How to seduce a guy

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Seducing a guy is easy once you know how. To interest him, you need confidence, flirting, and learn to be sexy and daring when you kiss or move further into sex. If you want to know how to seduce a guy in just a few minutes, follow these simple steps.


Method 1 of 3: Flirting with the guy

  1. Flirt with body language. If you know how to flirt with a guy without using words, he will be attracted to you - quickly. If you know how to use your body, you don't even have to say hello to drive him crazy and in love. A few small actions you do with your body can make a big difference. Here are some ways to flirt with body language:
    • Look him in the eye - but not for too long. Look and make eye contact long enough for him to feel how hot you are, and then look away. This shows that you are not afraid to look at him, but you are too shy to stare.
    • Keep a comfortable look. Don't cross your arms across your chest or cross your legs. Your body should say, "Hey, how are you?"
    • If you're wearing a zippered shirt or necklace, play with something near the cleavage to get his attention.
    • Find a way to touch him. If you are talking, you can gently touch his knee, touch his hand, or place one of your hand on his arm when you smile. Doing so long enough for him to want more. Don't linger too long.
    • Lick your lips from time to time. If the guy is watching you from the opposite room, take some time to put on some lip balm.

  2. Flirting with words. Once you engage him with body language and he wants to get to know you, use your words to interest him. To flirt, all you have to do is be witty, show you know how to play and tease, and make him even more passionate even if you didn't say anything to shock. Here's how:
    • Be comfortable. Be funny and cheerful, and he'll want to be with you longer. Flirting not only shows that you are serious, it also shows that you are interested and that you are comfortable.
    • Maintain eye contact when chatting. Make him feel important. Look at your feet or blush from time to time, and he'll think you're shy and will even fall in love with you.
    • Speak softly. You don't have to be in a whisper, but speak in a lower voice to look feminine and make him lean closer to you.
    • Tease him. Show that you are free to tease and that he will want to tease you back. Showing that you're not taking yourself too seriously will make him think you're a great person in bed.

  3. Flirting with action. Any guy will be captivated if you can flirt with a confident, independent, sexy, and bold act.Once he gets to know who you are from the way you act, he will truly be attracted. Here's how to seduce him with your actions:
    • Be confident. Men will be seduced by confident women. If you can be confident talking to him or talking about yourself, he will think that you will be confident in bed too.
    • Be independent. Men are seduced by women who don't need them. Let him know all the things you love to do on your own, and tell him about your busy weekend. The boys will are not Lured by clingy girls who have nothing to do but hang out with them.
    • Become sexy. You don't need to be spoiled by showing off your slim legs or cleavage. Show some skin and don't be afraid to make sensitive jokes or allude to the implication of "sex" if you're in the right mood. He will even be aroused by your heat.
    • Be bold. Men are captivated by bold women, whether she is attractive while drinking coffee or while kissing passionately. Be daring by doing something unexpected, like dressing up as sexy and different, or stepping onto the dance floor amid a passionate crowd.

Method 2 of 3: Seduce the guy with a kiss

  1. Know how to kiss French. French kissing is pretty basic, but if you really want to seduce a guy, you need to be able to get it right. Even if you don't have to kiss well the first time, remember that kissing is the bridge to other sensual acts, so if you show that you're a good kisser, he will be even more attractive. because he will always think about other interesting things to explore. Here's how to French kiss:
    • Don't get too excited. Gently bring your tongue into his mouth and explore. Don't rush to put your tongue in until it fits.
    • Please be nice. Slowly and gently, you move your tongue around his mouth. Don't be lazy and leave saliva everywhere.
    • Do not ignore the rest of the body. Move your hand around his back, shoulders, and neck, and rest your chest against his chest.
    • If you get bored with French kissing, incorporate different types of kissing.
  2. Create an A shape. This is a variation of the traditional French kiss. Stand a foot or two away from him while you are kissing, then you have to lean towards the other person, and hold together to get closer.
    • In that position, you will touch his hips against him every time you pull back from each other, and he won't be able to let go of you.
  3. Kiss other parts of his body. Kissing is not just the lips. You will be more charming if you make the most of your ability to kiss by kissing him all over. If you want to cuddle him, you can kiss his neck, upper chest, and even below his earlobe.
    • If you took off his shirt, you can try kissing from the waist up.
    • Tell him you'll kiss him anywhere - except for the lips. That even added irritation to him.
  4. Don't be afraid to bite. Once you get to know each other better, you can elevate your kisses by making it a habit to bite lightly. Just try to lightly bite him on different parts of his body, and he will be more attractive. Here are a few places where he gets a bit irritated when he bites:
    • Bite lightly on your earlobes.
    • Bite lightly on the neck - be careful not to leave any marks.
    • Biting his lips while kissing.
    • If he's not wearing a shirt, don't be afraid to bite him in the chest, or even his nipples. The nipples are also a sensitive area for men.

Method 3 of 3: Seduce the guy in bed

  1. Be bold. To excite him, you must show that you are willing to fall in love in any way that feels comfortable. If you wanted to do it in the same place and posture every time, he wouldn't be as attractive as if you were ready for anything new. Here's how to be daring when you have sex:
    • Do it in a new place. Choose a new place in your home to have sex, go to a hotel, or fall in love somewhere it's lonely or unexpected. He will be captivated by your adventurous spirit.
    • Relationship in a new posture. Even if he prefers you to lie on top, he will be much more excited if you combine it and have sex in a new position every time he gets in bed.
    • Get sexy with a little water. Fall in love in the shower, or wrap up in a pool or hot tub. He will be more aroused if you can be hot in almost any situation.
  2. Be spontaneous. If you want to seduce him, not only should you show that you are ready for everything, you are ready anytime. If you're only bold at set times, it will start to feel like a habit. Here are a few great ways to be spontaneous:
    • Fall in love whenever you're in the mood, even though you're watching TV. Express what you want, and he will follow you into the bedroom.
    • If you're in a public place and really want to have sex, just whisper in his ear and go somewhere more private.
    • Surprise him when he wakes up or takes a bath. The boys are always open to sex.
  3. Become a little spoiled. Guys love it as long as you're comfortable with yourself being a little spoiled. Whether you're talking about sex or doing something exciting, he will be seduced before you take off his shirt. Here's how:
    • Try saying something stimulating in bed. Say you like how much he is doing for you and what else you want.
    • Tell him how much you want to have sex, no matter how hard it is. Evaluate whether he can satisfy you or not.
    • Tie his hands to the bed bar and do whatever you like. Let's take turns.
    • Go to a sex toy store and find the sexiest underwear possible and some accessories. Use them whenever you're inspired.
  4. Happy with a new way of love. Any guy will get excited if you combine a lot of things with acting or sexy situations. Trying different circumstances not only spice up your sex life, but it also offers a lot of fun and opportunities to explore your body and expectations in a new way. Try out a few interesting scenarios:
    • Pretend you're the boss and order him until he lets you do whatever you want. Let's switch roles.
    • Try having sex while wearing most of your clothes. Or, fall in love while one person still has his clothes on.
    • Pretend you are having a heated argument and then have sex to make up.
    • Wear some sexy accessories from the sex toy store and try acting.
    • Dress up well and pretend you're out on an important occasion. Then, undress and fall in love.
  5. Make sure he thinks about having sex with you. Although when you don't have sex, sleeping with you should also be on his mind. Whether you live apart or are eating across from each other, attract him and want more. Here's how:
    • Sexy dress. Whether you've been having sex for a month or just sleeping twice, make sure you stay warm, show some skin, and take personal hygiene so that he wants to love you more.
    • Make sure he is thinking about love when you are not around. Send him an occasional love text, talk on the phone, or call to remind him of something interesting that happened in bed the night before.
    • Let him know that you want him. Tell him this whenever you feel it, even if it's when you can't have him around - that will make him love you even more.


  • Walk around the house in a sexy way. Whatever he was doing, he would stop, glance, and want more.
  • Guys also like when a girl leads, then men don't always feel pressured to do everything.
  • Get to know his friends. Chances are, when he talks to them, they'll probably say something about you too.
  • Men like unpredictable women.Show that you are ready for all new possibilities and postures in love.