Ways to Rearrange Life

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Simple Way to Organize Your Life
Video: A Simple Way to Organize Your Life


Have you ever asked yourself how to rearrange your life after a period of events and turmoil? Surely many of us will deal with anger instead of vigorously getting up and starting over. We often simply lament our responsibilities and let go of circumstances or aggravate the situation with self-destructive actions. Still, the essence of life, as Einstein said, is like riding a bicycle; Keep your balance, and you will move forward.


Part 1 of 3: Take control of time

  1. Evaluate how you use your time. Unless it is a relaxing moment you set out, all activities that do not have any tangible results or lead to your success are almost wasted, but regardless of time spent. The meditation benefits are the key to rearranging your life. You just need to choose the important and unimportant things in your life. The first thing is to list the things you usually do daily or weekly and note how much time is spent on each activity. Next, you should select and cross out the items that are useless and take up too much time in the list. Make a to-do and to-do list.

  2. Reduce unnecessary activities. Look at the items you have crossed out and the rest of the list. Is the rest of the list reasonable? The main goal here is to keep you from spending too much time on useless things. Once you know what to avoid, you can take advantage of other more productive activities.
    • For example, halving the time you spend watching movies and surfing the web will give you more time. Or suppose you spend 5 hours watching TV every day, then you are definitely wasting your time.

  3. Close social media. Many people like to have lots of windows open on their computer and think that this will keep them from forgetting important tasks and sticking to their plans. If this sounds like it is your case, you'll probably notice that notifications keep blinking, and before you know it, you are distracted by tweets leading you to a post. Interesting writing, up-to-date pictures of dinners and irresistible but pointless debates online. Close these social pages and take back control.
    • Set a time of day to check on social media. Take advantage of useful time management tools to set a time for information updates throughout the day. Soon you will be so busy with important things that you don't realize where the social community you previously immersed in is now gone.

  4. Get up early and use this precious time to focus. Take advantage of the energy of the morning when the sun just rises. A time when many people have not awakened yet and made the world tumultuous is a great time for you to increase your productivity. Leave your social media pages and personal emails for later. Start with a short morning meditation to focus on yourself, then make a list of tasks you want to accomplish and get started on tasks that will help you step by step towards your goals. . Believe that today will be a good day.
    • You can also use part of this time for meditation or exercise. Meditation exercises can help clear your mind, make you feel refreshed and relaxed.
    • If you devote between 5:30 and 7:30 each morning to this activity, you will have 2 hours to work. You will be amazed at what you have achieved.
  5. Decline if necessary and if not feel guilty. There are times in life when it is almost impossible to embrace everything. Meetings, dinner dates, parties, conferences and all kinds of other situations that require your presence. Being loved is great, but what is the price? Trying to participate in every activity will almost certainly have a negative effect on your performance. Say no to absolutely unnecessary things. That way, you will open the door of priority to other important opportunities.
    • Ask yourself: What important areas in your life would you improve if you accepted it? If the answer is no, decline the invitation.

Part 2 of 3: Re-establish healthy habits

  1. Eat a healthy diet that focuses on whole grain sources, vegetables, fruits and protein. A healthy diet can have a huge impact on your overall energy levels and mood. Even a day or two of eating healthy foods can help you regain balance and feel like you are in control of your life.
  2. Add vitamins to your diet every day. Certain vitamin supplements have a dramatic effect on reducing stress that you may have experienced during this turbulent past of your life. No matter how healthy you eat, you may lack certain essential nutrients due to stress and anxiety. The most effective vitamins for lowering stress levels are vitamin C and B vitamins. Omega fish oil is also good for brain and body balance.
  3. Practice meditation or take deep breaths. As mentioned above, stress can negatively affect our productivity at work. When you feel too much burden on your shoulders, you may sometimes forget to breathe properly. So, take long, deep breaths to instantly improve oxygen flow to the brain.
  4. Spend a lot of time living with nature. The great time outdoors is never wasted. Nature has the ability to dispel thoughts and soothe our troubled minds. A hike or a jungle walk will clear your mind to determine what's important and give you a sense of connection with the world. Enjoying the nature around you is a great way to maintain balance and restore positive energy.
  5. Spend time relaxing the muscles. Schedule a massage to improve blood circulation, relax muscles, and remove toxins. Sign up for a yoga class - there are loads of classes and yoga instructors, so there's definitely a class and coach that's right for you. You may have to take a few classes that you don't like very much; But that's okay, because once you have found a suitable class it is worth it.
  6. Reduce smoking, drinking, and other harmful habits. Obviously, these harmful proponents and some bad habits can obscure your judgment and decision-making. The money you save and your improved health by quitting one or more of these harmful habits can be a reward in addition to more enjoyable activities like joining a picnic club or buy spa tickets all week. Just like the tough road you've just gone through, there will be times when things seem out of control. But now that it's all over, you can refocus your priceless body again. In addition, self-destructive behavior can be a bad role model for those around you, and it will also attract inappropriate people to come to the moment you are trying to get things back into orbit. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Rearranging furniture

  1. Arrange first, shop later. For example, a common problem - magazines piled up all over the house from month to month. You said you had to get those magazines sorted out and rushed to the store to buy dozens of magazine shelves. But, maybe you better sit down and think about which journals to keep and which ones to discard. Don't forget that sometimes simplicity works better.
  2. Visit the second hand market. You can sometimes find valuables among the secondhand items for sale in the family's yard. Many items are sold at low cost, such as giving away because the seller has to move and items in the house are no longer usable, such as the bookshelf that fits well into the space that used to be too bulky in the new home . So their loss is your chance to rearrange things at no cost. Come to the community and find something for yourself!
  3. Put everything in its place. The easiest thing you can do to stay organized is to put everything back as soon as you use it, whether it's a comb, bag, clothes, tools or anything else. Basically you need to know where everything is so you never have to waste time looking. Ask yourself this question: Can you show a stranger to find anything in your home? If not, maybe you need to be more organized.
  4. Use garbage / recycling bin. Arranging things you don't need is just wasting your precious time. Your sense of control in life increases dramatically when you remove outdated articles you plan to "someday" read or the to-do pages that you have completed. For many of us, hoarding things are simply because we don't want to deal with them. However, this is also a learned habit, and therefore subject to change.
    • You will find that many of these are things you can discard now, so don't regret when the objects accumulate. You will feel more active, and thus more organized.
  5. Find a calendar, a sheet of paper, and a whiteboard. You will write a to-do list of the day on a piece of paper and keep it with you all day. At the end of the day, if something is not done, put it on a calendar. The board is a place for you to take quick notes when needed.
  6. Write down your three most important tasks. It is easy to get overwhelmed by everything we think we have to do, but consider the necessary tasks and the unnecessary ones. Sometimes we think that trying to turn the pinwheel will make our work more productive, but the results will often be the opposite.
    • When you focus on only the three most important tasks, the road ahead is clearer and easier to achieve.


  • Chatting with friends and herbal remedies is the perfect solution to reduce stress.
  • Take 10–20 minutes each day to reflect on what you have done, are doing and will do. Think about ways to save money, improve your health, improve yourself and build community. However, the time to meditate should not exceed 20 minutes, as then you may fall into a state of stagnation. Try to think during downtime, such as standing in line or waiting for a bus.
  • Take only 20 minutes (time limited) to embark on the toughest task.


  • Never use ANY excuse to justify yourself, because by doing so you are deceiving yourself.
  • Don't set unrealistic expectations. A dense schedule with impossible goals will only lead to disaster.
  • The only thing terrifying is fear. Stop being scared and take action. Fear will not make things go away or prevent things from happening, but also worsen the situation.
  • Remember that everyone is different. No one can be sure of anything but what they do for themselves.
  • Don't get discouraged too soon. Lifestyle changes can start overnight but take a long time to complete. Even so, small steps will lead you to a long way.
  • Do not take the suggestions in this article in the extreme. Use your own judgment.