How to Develop a positive attitude toward life

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Develop a Positive Attitude Towards Life
Video: How to Develop a Positive Attitude Towards Life


A positive attitude can make you happier in the long run. To develop a positive attitude, you need to learn to control it. You may want to take time to learn to self-esteem and time as this will contribute to a positive attitude in your life. Another way to develop a positive attitude is to find ways to deal with stress because it causes you to have negative thoughts.


Method 1 of 3: Learn to Control Attitude

  1. Understand how attitudes affect your life. Your attitude toward life determines whether you are happy or not. You cannot change what happens to you, but you can change how you react to them. You make choices every time you face a situation.
    • For example, you have a flat tire. No one wants to deal with a sprayed tire, but you can choose how to respond to the situation. You can get angry and throw things around, increase your blood pressure and have to change tires.If you get angry, you will have to endure a bad time.
    • On the other hand, you can think of this as a normal part of life, taking deep breaths and fixing tires. If you don't overreact, you won't waste time getting angry. In fact, you can turn it into a positive thing. Maybe while fixing the tire, you keep reading a good book that hasn't had a chance to read in a long time.

  2. Arrange events in a positive way. The way you talk about things can affect your attitude. For example, if you talk or think about something in a negative way, you will continue to think about the negative side of it. However, if you speak positively, you will notice a change in attitude.
    • For example, you get a bad news through email early in the morning. You might think, "So today is going to be full of bad things." On the contrary, you think, "This is bad, but the day is just beginning". Even though it happened, the way you think about it will affect your attitude.

  3. Change language. If you say "I can't do it," it makes you think you can't do it. When you say something impossible, you believe it. Instead say positive statements like, "I can do it step by step."

  4. Be active instead of passive. In any situation, you always have another option: you can complain or do something about it. Complaining only makes you unhappy, but taking action will make you feel better. This helps you feel productive because you do something about it.
  5. Enjoy the little things. Like everyone else, you usually focus on one big goal, always waiting for the next vacation. While anticipating is not a bad thing, it can sometimes make you overlook the joys of everyday life. A slice of cake or go for a walk with friends is also a simple everyday fun that you can miss out on just thinking about the big things. Instead, try to live the reality and enjoy what you are doing.
    • For example, if you find yourself looking forward to a new break while chatting with friends, calm down. Focus on listening to what your friend has to say rather than thinking out of the blue.
  6. Practice gratitude. Being grateful is important for forming a positive attitude because it helps you appreciate the things you have in life. Instead of focusing on the bad, practicing gratitude teaches you how to focus on the good.
    • Spend some time thinking about the things you are grateful for. Sometimes you may think 3 things you are grateful for each day, and write them down in a journal.
  7. Stop approaching the next big thing. If you are always looking forward to a new TV show, an upcoming phone, a beautiful car, you will not appreciate what you have. You are putting joy into things you don't own instead of what you have, meaning you will find yourself always looking for something that makes you happy.
    • In other words, instead of thinking "I have to have that great phone" think differently. "You know, the phone I have is amazing. The phone I had 10 years ago couldn't have had much. Where is this feature. "
  8. Combine your goal fantasy with reality. People believe that if you envision yourself achieving your goal, it will come true. However, research has also shown that if you only keep fantasizing about the last enemy and happiness, it will delay your progress.
    • Instead, take a few minutes to visualize the results of meeting your goals. However, you should take the time to think about the difficulties you may face in order to balance your imagination.

Method 2 of 3: Self Assessment

  1. Talk to yourself. Just like everyone else, you criticize yourself when you make mistakes. However, criticism can make you underestimate yourself. If you can turn your comments into positive words, you will begin to appreciate yourself more.
    • The way to test your level of self-criticism is by counting the number of times each day. Whenever a negative thought occurs, write a note on a sticky note or write it down on your phone. This process increases your awareness of your own criticality.
    • Once you know the level of self-criticism, try to change your negative thoughts with positives. For example, when you think "I hate my bust" try to think in a more positive way. "Maybe I don't like my bust but they're healthy and help me have a baby."
  2. Stay with the optimistic people. The people you communicate with also affect your mental attitude. You deserve to be around people who strive to be happy because it makes you happier. Choose to be friends with optimists and limit those who make you develop a negative side.
    • At the same time, ignore the media or radio news that discourages you. They are just as influential as the people around you.
  3. Find inspiration. Find books, podcasts, or radio shows that inspire you to be yourself. Take time to listen to or read those inspirational programs every day. This way, each day you will receive a lot of optimism and inspire yourself to form a positive attitude towards life.
  4. Evaluate your personal opinion. Others will make you feel bad about yourself. Maybe they will judge your appearance, or how you drive. The truth is, only your own opinion counts. Most of what people say is not true, they're just trying to have fun by putting you down.
    • For example, if someone comments on the sweater you are wearing, don't let it get in your way. Remember why you liked this sweater the most and reply to them, "Sorry you don't like it but I really like this orange. Wearing it makes me feel good."
  5. Helping others. By helping others, you are making a positive difference that helps you feel more self-satisfied, encouraging you to develop a positive attitude. Moreover, it can also help develop an attitude of gratitude for what you have in life
    • If you don't know where to volunteer, check with your local grocery store, homeless support center, around your school or library. All of these sites definitely need volunteers.

Method 3 of 3: Reduce Stress

  1. Focus on your breathing. When you feel your stress level rise, the best way to stay calm is by focusing on your breathing. Just close your eyes and let your breath fill your mind, and you will gradually calm down. Try to breathe slowly and deeply, letting each breath clear your thoughts.
  2. Sleeping time. How long you sleep affects your stress level and attitude seriously. If you don't get enough sleep, stress levels will easily increase and are more likely to develop negative attitudes. Get enough sleep at a set time and get enough sleep each night to help you wake up happier and happier.
    • The way to help you get to bed on time is to set a bedtime alarm like when you wake up. Set your alarm 30 minutes or 1 hour before bedtime to remind yourself that it's time to go to bed.
  3. Relieve pressure. If you feel pressured at work, take some time to relax your muscles. Basic stretching exercises can help your mind pause from work and relax muscles that are strained by stress.
    • One simple stretching exercise you can do is switch from cow to cat. Sit in a chair, put your hands on your knees, and lean forward. Back arched. Switch to cat pose by arching your back forward.
    • Continue to raise your arms straight up to your head, leaning to each side while stretching.
    • You can use the swing. While sitting, hold one hand for the post and turn, then do the same with the other side.
  4. Try journaling. Set aside time each day to journal to release your emotions. If your emotions are repressed for a long time, it can make life more stressful.
    • It is important to write your feelings down on paper. There is no need to have correct grammar or good expression or worry about what to write.
  5. Try hugging. Hugging helps the body release oxytocin - a hormone that helps you relax and motivates you to interact more, reducing stress levels.
    • Try to hug at least 8 times a day. You can cuddle friends, family, even pets are counted.