How to have sex without love

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sex without love, how to escape sex trap, with Peruquois
Video: Sex without love, how to escape sex trap, with Peruquois


Many people consider sex and love to be closely related. However, people are becoming more and more open about their sex life and want to freely enjoy them without the emotional burdens in love and relationships. "No strings attached love" is not for everyone, however many people can enjoy a little bit of fun without keeping a commitment. That is, this relationship is not for everyone, and that is normal.


Method 1 of 2: Avoid vibrations

  1. Understand that having sex doesn't mean having love. Love and sex are two completely different concepts. Most people are taught through movies, television and even friends / relatives that sex will always lead to love. However, love is a complex and multi-nuanced emotion that develops over time, formed when you know someone emotionally and socially, not just physically.
    • After orgasm, the hormone oxytocin, also known as the "cuddle chemical", is released in a woman similar to feelings of bonding and love. This is why they often ignore logical statements about a person, as well as confuse love and sex.

  2. Don't go to bed with someone who has been through romantic moments. It can be hard to become friends after a loving or sexual relationship. However, a combination of sex will revive a feeling of love and attraction. One of the differences between friends and couples is the lack of connection about sex. Warming up your sex life together will also spark inspiration whether you like it or not.
    • This includes sleeping with close friends, as your existing bond, when combined with sex, makes it easier to become a couple.

  3. Ask yourself what you are looking for in a sex life. Why do you want to have sex with someone? Are you trying to play around a little, experiment with new people or feel lonely? You need to know your goals clearly, as they will profoundly affect how you bond with someone. Be honest with yourself to avoid being confused after the conversation is over.

  4. Random sex is not for everyone, but it's okay. If you tend to fall in love with everyone who sleeps with or is looking for a partner, think twice about spontaneous sex. If you just want to have fun, have no interest or expect a relationship and want a little experimentation, feel free to proceed.
    • Non-binding sex is easier if you just want to have fun and want to understand more about your sexual needs.
    • Making love out of loneliness, out of love, or hurt often creates unwanted attraction, as you will try to make up for your feelings from your new partner.
  5. Set boundaries. Is intimacy foreshadowed? Some people refrain from kissing their partners because they feel too close to a real relationship. Others don't like cuddling after having sex, or won't make love to strangers. Set boundaries before going out at night and stick to them, as this will keep your heart and mind from worrying too much.
    • Long conversations to get to know each other, especially on an informal level (goals, worries / fears, personal history), often lead to love and attraction.
    • Always take safety measures when having sex with someone.
  6. Don't make love all the time with the same person. Take some time apart to protect your emotions from getting into serious relationships.If you have made a covenant with your partner that you are spontaneously dating other people, take turns changing so that you don't have too much love for one person.
  7. Prioritize pleasure in relationships. Don't stay overnight and cuddle, date or talk late. If you want to be in a non-binding, but only physical relationship, stop physically. Just focus on enjoying your time together, making sure you both are satisfied when you leave the game. Pleasure, rather than intimacy, is an important factor in preventing emotional progress in a relationship.
    • Gifts, dating and sleeping overnight will all create an emotional intimacy. You should only focus on the things you like and, when you are happy, leave.
  8. Review your relationship goals after a few weeks. Do you find yourself beginning to have feelings for someone? More importantly, do you like the "No strings attached" lifestyle? Some people find it cliché to have sex with random partners, not satisfying enough and uncomfortable even though quickly having fun. You are constantly evolving, growing and changing, and your sexual preferences are no exception.
    • How do you feel after having sex? Do you want to stay but feel compelled to leave?
    • Would you like to try something more permanent? Are you giving up on special things because you tell yourself you don't want a relationship, or because you really don't love this person?
  9. Leave when you feel uncomfortable. If you don't like your partner's sex style, leave. Sex without love aims to satisfy each other physically, and if a person is not interested or interested in what the other has to offer, they are free to leave. Remember, this is not a romantic relationship. You don't need to be afraid of your partner's emotional burden and feelings if you accidentally break things down.
    • "I think I'm ready to look for something more permanent, but this kind of relationship is interesting."
    • "I don't want to continue doing this spontaneously."
    • "I want to keep in touch, but now I'm going to meet someone else."

Method 2 of 2: Finding a sexual partner

  1. Flirt with people you know, people not close to, or your friends to see if you get along. You don't have to talk to someone about your life, work and goals or dreams. Spontaneous flirting is more about smiling, teasing, and touching each other occasionally. If they respond, then there is a chance your relationship will progress into an impromptu "love". Here are some tips on the flirting process:
    • "You have been in many relationships and now you definitely won't be looking for any ties."
    • "I'm here just to have fun and meet lovely people."
  2. Communicate your intentions with your partner. You need to be clear and straightforward with the person you intend to have sex with in the first place. If not, you may make the other person expect more than you offer, ending with a one-way relationship will be a sad ending for everyone. When you are not comfortable with the conversation, the best advice is to be upfront and say what you want:
    • "I don't want to start a relationship or start dating."
    • "I want something impromptu rather than becoming a girlfriend / boyfriend."
    • "Do something light and cheerful."
  3. Act like your friends, not your lover. You do not need to show flustered, passionate love, or cuddle each other if you both want to quickly "fight". You can't kiss and send flowers to your partner at work, so don't do it in spontaneous sex. But there's also no need to look embarrassed, upset, or cold around someone. Has a sense of humor, is cheerful together, and maintains lightness. This will allow you to openly express yourself, preventing your emotions from being suppressed or out of line.
    • When you see your ex the next day, be kind and informal - a hug and a different greeting from a date.
  4. Be sincere if meeting other people again. Be frank if you have multiple sex partners. If you have sex with more than one person, your partner deserves to know. However, keep in mind that if they are angry or want a bonding relationship, it's best for both of you to go away. If they believe you are not attached and you continue to meet them, they may imply that the two of you will progress to a more serious relationship.
    • Tell funny, gentle, or interesting stories about other times to show that you are not attached.
    • "You're not aiming for a bond right now, do you hope this doesn't matter to you?"
  5. Try random dating apps to find people interested in having sex. Apps like Tinder and Grindr have been deployed to help interested people find impromptu sex relationships in their area. You can download it to your phone, quickly create a profile and start chatting with people in your area soon.
    • Always meet in public first.
    • Never give out any personal or financial information - just your name is more than enough.
    • Drive yourself to and from the meet up location.
    • Tell a friend or family member about your plans to meet someone, where and when you plan to return.
  6. Stop when only one person develops a romantic relationship. If you or your partner begin to fall in love, but the other person still wants to stay spontaneous, you need to end the relationship. Trying to "get over", or persuade someone to give up and get back into a less intense relationship never comes to fruition, and the longer you stay together, the more emotional it will be. more and more powerful. Remember that when a relationship begins spontaneously - it can also end spontaneously. Let's say things like:
    • "This kind of relationship is interesting, but I want to look for something a little more serious."
    • "This is interesting, but right now you are not ready for anything serious, and you will meet other people."
    • If a relationship is in its early stages, stop continuing or try to flirt, even if you think it's "harmless."


  • You are your own best guide to spontaneous sex. If you feel uncomfortable or pressured, then let go and try new things. There shouldn't be pressure here.


  • Always use protective measures. Not thinking about sex doesn't mean ignoring sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Random relationships with strangers are very dangerous. Always get to know someone first and have a friend with you if he is unknown.