Ways to Forget Someone

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Forget Someone you Love?
Video: How to Forget Someone you Love?


When a relationship ends, life doesn't seem like it can go on. You always have the feeling that the person is everywhere and that you cannot move on right now. However, it doesn't have to be that way. By adjusting to your environment, capturing your thoughts and keeping yourself occupied, things can easily go back in time. Follow the steps below to forget about that person and lead to a happier, healthier, and more complete person.


Part 1 of 3: Get Rid of Negative Reminders

  1. Stop meeting. You won't be able to forget someone if you see him or her all day or keep hearing stories about his or her activities. Use the following tactics:
    • Make sure you don't meet this person by chance during your daily activities. If you have to go shopping at the same time or share the way home with the person, change your schedule a bit so that there is less chance of seeing each other.
    • At this point, avoid social gatherings where you know the person will be present. Politely explain to the organizer that you hope the event goes well, and that you are absent just because you want to avoid an unwanted encounter.

  2. Remove the person from your online life. In this day and age, we often communicate with people through screens. Even if you don't meet the person, it is easy to see their activities. As ruthless as it may seem, exclude the person from all the social media you use.
    • Delete the person's contact information from your device and email account.
    • Block all Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… pages of that person.
    • Take all other steps to prevent unwanted encounters. If necessary, you should even change your email address

  3. Ask your mutual friend to stop updating his / her situation. Something really interesting could have happened to that person, but you don't need to know. If this friend forgets and accidentally mentions him in front of you, gently remind his friend of his request and say, "Jane, I'm sorry, but I'm sad to think of Bill. Maybe we should talk differently. "
    • However, you can add an "addendum" to this policy: sometimes knowing a little more relevant will help you put an end to the better. Perhaps the person has started smoking, moved to another town or lost his job. Let your friends know that if they think they know something that will stop you, they should speak up.

  4. Erase anything that reminds you of the person. Erase everything that brings back painful memories of this person from your life. Simply without having to look at these everyday things, it will be easier for you to move on.
    • If you can't stand throwing certain items away, put them in your pocket and have a family member or close friend keep them in their home and out of sight. Ask them to keep these items out of your reach for at least 6 months.
    • Examine your player and delete all the songs that remind you of that person. Replace them with vibrant songs that encourage your confidence and move on.
    • If you have a child or a pet with that person, then obviously you cannot get rid of them. Instead, focus on nurturing them and giving them a good life.

Part 2 of 3: Changing Your View

  1. Don't let the desire for revenge take over you. Understand that wanting to take revenge (by making the person jealous, sad, or regretful) still means you are thinking about that person. You can't forget and move on if you're obsessed with revenge, so learn to let go of that thought.
    • If you believe in a supreme force such as karmic retribution or some kind of justice of the creator who "sown that fruit" then think that that person will eventually pay the right price.
    • If you don't believe that someone will take revenge on your behalf, get used to the fact that life is not fair. It's not fair that this person hurt you, but that doesn't mean you have a right to retaliate.
    • Remember the old saying of George Herbert: "Living well is the best way of revenge." As you move on with your life and don't accept lowering yourself to the same level as that person, they will understand that you are not affected by what happened and you take it as unimportant.

  2. Take time to release your feelings. If you've tried everything but still can't stop thinking about the person, try a different method. Set aside a set amount of time (about 1-2 hours) to sit down and write down all of your feelings about what happened. When the time is up or you have run out of things to say (whatever happens first), close the document and put it away. Later, if you want to think about that person again, tell yourself, "No, I have already revealed all my feelings about it. I won't waste my time on this. "
    • You can allow yourself 10-15 minutes a day to be touched if absolutely necessary. When the time is up, tell yourself that you will think about it tomorrow. With each passing day, you will need less of these moments. Even realizing that you need less of these moments will help you feel better.
  3. Let your mind be distracted. Fortunately, you are the only one in control of your thoughts. You don't need to think about something if you don't want to. Busy yourself with your studies, work or a project to keep your mind focused. When there are other things to think about, thoughts about the person will also decrease.
    • If you find yourself thinking about the person, turn your attention away. We all daydream in the middle of the day and then find ourselves thinking about things we don't expect. So as soon as those thoughts come to mind, tell yourself that you won't think about it anymore or will think later (hint: you won't need to think about it later). Find someone to talk to, a game or anything else that catches your attention, even for a few minutes & ndash, that's enough.
  4. Don't listen to songs or watch emotional movies. Trying to forget someone is the source of your fluctuating mood and depression. Right now, you may feel like you're in a very vulnerable position. You don't need to add external impact to dig into your bad emotions right now, so listen to vibrant songs and only watch movies or TV shows that keep you in a good mood.
    • You also need to remind your friends to remember this. They can keep things light to help you avoid overthinking. When in need of mental push, give them a call - they'll know what to do to help you feel better.
  5. Respect yourself. Chances are, the person you're trying to forget has done something wrong. After all, they don't appreciate you as much as they would like. This is the kind of person who shouldn't be present in your life. When you appreciate yourself, you will find it easier. They don't treat you well and that's it. Spend your time with those who appreciate it.
    • Remember that having confidence in yourself will make it easier for you to move on. Remember: you are wonderful! The world is waiting for you ahead with so many opportunities. What will you do next?

Part 3 of 3: Bring Happiness Back

  1. Pursue passions. Get on the right track by replacing the time you'll spend with that person (or thinking about that person) with another new activity. Start a hobby you've always wanted to try, join an internal sports tournament or start a new exercise workout. Whatever the activity, it needs to be fun and get your attention so you can't think about anything else while participating.
    • Mastering a new skill and improving yourself will make you feel better. You may also feel like a new, more complete, and too good person for the person you're trying to forget, and this will boost your self-esteem. Self-improvement is the best option for you, for confidence in yourself and for inner peace.
  2. Eat well and exercise. Have you ever spent time gobbling up fast food and just wanting to sit on a chair to watch awful reality TV shows? And surprisingly, this period is not fun at all - when you are lazy and unhealthy, you feel very bad. Simply "a positive mindset cannot exist in a sick body!". Eating well and exercising will make it easier for you to feel energized and to have a positive attitude about your current situation and about yourself.
    • Plan a diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. You need a balance of fiber, protein, complex carbohydrates, and beneficial fats (such as the fats found in fish, nuts or olive oil). Stay away from processed fast foods that may initially give you an appetite but will only slow you down.
    • Aim for 30 minutes of exercise each day in the form of walking, swimming, running, or even jumping or cleaning the house. Break down your exercise time if your schedule doesn't allow for a long period of time. Even small efforts such as parking your car away from the entrance to walk will count towards practice time.
  3. Stay with friends and family. The best way to keep your mind and schedule busy and to keep you active is to be around wonderful people who truly care about you. It could be your mom, sister, best friend, theater group or basketball team, and spend time with them. They will keep you smiling and help you see that you still have tons of interesting things for you.
    • When you feel like hiding behind blankets, allow yourself to stay at home for about an hour and then stop by agreeing to your prompts to hang out and participate in social activities. You may not have noticed at first, but at the end of the day, you'll be glad you're out.
  4. Give yourself time. The human mind has an excellent capacity for self-healing. The old adage "time to heal all wounds" is true of all times. The brain's natural instinct is to begin focusing on the present, forget the past, and often change the past in a way that makes sense. So relax if it's been a few weeks and you haven't forgotten it yet. These things take time. Your brain will help you forget if you are patient enough.
    • The period of regret is normal and needs to be experienced in most cases. There are 5 stages, and it can take a long time to perfect. Be patient with yourself - and you will feel better as time passes.
  5. Forgive and forget. After all, you won't be able to forget it if you can't forgive that person. If you've followed the steps above and still can't forget it, focus on forgiving. Nobody is perfect, they're just normal people and things like that happen. Life goes on.
    • Don't forget to forgive yourself. It is easier for most of us to embrace our grudge than it is for others. Remember at that point, you did what you thought was right, and so did the other person. No one is at fault. Everything is in the past and will remain in the past forever. It's also the best way - this way, you can comfortably move on.


  • Forgetting someone can help you move on, but try not to forget what you learned from the relationship. That time won't be wasted if you pull something out for yourself.
  • Never try to reach them. They may try to get in touch with you, but stick to their decisions and don't let them return to your life. Remember why you left them.
  • Long-term relationships will always be unforgettable, but you need to understand that you deserve better and that no one is perfect. Please understand that no matter what happens, life is going on and people are moving forward. Don't waste your time!
  • Don't be obsessed with termination. Stop contacting now and stop wanting to come up with fancy solutions (like sending a long farewell email). Simply stop.
  • Do things different from the activities you used to do with the person. Let's start looking for something new.
  • Do not try to get your belongings back. Unless it's a diamond ring or something special, it's best not to contact that person to get it back. Your special DVDs, clothes, brushes ..., simply discard everything. They are just furniture. Is a pair of underwear worth your pain when you touch that person? Don't compromise your dignity with such trivial things.
  • Don't step into a new relationship to forget a past relationship as it will always fail.
  • Never try to hate the person because when you hate the person you will become haunted and thoughts about that person will invade your mind, making you think about the person all the time. As a result, you won't be able to forget the person and feel uncomfortable.
  • Remember that sometimes someone will still (or forever) occupy a place in your heart, no matter how small that position.
  • Don't check Instagram, Facebook or any of the person's social accounts. They can post happy pictures with the person and you will feel very sad.


  • Never use violence.
  • If the months have passed and you still can't stop thinking about the person, see a psychiatrist.