How to organize a farewell party

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Organize a Committee for a Farewell Party : Party Planning & More
Video: How to Organize a Committee for a Farewell Party : Party Planning & More


The farewell party was held on many different occasions. This is a great way to say goodbye to your friends, co-workers, as well as loved ones and leave them fond memories. You can have a farewell party when someone leaves work, travels abroad, or begins a new journey in life. Organizing a party takes a bit of effort. From planning, inviting guests to preparing and honoring the main character has a lot to do. Luckily, you can mobilize your friends, co-workers, etc. to lend a hand. With a little arrangement and teamwork, you will have a memorable party for your guests.


Part 1 of 3: Party Planning

  1. Choose a theme. The most successful parties often revolve around a specific theme honoring the main character. Themes often highlight the person's upcoming journey and revisit the memories everyone has gone through.
    • If your friend is going away, think about topics that are relevant. You can organize a "good trip" with topics of travel and discovery. The party should focus on local specialties that your friend loves. Alternatively, you could give a little introduction to the culture and cuisine of their upcoming land.
    • If the main character of the party is about to leave the company and move to a new job. You could have a party highlighting the person's great accomplishments in the company.
    • Include your theme in invitations, dishes, decorations, etc. For example, if you have a friend going abroad, you can make colored cupcakes that represent that country. You can even decorate hats with one side a map of where they are going, and a map of where they are going.

  2. Find a party venue that matches the theme. Find a suitable place for a party. It could be your office, your restaurant, or even your home. You need to incorporate a place that can easily party and also where the main character will enjoy.
    • If a member of your family is going abroad for a while then your home is a good choice. If your colleague is about to retire or change jobs, your favorite office or restaurant is the right place.
    • Think about the person's preferences. Remember you are partying your friend. That must be where the protagonist likes. For example, if they are going away, you could have a party at a bar or a familiar restaurant. Try asking if you can rent the place for a few hours.
    • The party venue must be a special and intimate place. You need to have a good time without being distracted or distracting.

  3. Send an invitation. Send out cards early so everyone has enough time to arrange the party. When sending out invitations, you need to know who the main character of the party wants who is present. Invite close friends and family first. Consider your budget and limit the guest list if your budget doesn't, or you know the protagonist doesn't like to party big. Unless you want to have a surprise party, don't forget to invite the main character. You can even send a personalized personalized invitation.
    • Sending paper cards is a great way to encourage people to attend. Decorate your invitation to reflect the theme of the party.
    • If yes, you are going far away, you can design the card as an airplane ticket. Print on the card of departure and destination. Add detailed information such as time and place of the party to the card. Ask your guests to respond two or three weeks before the scheduled party to give you time to prepare the food.
    • You can also create an event on Facebook. Social media is a great way to invite people to discuss the details of a party. Create a social networking event with invitations.
    • People don't always follow an invitation if you're just inviting on social media. Furthermore, the invitation is a great souvenir and can be seen as part of a farewell gift or a souvenir board. But if you don't want to make paper invitations, you can design vivid electronic invitations.

  4. Ask everyone to contribute to the gift. You should give your special guest something to remember this moment. Love gifts are a great way to see off your friends or co-workers with beautiful memories. Ask the party attendees to contribute in some way.
    • If you're afraid to ask people to contribute money, that's okay. You can let the guests know that you are planning to find something for that special guest. Say you would appreciate any contribution.
    • Suggest other ways for everyone to get involved. If you do not want to ask for money, you can ask people to help decorate, arrange, cook or bring food, etc. Any donation will help.

Part 2 of 3: Organize the party details

  1. Assign tasks to everyone. Organizing an impressive farewell party can be difficult if you do it alone. But surely you will not have to do it alone because there will be many enthusiastic people in the group joining hands.
    • Assign people tasks to get the job done more easily. You could assign a friend the job of buying decorations. Assign someone responsible for the portion of the food. Maybe a handy friend is ready to help you make a scrapbook or gift.
    • Dividing duties will ensure the best of the party. And when the party comes, you can focus on that special guest.

  2. Decorate the party. Decorate the party venue to match its theme. You can decorate a mix of past and future. For example:
    • Shaping small ships or airplanes for people going abroad. Use the colors of the country your friends are going to and where they are about to bid farewell. You can divide the party room into two parts. Decorate one side with the colors and spots they love about this country, and the other half with colors and details symbolizing the culture of the new land.
    • Decorate with small clocks, work calendars or the like for the retiree. Plus, think about the things your coworkers have been talking about with gusto. Maybe that person once wished to sit on the porch reading a book. Then why don't you decorate a corner of the room like a porch? Add a comfortable chair and a small table with some books. This area can also be the "throne" for the main character of the party.
    • The banners have always been an effective ornament. Look for ribbons in the person's favorite color, or bring a breakup related icon. You can even make ribbons of maps of where the main character is going and about to leave.
    • Set up a special place where you can put a notebook or card for people to sign and write notes. You can also design this by theme. If they're going overseas, you can leave a bottle and small rolls of paper. People can write on paper and roll it into bottles.

  3. Prepare food. Unless you're planning a table-serving party, the "hand-to-hand" dishes will also be fun. Try to choose the dishes that you know the party's main character likes best.
    • Snacks, sandwiches and desserts are great for commuting and socializing.
    • On the other hand, a table-sitting meal might make more sense for the protagonist.
    • Use plates and utensils appropriate for the theme.
    • Prepare local favorites and / or foods that depict the culinary scene of your friend's new land. Or, if you're hosting a farewell party for a colleague, consider ordering food at the person's favorite restaurant near the office.
    • Find a local specialty beer or wine that your special guests love if everyone is of a drinking age. Sometimes a cold beer from a familiar place is memorable.

  4. Prepare your speech. Organize those who want to speak.
    • Speech can emphasize the good qualities of the main character, revolve around what that person means to you, and what you've learned from that person. Ask everyone to make a short speech to avoid a lengthy stretch.
    • Speeches can highlight a number of topics from funny stories to sincere memories and best wishes.
    • Make sure the protagonist has a chance to respond. However, you should not invite them to speak. The farewell party can be fun but also emotional, and your friend may not be ready to speak in front of people.
  5. Prepare a parting gift. Those who are about to leave will receive gifts at farewell parties.
    • Think about the protagonist of the party and their plight. Your friend may prefer a souvenir board or book over a store-bought gift. Also, think about where the person is going. If they are going overseas, give a small or useful gift to the trip.
    • In the party to see off retirees, normally retirees will be given traditional corporate gifts. However, you should also give your special guest a gift that can keep a memory of your time and company relationships.
    • For those going far away, look for a gift that can help with the trip. You may know that they are packing, but have yet to find a suitable travel backpack. Then everyone can come together to buy a great backpack to give to the main character of the party. If you are more thoughtful, add essential items to your backpack such as water bottles, toiletries and favorite snacks.
    • Think about the reason your guest is leaving and where they are going. Try to find one or more practical gifts for your friend. Don't give away things that are difficult or unnecessary.
    • Maybe your friend moved to another province. Instead of giving the person more items to pack and move, why not give them containers, or even hire a housekeeping service to help the person pack things? Or you and your friends will make a scrapbook together and give away practical items like travel backpacks and personal belongings.
    • If your coworker moves to another company, think of something reminiscent of the person about to break up with great memories with you but helpful for the person's new job. Maybe it's a unique design notebook or laptop case. Or you can also give the person a decoration to put on the desk.

Part 3 of 3: Honoring the main character of the party

  1. Take a lot of photos. You can email your photos or even print on canvas the best photos and send them to the parting person to keep a photo of the event and all attendees.
    • You can also make a notebook with group pictures of friends or colleagues sharing fun moments as an added gift.
  2. Play games that highlight the main character of the party. Organize games that your special guest loves, or games around the main character.
    • You can adapt a classic game like "Two Truths and One Lie". The guests will circle around and tell three short anecdotes about the main character of the party, including two true stories and one fabrication. The main character will not participate until the others begin to guess. In the end, the person who identifies the most lies will be the winner.
    • You can also tease the main character. But make sure the jokes are not offensive and have a positive ending. A joke can be fun, but you have to be careful to keep the fun scene light.
    • You can play any game you like. For even more distinctiveness, you can tailor the game to the party theme. For example, if your friend is going to a foreign country and everyone is old enough to drink alcohol, you can play a modified version of beer pong (a game with beer and ping pong). One side represents the country you are in, the other side is the country your friend is going to.
    • Display a map of the land the protagonist is going to and let everyone choose an interesting place to visit or a job to do at the destination.
  3. All people are encouraged to join. Give everyone the opportunity to contribute to the party. It's not because you are the party planner, you should win everything.
    • Whether the protagonist is someone who is about to break up because of a new job or retirement, a moving friend or a relative of yours about to go on a business trip, many people care about that person. By giving everyone a part in the party, you can not only give the departed a memorable farewell party, but also give everyone a chance to say goodbye in a special and meaningful way. means.
  4. I am going to leave with best wishes and memories. When you think about the best gifts and ways to say goodbye, you might want to give the main character something to remember the moments when everyone was together.
    • Before the party, give everyone time to say goodbye to the main character. Farewell parties are often too overwhelming, and there isn't always time for people to talk in private. Create activities that everyone does, but also arrange for the protagonist to have time to say hello privately to a few people.
    • Finally, there was a gift giving and toast to the good future of the parting person. The last one should be an expression of love and admiration for the main character of the party. Show that everyone's friendship will last even if you won't be together every day.


  • In most cases, you should let the main character know that you want to have a farewell party. Some people may not be comfortable with partying. However, if it is a very close friend, a surprise party will be very interesting.
  • Ask co-workers if they would like a farewell party. Sometimes your coworkers don't want to be noisy.
  • Choose themes and gifts related to the past and future on the main character's path.
  • Go to the same price store to choose cheap souvenirs for the party.
  • Buy or create affectionate and helpful gifts for your special guest.
  • Farewell parties can be emotional. It is best to prepare in advance. Have a tissue in hand and try to create a fun atmosphere. Play playful music and play fun games.
  • You may need to ask the protagonist what time you should have the party. For a colleague, it may be better at the end of the day, but sometimes they prefer to organize it at noon.