How to Use "Too" and "To" Exactly

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Software-Defined Data Center
Video: The Software-Defined Data Center


Although this is a common mistake, "big" and "too" are easy to tell. Once you know how to use it, you can teach others the correct usage!


Method 1 of 1: Use Too and To Exactly

  1. Focus on "too" first. "Too" is often used less often than "to", so if you already know what "too" means, you can use it with specific meanings. You can be confident not to use "too", and "to" is the right choice.
    • Try to put stress (emphasis) on "too" when you speak, it will help you judge if this is the correct word. If the word should have been "loud", it would sound weird when you press the accent. "Too" can be emphasized without being pronounced differently.

  2. Find meanings of "too". The first meaning is "also" (also) or "besides" (besides); the second meaning is "excessively" or "extra". Furthermore, some people also use this word meaning "very". Thinking too will involve things that are increasing in degree, like temperature, difficulty etc; for example, "too hot", "too challenging", or "too soft".
    • Use "too" when it can be replaced with "also" (also).
      • Example: "She felt awful too (also) "(She feels bad too) or" I can see you too (also) "(I can also see you).
    • Use "too" to change or emphasize a word.
      • Example: "The weather is too (excessively) hot "(Weather too hot)," I'm eaten too (excessively) much "(I ate too much), or" The package is too (excessively / extra) big ".
    • "He was too (very) interested in my book "(He didn't care much about my book).

  3. Learn the role of the word "to". "To" is a preposition. "To" is used to indicate direction, place or location.
    • "To" can be used when heading to a place. "I am going big the store "or" Will you just go big bed please! "(Please just go to bed!)
    • "To" can be used when you do a thing towards an object or someone, such as: "I am speaking big your friend "(I'm talking to your friend), or" I am looking big the right ".

  4. "To" is also used when you use infinitive dynamism.
    • For example: "To go home", "to catch a mouse", or "to open the door" (open the door).
  5. Practice using "to" and "too" separately. Here are a few examples to check for yourself (answer five in the "Tips" section below):
    • She's coming your party.
    • I'm hot help you carry suitcases the bus station.
    • We are hoping to be near the festival (.
    • It's early be asking me questions about where I am headed.
    • I hate disturb your thoughts but are you ready help us with our homework?


  • Keep in mind a few more examples:
    • Do you think we’re arriving too soon? (Do you think we were too early?)
      • Here you can emphasize "toooo", as it means soon much (much more) than when we should leave.
    • It's a cold day big be playing outside (It's too cold to play outside).
      • Placing stress here will not emphasize or provide additional information.
    • They are going big the beach with us (They will go to the beach with us).
      • Putting stress here does not stress or add information because the word "to" is simply used as a preposition.
  • Answers to questions in the test:
    • She's coming big your party too.
    • I'm too hot big help you carry two suitcases big the bus station.
    • We are hoping big be near the festival too.
    • It's too early big be asking me questions about where I am headed big.
    • I hate big disturb your thoughts, but are you ready big help us with our homework too?
  • Some people think that not concluding a sentence with a preposition is grammatically correct and applying this rule of "logic" can prevent you from making mistakes when using "to" and "too" because it means you've always avoid using "to" at the end of any sentence. However, this is only based on misunderstanding and modern grammar researchers all think that putting prepositions at the end of sentences is perfectly acceptable, and you can always use that.
  • Although this is not a common (but still possible) mistake, don't forget the word "two". This word is easy to distinguish as it means index 2.