Ways to develop telepathy

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 WAYS to Develop TELEPATHY | Psychic Powers
Video: 5 WAYS to Develop TELEPATHY | Psychic Powers


Telepathy is the ability to transmit words, feelings, or images to another person's mind. Although there is no evidence of telepathy, you can still give it a try. Relax your body and mind, visualize the recipient of the message in front of you, and focus all of your attention on sending them a simple word or picture. You can try sending and receiving messages with a close friend or family member, and then take notes in your journal to track your progress. With practice, you will be amazed to find that you and your friend have a deep mental connection!


Part 1 of 3: Focus on your thoughts

  1. Stretch the body. You can try listening to white sounds using headphones and wearing protective sunglasses. Shifting your attention away from your physical awareness can help keep you focused on sending the telepathic message.
    • Both you and the recipient need to relax. Reducing the attention to the senses can help people focus on the message.

  2. Muscle stretching Or try yoga. Trying to send a telepathic message requires a high level of mental focus; Therefore, you need both physical and mental relaxation. Regular muscle stretching and yoga can help you learn to put yourself in a focused, relaxed state.
    • When you are about to send the telepathic message, straighten your arms, legs, and back. Breathe in as you begin to move, and slowly exhale as you stretch for about 15 or 20 seconds. As you stretch your muscles, you will visualize all the tension in your body being relieved.

  3. Meditate to relax your mind. Wear loose-fitting clothing and sit upright in a comfortable position. Breathe in and out very slowly and try to dispel any unnecessary thoughts that come into your mind. Imagine sudden thoughts leaving your mind as you exhale.
    • Try to focus your mind on each thought. You can try meditation for at least 20 minutes a day. With practice, it will be easier to concentrate.
    • When you reach a calm and focused state, you are ready to send out telepathic messages. Note, both the sender and the receiver of the telepathic message need to relax and clear your mind.

Part 2 of 3: Sending telepathic messages

  1. Think about the recipients of your message. You will close your eyes and clearly visualize the recipient's form. Imagine they are sitting or standing right in front of you. Observe with your eye details, such as their eye color, weight, height, hair length, and how they sit or stand.
    • If you are far away from the recipient, viewing their photo will help you in visualizing their appearance.
    • When you create an image in mind and send it to your recipient, they should also relax and focus on being open to the message. Instruct them to relax their mind and imagine you are in front of them in as much detail as possible.
  2. Imagine how you feel when you interact with the person. Recall how you felt when talking to the person face to face. Feel as if the person is really in front of you. Focus on these feelings and believe that you are connecting with the person.
  3. Focus on a simple word or picture. In the beginning, you should choose something simple, such as objects near you. Visualize the object in as much detail as possible and focus completely on it. Pay attention to how the object looks, how it feels to touch, and how it makes you feel.
    • For example, you can imagine an apple. Imagine the apple clearly showing up in front of your eye. Besides, you will imagine the taste and feeling of biting the apple. Give the apple your full attention.
  4. Send your message. After creating a clear mental image, you can imagine the object moving from your mind to the mind of the recipient. Imagine you are meeting the recipient in person and saying "apple" or whatever thought you are trying to send. In your mind, you will see an image of their faces starting to react because you understand what you want to tell them.
    • Note the difference between focus and stress.You focus on the image in your mind but relax.
    • After you have sent the thought, you let it go and stop thinking about it. Imagine you sent your recipient thought and no longer kept it.
  5. Have the recipient write down what's on their mind. Once you've sent your message, the recipient should still relax and open up until they feel a thought coming to their mind. They should write down what comes to their mind.
    • Before comparing your message with the recipient, you should also write down the thought you have sent. This is how you can stay objective when comparing results.
  6. Compare the results with each other. When you're ready, you and your recipient will exchange what each wrote. Don't get discouraged if you don't succeed, especially the first time. Take a moment to relax your mind and try again with another image.
    • Don't be disappointed by yourself when you can't send a clear telepathic message. Have fun while trying!

Part 3 of 3: Practice with someone close

  1. Take turns sending and receiving messages. Switch roles during practice and see which roles you are more successful in. You may find that you receive a better message and that your friend is better at sending the message.
    • Note that it's more helpful to practice with someone you trust like a best friend or relative.
  2. Play with the cards. Take five cards as if you were playing cards or picking cards with symbols. When your practitioner is in a different position, you will randomly choose a card. Relax and calm your mind, then devote your full attention to sending the image of the card to the other person.
    • Instruct the other person to relax and try to feel your message. When they see an image in their mind, ask them to rewrite the card information you submitted and compare the results.
  3. Draw a picture, then send it to your practitioner. You can draw a shape or simple combination of many shapes, such as a circle inside a triangle. Focus on that image and visualize it moving from your mind to the mind of the other person. When they get the message, have them draw the picture that comes to mind.
    • Or, someone else could draw a picture and give it to the sender; The sender passes the image to the receiver.
  4. Keep a telepathic journal to keep track of your progress. Every time you try to communicate in telepathy, write down the details of the practice. You will specify who the sender and the recipient are, the images were sent and successful or not. A journal will help you figure out how to develop your abilities.
    • Even if the practice is unsuccessful, you can make note of happy details. For example, if the message is "apple" and the receiver says "red" or "fruit", that's a positive sign!


  • Note, no one can guarantee that you will succeed when you learn to communicate using telepathy. There is no strong evidence that telepathy exists or that someone can learn the technique.