Learn to be optimistic. Part of being confident is being positive, even when others try to discourage you. Remember that you are in control of your own future, goals, and happiness. If other people damage your confidence, remind yourself of your accomplishments and admirable grades. Look at everything in a positive direction!
    • Try smiling or laughing, even if you don't want to. Research has shown that even a forced smile can help you feel more optimistic and confident.
  4. Maintain your composure. Staying calm in difficult situations is not easy, but being calm when situations do arise will help you feel more confident and show others that you are confident. Try taking deep breaths when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, angry, or disappointed. As you breathe, slowly count to and then begin to deal with the problem. advertisement


  • Consider talking to a mental health professional if you have social concerns, extreme lack of confidence or being unable to assert yourself despite exercise. An expert can help you overcome these problems.


  • If your friend or colleague regularly discourages you and interferes with your confidence level, try talking to your teacher or human resources representative about the issue. Don't let yourself be bullied.