How to Get Perfect Skin in 1 Week

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


  • Do not use a washcloth, loofah or any other material that could cause rubbing of the face. Hand washing is the best choice because your skin will not get as irritated as when washing with harsh abrasives.
  • Wash your face morning and night. This is especially important for oily and acne skin.
  • Moisturize immediately after washing your face. Wash your face with cleanser to remove oil from your face. Skin is only clean, beautiful when hydrated.
  • Cleansing. Remember to remove makeup before going to bed. Usually cleansing is enough, but some makeup products will require you to use a special makeup remover.
    • Don't be lazy to remove makeup. If you intend to put your makeup to bed or forget to wash your face, keep a cotton pad by your bedside. You will just need to wipe your face quickly when you are tired.

  • Eat right. A good menu is a well balanced one. Do you remember the food pyramid? Nutritionists recommend eating 3 servings of fruits and 5 servings of green vegetables per day. Stay away from caffeinated and sugar foods as well as foods high in fat and red meat.

  • Drink a lot of water. Try to drink 8 glasses of water, mostly purified water, every day. Limit soda, caffeinated, and coffee drinks.Green / mint tea is rich in antioxidants - it helps protect cells from aging and cancer.

  • Do exercise. Exercise helps to increase metabolism. Go for a walk with your dog or do some yoga exercises that will make you feel the difference! Remember that healthy skin can only come from a healthy body.
    • Exercise is also good for relieving stress. Studies have shown a strong link between body stress and skin acne. So if you feel stressed all the time, do a favorite exercise to get rid of acne quickly.
  • Rested. Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep a day, or more if you're young. Getting adequate rest will help your body regain energy to re-energize and also make you feel more comfortable. You cannot have smooth skin with dark circles under the eyes due to lack of sleep.
    • Maintain a daily exercise regimen and you will see results soon!
  • Advice

    • Olive oil can be a great alternative to makeup remover products. Olive oil is also good for your skin. If your skin is sensitive to certain chemicals, olive oil is a good choice. Olive oil is absorbed under the pores so it does not cause acne.
    • Use makeup products that don't cause acne. BB creams, powder foundation, or mineral foundation are recommended products.
    • Use a diluted blend of Nim (Indian oval) oil or green tea to treat acne, as it contains antibacterial properties and is suitable for sensitive skin.
    • Use an exfoliating product that contains active ingredients AHA or BHA to treat acne.
    • It is important to maintain clean and healthy skin, so remember to use sunscreen every day in the right amount, which can be reapplied if needed. You should choose a sunscreen SPF 30 with a rating of PA +++ (3 plus).
    • Use moisturizer every day for soft skin.
    • Quit smoking if you don't want wrinkles and age spots to appear soon.
    • It is necessary to remove makeup with a specialized makeup remover because the face cleanser only works to wash away dirt and sebum on the skin surface.
    • Warm up a little honey, spread it all over and rinse off after 15 minutes.
    • Try to keep using a cleanser, toner and facial moisturizer every night before bed, wash your face with water then apply moisturizer in the morning.


    • Daily cleansing and moisturizing is just as important as using sunscreen when wearing makeup.
    • If you are a teenager, choose products that match your skin type. If necessary, consult a makeup artist.
    • Always check the ingredients in cosmetics and choose only products with active ingredients that have been scientifically proven to work well for the skin.
    • Look for sunscreen products that are specifically designed for facial skin. These products are both gentle makeup effects and virtually acne-free. This is especially important if you are wearing a sunscreen with a high SPF.
    • Sunscreen is essential for any skin color. Normal skin to dark skin can still be damaged by ultraviolet rays, which can cause skin cancer.

    What you need

    • Cleanser
    • Rose water
    • Moisturizer
    • A sunscreen has an SPF of 15 or higher if you don't wear a hat or have to stay in the sun for a long time.
    • A good makeup product is one that is free from talcum powder, flavorings, and oils.
    • Cotton makeup remover and moisturizer.