Ways to Forget Unrequited Love

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways to Deal with Unrequited Love
Video: 10 Ways to Deal with Unrequited Love


Everyone has a unrequited love piece, and everyone knows that one-sided love will never be a happy ending. It is often said that if you are rejected, your best bet is to get your ex out of your life completely, but life is not that easy. Maybe you two are coworkers, are in the same class, or are in the same group of friends. How do you forget someone?


Method 1 of 3: Accept your feelings

  1. You have the right to be sad. Although you may want to suppress your emotions and pretend they don't exist, this is only a temporary solution. Emotions don't "go away" just because you ignore them - they will come back soon and hurt you even more. Give yourself time and space to express your sadness.
    • Cry, punch your knees, sit in your car and shout out loud, doing whatever you think will make you feel more positive.
    • Alcohol or stimulants are not the solution. They can help you temporarily forget your feelings, but in the long run, they only make things worse.
    • Be careful, you shouldn't indulge in sadness. Then there will come a time when you need to recover. If it's been weeks and you still haven't been able to take good care of yourself (no bathing, crying all the time, not seeing your friends) then it's time to focus on improving your emotions.

  2. Remember that you cannot force your ex back. Even if you think that only you are worthy of the person, the facts don't change: they don't like you. You can't control other people's emotions or decide their own lives. Whether you give them gifts or even beg or scold them, your feelings won't change so easily.
    • Remember that they're not trying to hurt you. They also cannot force themselves to have feelings for you.

  3. Give yourself space. If you can, stay away for a while: you don't have to treat them badly or chase them away like mosquitoes, but distance will help you or think less about the person. If the person is a part of your everyday life, like a coworker or classmate, try not to face them. Don't sit next to them at lunch, don't go to school with them, avoid them as much as possible.
    • This also means you should avoid them on social media. You can unfollow, unfriend, or at least hide his or her social media account. Constantly checking their Facebook / Instagram / Twitter accounts will only make you miss them more.
    • If your ex knows you have feelings for them, tell them that you need some space and that they need to respect the decision.
    • Staying away from someone you like is not easy, but this is one thing you need to do if you want your feelings to fade.

  4. Think why you two are not compatible. List their bad traits and the reasons why you are not destined. The first reason on that list is: they don't reciprocate your feelings. A healthy relationship is one in which affection is reciprocated by both sides. You deserve to be with someone who loves you as much as you do, not someone superficial and uninterested in you.
    • List everything, this list is just for you. Even the little things they do that annoy you, like when they eat without closing their mouths, or let you climb trees often and hurt you. Write it all down!
    • Studies have shown that being aware of someone's bad points will help you get through rejection faster.
  5. Don't take guilt about yourself. Being emotionally rejected can be the easiest thing to blame yourself, but in most cases it's about the person who turned you down and their personal problem, not their own. your fault.
    • Don't think that just because one person doesn't like you, no one will love you anymore.
    • Remember that everyone will be rejected at least once in their life. This is very common, you are not the only one so don't be sad if that person does not reciprocate your feelings.

Method 2 of 3: Keep yourself busy

  1. Reconnect with people you know or make new friends. If the person is in your group of friends or was once a close friend, you can expand your relationship. Call up friends who haven't met in a while and ask them out, you can also try chatting with your science class buddy and start hanging out together.
    • Focusing only on the person you like will limit your scope of communication: you will find that no one else exists in the world or that no one can make you happy. When you meet new friends, you will find that is not the case.
    • Don't isolate yourself. You may just want to be alone, but spending time with others will make you less likely to think about your feelings and fade the person's image.
  2. Enrich your life with new activities and hobbies. Keeping yourself busy is a very important step in letting you forget about your crush and think about other things. Don't let yourself have time to think about your sadness.
    • Volunteer or participate in volunteer activities.
    • Go to the movies, listen to upbeat songs, read an interesting book, exercise, or learn to dance.
    • Start a creative project like writing a book, composing a song, reciting a stanza, drawing a picture or learning a dance.
    • Focus on your education or career.
  3. Always happy. When you laugh, your brain releases endorphins, a substance that creates positive emotions. Spend time with people who make you laugh and do things you love. You can go to karaoke with your best friends, go to amusement parks, play a sport you are good at, exercise also increases the endorphins in your body.
    • Watch a movie or comedy online, or even funny gifs (animations).
    • Laughing can also help you increase pain tolerance. When you are suffering from emotional trauma, your brain is activated in the same positions as when you were suffering from physical injuries. Laughing will make you less vulnerable.
  4. Make a list of the things you like about yourself. After the emotional rejection, you may not be as confident in yourself as before and will only focus on imperfections. "They don't like me because of this point or because I have preferences like that", such thoughts only make you more painful. Focus on the positives of yourself, making a list of all the accomplishments and good things you've done, and the things you like about yourself.
    • Ask for help from friends or family if you can't find your own good.
    • Are you a generous and mature person? Or are you a good listener and trustworthy person? Write it all down.
    • Read the list over and over, especially if you're sad.

Method 3 of 3: Next step

  1. Everything takes time. Your feelings cannot be over for a day or two. There will be days when you are sad and do not want to do anything, but this means there will be days when you feel a little hopeful. Believe that time will heal everything, even though this sounds cliché. This painful feeling will fade away.
    • If it's been months and your feelings are still this strong, maybe you need help.
  2. Talk to someone if you can't give up your feelings. If you've tried to shake off your feelings and take a step further but your heart is still pointing in one place, talk to someone. It can be a close friend or someone you trust, you can also talk to a psychologist: they can come up with methods to help you cope with your feelings.
  3. Find new people. When you're ready, you can find someone who suits you better and is more likely to reciprocate your feelings.Don't be in a rush to start a new relationship, dating someone to take the place while you're still attached to your ex is not the way to deal with the relationship: you'll hurt new people too. Focus on your best friend's good points and remind yourself that you are an amazing person and worthy of true love.
    • As you get better, you won't feel any more every time you hear their names.
    • You will gradually think less about them.
    • One day, you will realize that in the first place, the two of you were not destined for each other.


  • If you're struggling with that person, call a few close friends and watch a comedy together. You should feel better.
  • You will then have to deal with your feelings. If you feel like you can't ignore your feelings, maybe talking to someone you trust can help relieve your feelings.
  • Don't listen to love songs anymore, they'll just remind you of that person.
  • Do not eat to relieve sadness! In the long run, this is not in your favor.
  • Watch your favorite movie or a cheesy romantic movie.
  • Sometimes, writing about your feelings will make you feel better. You can write a love letter to that person, but don't send it! You will regret it.
  • Put your anger out on your best friend - what but teasing you, they are upper class.
  • Don't trust or hope too much, because "too much" is what makes you suffer.
  • Don't give up, though, keep talking to them or hanging out together. You can not know, maybe, after a while, feelings become two-dimensional!
  • Try a new hobby or continue to invest in an existing hobby; This will be very fun and help you overcome your feelings.


  • The methods above will not work immediately
  • Don't challenge your feelings by questioning yourself.
  • Don't try to deny your feelings, accept them slowly.
  • Remove the person's phone number from your phone.