How to be proud of yourself

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Be Proud of Yourself - Motivational Video
Video: How to Be Proud of Yourself - Motivational Video


Self-esteem and self-confidence come from strong self-esteem, optimistic beliefs you hold in yourself, your talents, and your accomplishments. Your low self-esteem can make you feel bad about yourself. An inferiority complex also makes it harder to be proud of yourself, and can even cause serious emotional problems. To increase your ability to feel proud of yourself, you can use simple strategies to challenge negative thoughts and build confidence.


Method 1 of 2: Challenge negative thinking

  1. Realize what you are grateful for. Comparing yourself to others is a common type of negative thought. This can make it harder to feel proud of yourself. If you find yourself comparing yourself to others, stop for a moment and identify the things you are grateful for that can help.
    • For example, when you look for something to feel grateful for, you may find yourself healthy or having a loyal friend. Focus on this or this person for a few minutes to bring your attention to the more positive thinking. Consider why you feel grateful for this or this person.
    • Keep a diary of things you feel should be grateful for each day. Over time, this can help you develop more positive thinking patterns.

  2. Avoid causes of negative thoughts. Sometimes a small change in the scenery can help you stop negative thoughts. If you are stuck in a negative rut for a while, get up and go somewhere.
    • For example, you could try taking a walk outside or sitting in another room in the house for a while.
    • Ask yourself if those negative thoughts were rooted in other people's expectations or criticisms. If that's the case, remind yourself that you are the last to distinguish between what is wrong and what is right.

  3. Remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes negative thoughts can arise from the belief that you have made a mistake and that someone else is not. Try to remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes, even when you can't see them.
    • For example, an office colleague seems to have it all, but she may be dealing with serious personal problems that you don't know about.
    • Don't torture yourself about your mistakes. Even if there are things that you want to change about yourself, it won't do you any good to be tormented about it.

  1. Stand up for yourself. No one has the right to hurt, offend, or intimidate you. If you are being bullied or criticized in ways that interfere with your pride, you may need to talk to someone like a teacher, counselor, or human resource manager to stand up for yourself. me.
    • Remember that people who bully or criticize others do this because they feel insecure about themselves. Understanding that your bully may be yelling at yourself for his or her own pain and problems can help you cope better. The criticism isn't necessarily about you, but about their feelings of inadequacy.
  2. Learn to accept constructive criticism. While you should defend yourself from insults, it's important to open up to constructive criticism. Criticism can be hard to hear, even if it is constructive. Learning how to acknowledge and respond to constructive comments can help you improve yourself and can be a great source of pride.
    • Try to refrain from reacting first when you accept a comment. Thank you that person. Then, tacitly confronted what they had said in mind. Spend a day or two thinking about the criticism. Wondering what you can learn from that criticism?
    • Suppose you receive your essay back from a professor. It's sad to only get a C- and the review says "the idea is confusing." Instead of getting angry, reread your essay when you have a clear head. When you write it makes it clear. So does it still make sense when read the second time? Try to understand the criticism instead of setting it aside.
  3. Turn negative thoughts into effective questions. Obviously, thinking about the worst-case scenario is not reasonable or good for you, but you can turn negative thoughts into effective questions, and this will help you grow and succeed. The next time you have a negative thought, try to turn it into a question in order to achieve your goal.
    • For example, if you find yourself thinking, "I will never find a new job," stop and challenge that thought. It's not real, and it stems from something unrealistic (your worries). Instead of accepting this negative thought, turn it into a question, such as, "What can I do to give myself the best chance for an interview?"
  4. Stay away from negative people. Keep distance from people who disparage and oppose you. If you can, try to avoid this person and be with the optimistic people. Sometimes it's hard to avoid a negative person, like your boss or a close family member. In these situations, prepare yourself before and after meeting the person.
    • Try to tell yourself the positives. Before or after meeting someone you don't want to see, it can be helpful to look in the mirror and praise yourself. For example, you could say something like, "I'm smart, capable, and hardworking!"
  5. Seek help from a therapist. If you feel that overcoming negative thoughts is a protracted battle, talk to a licensed mental health professional. You may need guidance to fix problems and feel better about yourself.A therapist can help you overcome negative thoughts and can help you determine if you are suffering from depression or are battling another mental issue.

Method 2 of 2: Build yourself

  1. Visualize your success. This method of visualizing your own success in something can also help increase your self-confidence. Try to think about a time when you really felt confident and recreate that moment in your head. If not, imagine your success in terms of something you hope to achieve. You can repeat this process every time you need more confidence.
    • Make sure you imagine your success in as much detail as possible. What do you look like Who was with you at that time? What would you say?
  2. Stand upright and walk confidently. The way you move your body can make a big difference in how confident you feel. Try to stand up straight and maintain good posture, even when walking. To maintain good posture, imagine yourself balancing something overhead as you move.
  3. Dress. How you feel about your appearance can affect your confidence, so wear clothes that help you feel confident about your appearance. Choose clothes that fit, flatter your physique, and be of good quality.
    • Try to wear clothes that are appropriate for the situation. For example, if you're going for an interview, a business suit or outfit will help you feel more confident than wearing a t-shirt and jeans.
  4. Keep a diary of your successes. Focusing on the good things in your life can help you feel more confident and happy. Take a few minutes each day to write down the good things that happen to you. For example, you might write about a recent achievement of yourself and the skills you used to handle difficult situations.
  5. Make a list of your strengths and successes. Having a list of all your successes, even the ones you consider small, can help. People who lack self-confidence often focus more on failure than on success, so it can sometimes be helpful to force yourself to look at the positives.
    • Think about why you are proud of these successes. Identifying why something makes you feel proud can help you be proud of another similar success.
  6. Share your success from time to time. Telling others about the things you do that makes you feel proud is a helpful way to show your pride and get support from others. Take time to share success from time to time, and you will feel better about yourself and forget what others think of you.
    • For example, you could post a picture of yourself receiving an award for good academic performance or tell a friend at the gym that you've increased your running speed.
  7. Use words of hope to encourage yourself. Try to be kind to yourself instead of always blaming yourself. For example, if you're going to have a presentation that worries you, don't tell yourself things like, "I will fail." Instead, tell yourself things like, "This is going to be difficult, but I know I can handle it."
    • At the same time, keep in mind that you are probably being more strict with yourself than necessary. For example, you might blame yourself for missing a presentation, but your co-workers won't even notice it and won't even know it.
  8. Forgive yourself. Remember that it's important to forgive yourself for making mistakes. Refusing to forgive yourself can prevent you from being proud of yourself, so try to forgive yourself as soon as possible.
    • For example, instead of blaming yourself, try to say things like, “I made a mistake, but it's okay. I am still an intelligent and capable person. "
  9. Encourage yourself to do better. To be proud of yourself even when things don't go your way, you will need to get in the habit of encouraging yourself. If something doesn't go according to your plan, try to re-adjust your expectations and encourage yourself to do better next time.
    • For example, if one of your school projects isn't getting the marks you want, you might say to yourself, “My project isn't perfect, but other students are still interested and Ask me a question. That means I've achieved my basic goal. ”
    • Be patient with yourself. It takes time to change yourself, so work hard every day.