Ways to Break Into Your Own Home

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Break Into Your Own House
Video: How to Break Into Your Own House


The door just clicked a click when you suddenly remember you left the key in the house. Isn't that a bad situation? Solutions vary depending on the time of day, but it will cost a lot if you call a locksmith. However, you won't be helpless when locked out outside. You can enter the house by prying open the windows to climb over, pressing the plastic card against the spring lock, or removing the door handle - all options don't have to ruin anything.


Method 1 of 5: Enter the house through the window

  1. Break into the house through the open window. The first floor windows are the easiest and safest to climb, but also the most commonly locked windows. The second floor window is likely to be left open, but be careful - you definitely don't want to fall, right?
    • If there are no stairs available, you must brainstorm to find a way to reach the second floor window. Is there an escape route you can climb up? Is there a fence? Are there any greenery nearby? No matter what you climb on to, you have to check it to make sure it is secure.
    • Hinged windows can be easily picked up with your fingers or a thin object if not locked.

  2. Borrow a neighbor's screwdriver. You shouldn't be shy or shy. Most people have "locked themselves out the door", so they will sympathize with your situation.
    • Flattened screw drivers are the best fit, but if they put a bake screwdriver you should try it too.
    • This technique is effective for partially removing or prying open windows. Just a small opening can help you poke inside to unlock.

  3. Remove the window splint trim. A brace is a plastic or metal strip attached to a window frame. Insert the end of the screwdriver into a corner of the brace mounting groove and pry open little by little. Pry gradually to the opposite corner.When you pry the full length, you can pull out the rim of the window brace.
    • Check the window corners to see if the vertical brace (top and bottom) edges overlap the horizontal brace trim (left and right). Remove the upper brace front.
    • When you remove the brace, you can deform it. Some bracing types can be quite expensive. You should remember this before you start picking.
    • Depending on your situation, you may be able to leave the brace in place but still be able to pry the windows. Some windows do not have a trim.

  4. Pry open the window from the bottom edge. Insert the head of a screwdriver between the glass panel and the door frame. You should use light force when inserting the screwdriver between the glass panel and the door frame to pry open the glass. The window's glass panel will expand quite easily.
  5. Remove the window pane. Use your other hand to support the glass so it will not fall down when pried open. Slide the glass out of the door frame and set aside, you can now enter through the empty doorway.
    • If the window has a small doorway, reach inside to find a key, lock or handle.
    • If the glass breaks, be extra careful. The jagged shattered glass may be sharper than you think.
    • If you get a cut in your hand, get first aid and see a doctor.

Method 2 of 5: Open the door with the plastic card

  1. Check the lock. The plastic tag technique is only effective for spring-pin locks. This type of padlock usually has a handle design to rotate when you want to open the door. Turn the handle to make sure the lock is closed. If you cannot rotate it, the lock is locked.
    • There is a dead bolt on or under the handle. If the handle moves but the door does not open, the bolt is locked and you must use another method.
    • This method is not effective for modern locks that are designed to resist opening with plastic tags.
  2. Choose an unimportant card to unlock. When you unlock it with a plastic card, the card can be damaged. Therefore, you should avoid using important cards like credit cards. Library cards or scorecards are easier to make new cards.
    • The plastic injection card is most effective. This card is flexible and can be inserted into the gap between the door and the door frame quite easily.
  3. Insert the card into the gap between the door and the door frame. Press the door with moderate force with your non-dominant hand to create a gap between the door and the door frame, making it easier to insert the card. Insert the card into this slot just above the handle and at the angle facing down.
    • If there is mold on the door frame, the gap will be very narrow, so the unlocking process will be more difficult. In this case, you should use other methods to avoid costly damage.
  4. Use a tag to locate the lock mechanism. Is the card inserted in the door slot? Tuck it deeper between the handle and door frame until the card is blocked. That is the locking mechanism that you need to push to detach it.
    • Use the bottom edge of the card to look around. You should feel the bevel of the pin facing you.
    • If the bevel is not facing you, you must use a long card that slides behind the latch to open from behind.
  5. Use the lever card to separate it from the door. Press the card against the doorframe to apply pressure on the latch. It will be difficult to separate the pin completely this way, but when you feel it move, push the door open.
    • You may be struggling for a while. Try different positions until you find the position that will push the handle out the most.
    • While this is not necessary for some types of latches, it can help open the door if you gently rotate the handle with your other hand.

Method 3 of 5: Open the door by removing the handle or removing the door

  1. You will have to use some tools. You can unlock the lock by removing the handle, and even a good lock won't stop you when the door is removed from the hinge. To remove the handle you need a screwdriver or paper clip; For a hinge, you need a nail and a hammer, like a hammer or a rock.
    • You can borrow these from a neighbor's house or look in the inventory. If the car is open then you can find some emergency equipment there.
    • Depending on the type of door you will need a suitable screwdriver. Doors with handles and hinges are often used with bake screws.
    • Even if you don't have a screwdriver, you can open the screws with a thin, hard tool, like a knife or a bent pin.
  2. Remove the handle by opening the screws that connect the handle to the door. If you're lucky, you'll see screws that connect the handle to the door. These screws can be opened easily with a screwdriver to remove the handle. Pull the handle from the door and push the latch with your finger.
    • Depending on the type of lock installed in the door, you may be able to unlock it as soon as the handle is removed, or a secondary mounting plate may have to be removed.
    • Some handles have only one screw that attaches the handle to the reel (both the inner and outer handles are mounted on that shaft). To remove the handle, remove the screw that connects the handle to the door.
  3. Use the paper clip to remove the handle type without the clearly exposed connection screws. Some handles have a pin hole in the front of the knob instead of a screw that catches the door. Insert a thin metal bar, like an extended paper clip, into the hole and at the same time twist the handle to push the door open.
    • In some cases, the screws or bolts connecting the handle to the door are only accessible from the inside of the house.
  4. Lift the door off the hinge if possible. The hinge is usually the weakest part of the door, you just need to use a nail to solve the problem. Place a nail (or similar object) in the bottom of the hinge hole. Then, use a tool (such as a hammer or a rock) attached to the nail to push the hinge shaft away. Do the same with the remaining hinges.
    • Even though the hinge shaft has been partially pushed by the nail, it is still quite tight. For easier removal, use a chisel screwdriver underneath the shaft rim to push it out.
    • As with handles, well-designed doors will not have an outside hinge shaft. You will not be able to remove the door from the hinge if you encounter this type of door.
  5. Lift the glass door out of the slide to enter the house. Unlike conventional hinged doors, sliding glass doors are not directly connected to the home structure. Most are in the rails and locked in place, so just lift the door out of the groove to get in.
    • You can lift the sliding door out of the trench by leveraging the door with one or two flattened screws, but using crowbar is best.
    • Be careful when pulling the door out of the slide. If the door falls down, it may be severely damaged.
    • To reinforce the sliding door that is difficult to break into, you should use an extra bolt to lock the door.

Method 4 of 5: How to open garage doors

  1. Find an aluminum clothes hanger. Maybe you have a spare hook in your car or in an outdoor warehouse, otherwise you have to knock on a neighbor's door to borrow a hook. You can use any wire, but it should be stiff and flexible.
    • Even a wire as thin as an electric wire can be used by folding it in half to increase its rigidity.
  2. Straighten the clothes hanger into a long tree with a hook at the end. This tree is as long as possible. If the tree is not long enough, wrap the head without hooks around another tree to increase its length, such as a branch.
    • If possible, fold the rope made from the clothes hanger in half to increase the stiffness. But this is only possible if you have one more hook or have excess wire.
  3. Pass the tree through the gap in the garage door. For some garages this is not possible. But if your garage has an opening in it, you can pass the hook through it.
    • It's easier to get the tree into the gap next to the door, but you'll need to thread the tree in the center of the door to unlock it.
    • Take care when doing this if there is a soft plastic brace around the door. Inserting the tree between the brace and the door frame can damage the brace, and replacement costs are quite expensive.
  4. Hook it on the door latch and yank it open. The manual clamp is usually located just below the lever attached to the garage door. Use the probe to pull the latch down until you can push open the door.
    • A variety of wired garage doors connect to an opening that you can pull open from the inside. Use this rope as a guide as you search for an open mechanism.
    • If you can't look into the garage, do a search along the metal groove leading to the engine opening. When you find a ledge protruding from the groove leading to the rear of the engine, the opening mechanism is found.

Method 5 of 5: Find support

  1. Get in touch with a friend, relative or another person holding the key. If you have given the key to a friend, relative or neighbor, now is the time to ask for it again. If you don't have your phone, go over to a neighbor's house to call the person who holds the key.
  2. Please support the host. This is usually the last resort. Asking a landlord to come open the door usually costs money, but “only if” they pick up the phone. If the landlord does not answer the phone, or you cannot find the number, this option is also not viable.
  3. Call the locksmith. Locksmiths are trained to unlock and have tools to handle, so they can surely open the door without causing damage. The cost of calling a locksmith depends on your location, which can range from $ 15 - $ 75 (in the US), or depending on the lock. advertisement


  • A little person can get through the wide doorway and open the door for you from the inside. However, if the gates are narrow, this is not feasible. You don't want to damage the door by trying to get through, do you (or get the person stuck).
  • Keep spare keys outside of your home in a safe place, or send one to a neighbor.
  • Screwdrivers can be a savior when you're locked out outside. You can hide a screwdriver in a private place for use in an emergency (like when you need to break into your home).


  • You must repair any damage to the house / door / locks after opening the door, especially when the property is rented. The cost to fix some damage can be quite high (like broken furniture). If in doubt, ask a locksmith.
  • In theory, you could be arrested for breaking into your own home, but this is unlikely if you can prove yourself a legal resident.
  • Security companies warn you not to break into your own home. If your home has a high degree of security, anyone cannot break in.

What you need

Enter the house through the window

  • Stairs
  • Screwdrivers

Open the door by removing the handle or removing the door

  • Screwdrivers
  • Nail (or similar object)
  • Paperclip (or similar object, optional)