How to Train Your Body

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What happens inside your body when you exercise?
Video: What happens inside your body when you exercise?


The process of training the body and maintaining a good shape requires a lot of effort, dedication and motivation. The type of exercise you do or how often you exercise depends on your specific training goal. For example, if you want to train halfway through the marathon, you'll need to spend a lot of time running and participating in other cardio activities. No matter what your goals are, you need to start planning and selecting the best exercise for your body.


Part 1 of 4: Preparing for the Training

  1. Go to the doctor. Whenever you want to start an exercise program, the first thing you need to do is consult your doctor. Your doctor can advise whether an exercise plan is safe and suitable for you.
    • Make an appointment or call your doctor. You need to give your doctor information regarding your exercise goals and plan to help you access the program.
    • Also tell your doctor if you have joint or muscle pain other than pain or shortness of breath.
    • Consider consulting with a personal trainer. This is a fitness professional that can help set goals, develop plans to reach them, and teach you how to do a series of safe exercises.

  2. Set personal goals. Exercising your body is a pretty general goal. To increase your chances of reaching your goal, make a more specific goal. You can apply the S.M.A.R.T. target system. Objectives with characteristics like Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Based are often the right ones. and you can reach it.
    • In addition, you need more information on how to achieve your goals.
    • Take some time to think about the training content. You just want to have a slim body? Are you training for the next race? Do you want more strength or firmer muscles? Do you want to lose weight? How much? And when?
    • An example of a good goal would be: I want to run 15 kilometers in five months. I will run 3-4 days a week and gradually increase the distance by 1.5 km every two weeks until I reach 15 km.

  3. Keep track of your progress. Whatever your goal, keep a progress journal to motivate part of the plan.
    • Write down your goals and plans in a journal. This can help keep you focused and on track.
    • Also keep track of your progress every day or week. If you are training for a 15-kilometer run, you can write down how many miles you run per week and what advantages and disadvantages you have in the process.
    • You can also record a calendar or chart where you plan to exercise for the week or month.

  4. Take part in a workout session at the gym or buy gym equipment. Some exercise plans need to be done at a gym or specialized equipment. Not all physical activity is the same, but you can consider choosing the equipment you need to best meet your goals.
    • Consider joining the gym. The lowest training cost for members is 250,000 VND per month. The gym provides tools for the exercise inside. You can practice cardio, exercise, and join training classes. Even if you don't need equipment at the gym, you can exercise indoors if it's raining or cold.
    • If you don't feel like going to the gym, you can buy home gym equipment. Simply buy a simple tool like a dumbbell or a pad or buy a more expensive device like a cardiac exercise machine or a home exercise machine.

Part 2 of 4: Train Your Body through Cardio Exercises

  1. Do 150-minute cardio exercises weekly. The American Physical Activity Guide recommends cardio for at least 150 minutes or about 2 1/2 hours per week to get the health benefits. This amount of time can be divided into five sessions a week with each session lasting 30 minutes.
    • Studies have shown that people who spend 150 minutes of physical activity enjoy health benefits including: reduced risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, weight loss, improved sleep and Mood habits and even improves blood circulation.
    • The types of cardio activities that you do these 150 minutes can be walking, running, cycling, or boxing. However, daily activity (basic activity or life) doesn't count towards 150 minutes of exercise.
    • If you are just starting out with physical activity, one of the first goals may be met this general recommendation.
  2. Combine steady and interval training. There are two main types of cardio exercises - stabilization and interval training. Both are beneficial, so you should incorporate the two into your training.
    • Steady cardiovascular exercises are activities that last 10 minutes and are always intense. The goal is to maintain a steady heart rate during your activity. For example, you could run for 20 minutes or use an ellipse at a steady pace for 30 minutes that counts as a steady cardio exercise.
    • Some of the specific benefits of stable cardiovascular exercise are: rapid improvement and recovery, maintenance of lean muscle mass, significant increases in cardiovascular exercise levels and rhythm, lower blood pressure and sugar levels. in the blood immediately.
    • HIIT, also known as interval high intensity exercise, is more recent. It's a short workout in total and combines two short, very high intensity exercises with a more moderate intensity workout.
    • The benefits of HIIT are slightly different from steady-state cardio and can include: faster and more efficient exercise, increased calorie burning and a metabolic boost 8 to 24 hours after. end of training.
    • Regardless of your main form of exercise, you should combine both the HIIT and steady state to enjoy the benefits of both.
  3. Increase basic activity. While this activity doesn't offer as much of a benefit as steady-state exercise or HIIT, it is still an important part of being active.
    • Basic or lifestyle activities are activities you do on a regular day - walking to the parking lot or doing chores around the house.
    • These activities don't burn a lot of calories or increase your heart rate, but do as much as you can throughout the day to burn calories and support exercise levels.
    • Basic enhancement results in improved body function during daily activities (burning more calories without exertion).
    • Think about activities that keep you active or include being active during the day. You can: park your car at a distance, take the stairs instead of the elevator, take a short walk during your lunch break and stand or do light exercises during promotional time.

Part 3 of 4: Body Training through Weightlifting Exercises

  1. Do physical training 2-3 days a week. In addition to cardiovascular exercise, the American Physical Activity Guide also recommends that you set aside 2-3 days to exercise or lift weights each week.
    • Strength and resistance training provides you with other benefits compared to aerobic or cardiovascular exercise, such as: protecting bones and helping to prevent osteoporosis, maintaining and increasing lean muscle mass, enhancing metabolism. overall metabolism, improves balance and coordination, and promotes energy levels.
    • Weight training can include a variety of activities such as: barehanded exercise or weight training, free weights, using the weight machine, or yoga or strength training.
  2. Combine compounding or segregation exercises. When it comes to weight lifting or resistance training, there are two basic types of exercise today - splitting and splitting. Both offer different benefits and the choice will depend on your overall goals.
    • Joint exercises are activities that use many joints and muscle groups to perform. Examples of compound exercises include: weightlifting, squatting, and sagging.
    • The benefits of compound exercise include: reduced risk of overtraining, less time spent on overall training, increased muscle mass, and improved fitness.
    • Isolation exercises only target small muscle groups or use weight machines to focus on muscle groups. Examples include using a biceps roll or triceps extension in a sitting position.
    • For most training goals (even beginner to more advanced), you should spend a lot of time doing compound exercises for the best results. Isolation exercise can help keep you in shape after you have achieved your goal.
  3. Repeat with low or high frequency. In addition to choosing a join or split exercise, you have to decide if you need to do a lot of small repetitions or a little repetition with large weights.
    • Higher repetitions often help to increase muscle mass, not fitness. If your goal is to build muscle mass, incorporate exercises with a high repetition rate.
    • Low repetition frequency along with high weight weights results in significant fitness enhancement, not necessarily an increase in muscle mass.
    • It is best to combine both high and low repetition types. However, adaptation depends on your goal (muscle building or fitness).

Part 4 of 4: Safety Training

  1. Starting up. Before doing any kind of exercise, you need to warm up first. Try to incorporate a quick warm-up before training to ensure safety.
    • Warm-up exercises don't have to be too specific. You should warm up for at least 5 to 10 minutes. However, the longer the exercise, the longer you should warm up.
    • The goals of a warm-up include: slowly dilating the blood vessels in the muscles to increase blood circulation, the temperature of the muscles for flexibility, as well as increase the heart rate and reduce the stress put on the heart.
    • Startup is usually the slow version of the activity you plan to do. For example, if you are planning a long distance run, you should first walk for 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. Take a day or two break. Although it may sound out of the ordinary, proper rest is just as important as exercise. Without rest, it may be difficult to achieve your training goals.
    • When it comes to physical training, the rest days are times when muscles grow in size and strength.
    • If you don't take time to rest, over time your performance will decline and produce unintended results.
    • On rest days, you should still engage in light intensity activities. You do not have to sit lazy all day doing nothing, but walk or practice yoga to restore your health.
  3. Muscle stretching. Adequate rest, warm-up and stretching combine for the best possible conditions for exercise and great results.
    • Muscle stretching has been shown to reduce muscle stiffness and pain when performed properly. In addition, it also improves flexibility over time
    • Other benefits of stretching include: better posture, increased blood flow, prevention of back and neck pain, as well as improved balance.
    • You can do slow stretches like a toe touch or a restorative and stretch class like yoga.


  • If you experience pain, discomfort, or trouble breathing, stop exercising and see your doctor right away.