How to Live with Passion

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Live Your Life With Passion - Motivational Short Film
Video: Live Your Life With Passion - Motivational Short Film


Living with your passion means living with who you are. Do the things that make you the happiest, most proud, most motivated, and satisfied. Passion is an important part of your uniqueness and self-esteem. People who are physically and mentally active live healthier, happier, and even longer lives than those who let their lack of confidence hold them back. Start living with your passion by finding inspiration and the courage to act.


Part 1 of 4: Discovering passions

  1. Start a life journal about your ambitions. Discovering what you are passionate about requires a lot of self-awareness and introspection. For many people, this process begins with a review of present and past life.
    • Use a journal to make lists, map out thoughts by free writing, plan for the future, and keep track of your accomplishments over time. Planning your thoughts can be very helpful in directing future actions to be successful.
    • Keep a journal with you and keep a note of any times when you feel happy and content. Take note of what you are doing, who is with you, and when you are happy. Having daily notes can help shed light on what's most important to you if you're confused about your passions.

  2. Identify your passion. If you don't know what your passions are, you may be asking yourself the wrong questions. Instead of asking why you didn't find your passion, focus on what you can do now and in the future to find it.
    • Even if you know what you are passionate about right now, they will vary with your experience and personal development. Answering a lot of questions can lead you to a new passion that you didn't consider before.
    • Separate what you do from what you care about. Your interests and passions don't have to be the same, and turning your hobby into a job is probably not what makes you happy. You can enjoy hobbies like a break after a messy day. However, if you don't have the inspiration to spend the night thinking about it, then that hobby isn't really your passion in life.

  3. Conduct a correct self-assessment. Think about who you are now and who you want to be in the future. Ambitious people have a strong desire to find what makes them integral and the unrestricted pursuit of who they truly are. Answer the following questions to get started:
    • What can you do for long hours and not realize the time has passed?
    • What did you like to do when you were a kid?
    • What achievements do you feel most proud of?
    • Something you can't imagine living without it?
    • List some personal skills and strengths. Ask friends and family to identify some of your skills / strengths. Maybe they came up with something that you didn't consider.

  4. Determine your core values. What is the most important thing you did at the end of the day? Make sure your list of passions is consistent with your core values. If not, you will need to rethink what really makes you passionate.
  5. Plan for the ideal future. Assume that you have no limits and ignore any fears that arise in your mind about goal accomplishment.
    • Begin asking yourself what it was like to imagine your adult life as a child. At that time, what dreams do you have for the future? Do they reflect where you are now, or what goals you want to achieve?
    • Be specific so you can imagine the future.Believing that you can reach your goals is the most important aspect of success. Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can or cannot do something, you can still believe you are right."
  6. Create a mission statement and action plan. Take time to make sure that your statement reflects what you truly believe and want for yourself. Set a goal that you can achieve in the near future. Once you do that, you will know if they reflect your true passion. advertisement

Part 2 of 4: Facilitating passion

  1. Simplify the cost of living. Usually, doing what you love means living on less income. Streamline your spending by making sure you don't spend money on things that don't meet your benefits.
    • You don't have to quit your job to pursue your passion, but be realistic about how much you can devote to your full-time passion, at least in the beginning, and get used to an income-based lifestyle. there.
  2. Rearrange home and office (or other workspace). Get rid of some assets you don't need or use. There are too many ‘things’ will make the mood heavy. Expanding your living space will make room for good things to come into your life.
  3. Develop time management skills. Like throwing away things to lighten your life, stop wasting unnecessary time doing the things you love.
    • Of course this doesn't mean you stop all the work you don't like. It means scheduling what you have to do so that you don't waste time procrastinating or ending the day feeling incomplete.
    • Start making a list of things to do to stay focused. First, do the work that was delayed the longest and the things you least want to do. Not having to worry about them anymore allows you to focus your attention on what you are most passionate about.
    • Start saying "no" when you really want to say no. Unless you do things that are pleasing to a certain extent, this will only drain you of energy from pursuing a hobby.
    • Eliminate the word "should" in your vocabulary. Saying "I 'should' do like this and that" will stop you from trying something. Those things can be frightening, but it's worth a try while taking the risks.

Part 3 of 4: Enjoy everyday life

  1. Goodbye your fear. Stop worrying about whether or not you can do something, and do it now. A palliative nurse recounted that the most regretful thing of a late-life patient is not having the courage to ignore the expectations of others and live his or her own life.
    • Focus on being curious instead of worrying. You don't always know where life will take you.
    • Eliminate any expectations you have for fulfillment / victory. The journey itself is an important part of discovering what makes you live to the fullest.
  2. Try something new once a week. Try new things big or small. Most people find passion in their spare time by doing something they enjoy and sometimes discovering something different that they want to try more of.
    • At least once a month, do something important that you've never done before to broaden your horizons.
    • Go to a place you've never been to.
    • Try a different cooking method.
    • Choose a new hobby to see if you like it.
  3. Learn everything you can. Take a close look at some of the careers that interest you. Read about them as much as possible. Learn from people you admire because they live with passions.
    • Choose a class in your field of interest, take a class, or study online.
    • Interview experts to understand how they actually work and how they succeed. Does the job require a special degree or years of training?
    • Make many mistakes. You will learn from your mistakes.
  4. Follow the plan! As you develop your passion, you create a plan to act. Make sure you are following it consistently.
    • Check that your plan has smaller goals that can be achieved in a short amount of time.
    • Track your progress and achievements in a diary.
    • Write down how each step turned out, what you learned, and what changes you need to make in the future.
    • Update the plan with new information as needed.
  5. Change the part of your life that discourages you the most. What disappoints you most about your life right now? Is it work, personal relationships, where do you live? Separate the main cause of your depressed outlook so that you can address it effectively.
    • Be specific about why you are dissatisfied with the current situation. Was there a time you were happy with these things? If so then you may have forgotten why you originally chose them.
    • If the main problem is that the surprise and excitement are fading away, find something new and interesting instead of leaving out a good part of your life.
  6. Be with people who are supportive and inspirational. Stay in touch with the people you love. Don't be too busy to connect with the people most important to you.
    • Choose 3 or 4 people to join the supporters' association. They can be industry experts, best friends, hobbyists, and of course yourself!
    • Don't just think about what they can do for you; Wondering how well you can respond to them. Part of self-esteem comes from feeling worth to others.

Part 4 of 4: Continue to follow the plan

  1. Check in regularly. Evaluate your progress and the time spent working towards your goal. Make sure you don't need to change your goals and passions.
  2. Patience. Trust yourself, especially when you feel stuck and overwhelmed. It takes trial and error to find out what really makes you happy to wake up each day and pursue. Be patient and keep working to identify your passions.
  3. Express your gratitude every day. Turn negative thoughts into positive actions. The negative only makes you feel stuck. Instead, focus on what you are grateful for each morning you wake up and the evening before bed.
    • Write down lists of gratitude in your journal and read them when you want to refocus your energies on the positives.
  4. Visualize your success. In addition to appreciating the present, you need to think of yourself to be successful in the future. Imagine you are achieving your goals and what your life would be like at that time.
    • Try meditation to calm your mind. Sit still and focus on your breathing. Listen to your surroundings. Visualize yourself achieving your future goals.
  5. Inspire others with your passions. Because you find happiness in living with your passions, you want to help others do the same. advertisement

What you need

  • A diary