How to restore tanned skin at home

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Repair Damaged Skin - Close Large OPEN PORES & Remove Dark spots, Hyper pigmentation with Potato
Video: Repair Damaged Skin - Close Large OPEN PORES & Remove Dark spots, Hyper pigmentation with Potato


Tanned skin is the result of an increase in skin's melanin production after exposure to ultraviolet (UV rays) from the sun. One of the normal functions of melanin is to protect the skin from the sun's UV radiation, and when you are exposed to the sun the reaction of melanin-producing cells to melanocytes increases melanin production. For people with darker skin, the skin will be hyperpigmented and darker, while in people with light skin, the skin is often reddened and sunburned from exposure to the sun. If you don't like over-tanned skin, there are a few ways you can ease or restore your skin at home.


Method 1 of 2: Lighten tanned skin at home

  1. Use lemon juice. Lemon juice is acidic and contains vitamin C, which has been traditionally used to lighten skin areas. Cut a lemon and squeeze the water into the bowl. Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply directly to a tanned area. Leave the lemon juice on your skin for 10-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat daily to lighten tanned skin.
    • If you like, you can also rub the slices of fresh lemon on your skin to let the lemon juice soak into your skin.
    • While the bleaching effect is stronger in the sun, it is advisable to avoid the sun while using lemon juice. You cannot tell to what extent the bleaching effects of the sun. In addition, you should not expose your skin to unnecessary sunlight, especially without sunscreen.

  2. Try tomato juice. Similar to lemons, tomato juice is mildly acidic and contains high levels of antioxidants. These antioxidants can react with skin pigmentation and lighten a tanned skin tone. Cut a tomato and pour all of the water inside into the bowl. Use a cotton ball to apply tomato juice directly to the tanned area. Leave it on for 10-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can repeat the above steps daily.
    • If you want, you can apply tomato slices directly to your skin, or buy 100% pure tomato juice from a grocery store.

  3. Apply vitamin E. Vitamin E can be helpful in lightening tanned skin due to its antioxidant effects. You can get vitamin E naturally through foods, supplements and vitamin E oils. To get vitamin E through food, you should eat foods rich in vitamin E such as oats, almonds, and avocados. peanuts, avocados and green vegetables. Vitamin E oil can be applied directly to the skin to increase moisture in the skin and help heal damage caused by UV rays that cause sunburn.
    • The daily dose of vitamin E supplements is listed on the manufacturer's instruction label.

  4. Use apricots and papaya. Apricots and papaya contain natural enzymes that lighten tanned skin in some people. You can cut slices of fresh apricot and papaya to apply directly to a tanned area for 10-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Done every day.
    • If you want to apply on a large area of ​​skin at the same time, you can grind apricots or papaya and apply to the skin, or squeeze juice if you have a press and apply it to your skin.
  5. Try kojic acid. Kojic acid is a product derived from fungus and has a lightening effect on the skin. It is also very effective in treating melasma, the temporary darkening of skin that occurs during pregnancy. There are many products on the market that contain kojic acid such as oils, gels, lotions, soaps, and shower gels. Each product has different concentrations of kojic acid, so you may need to try several to find the one that works best.
    • Test these products on small areas first and be sure to follow all manufacturer's instructions.
  6. Make a turmeric mask. Turmeric is a popular Asian yellow spice commonly used in dishes such as curries. Turmeric mask is used to remove hair, brighten, ruddy skin and treat acne. You can make a turmeric mask with 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder, ¼ tablespoon of lemon juice, ¾ tablespoon of honey, ¾ tablespoon of milk, and ½ tablespoon of flour. Mix all the ingredients in the bowl until the paste is made into a paste, then apply it with a brush or cotton ball to the skin. Let stand for 20 minutes or until mixture hardens. Rinse skin with warm water.
    • Turmeric can leave a yellow color on the skin. Use makeup remover, toner or facial cleanser to remove turmeric.
  7. Apply aloe vera to a tanned area. Aloe vera is an herb with moisturizing properties. Aloe vera applied to the skin can help reduce inflammation and irritation caused by prolonged sun exposure. Aloe vera can also help keep skin moist and healthy, thus also helping to lighten tanned skin a bit faster. You can buy aloe at the supermarket or drugstore.
    • Apply aloe vera gel 2-3 times daily after going out in the sun.

Method 2 of 2: Understand tanned skin and sun exposure

  1. Learn about tanned skin and sun exposure. Tanned skin is often seen as a manifestation of health, beauty, vitality, and time spent in the sun. However, tanned skin has been linked to skin aging and skin cancer. It's also important to know that a tan does not protect your skin from sunburn.
    • When in the sun, you need to wear sunscreen, especially if you're trying to avoid further sunburn.
    • The American Academy of Dermatology recommends a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays with a sun protection factor of SPF 30 or higher. The sunscreen must also have water repellent properties.
  2. Correct sunbathing for vitamin production. Adequate sunbathing time will help the skin produce an important vitamin, vitamin D. To properly sunbathe, expose your face, arms, legs or back in the sun for 5 to 30 minutes. You can sunbathe between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., at least twice a week, and don't apply sunscreen if you have darker skin or already tanned. If you have light skin, you should stay out of the sun during intense sunny hours, instead sunbathe moderately and avoid the sunniest hours to meet vitamin D requirements without significantly increasing the risk of damage. skin injury or skin cancer.
    • The New Zealand Dermatology Association recommends sunbathing for 5 minutes before 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. (peak hours). Thanks to light skin tones, people with light skin can achieve adequate amounts of vitamin D during this time. People with darker skin tones getting 20 minutes of sunbathing outside of peak sunlight should be enough to get the right vitamin D levels.
    • The American Academy of Dermatology does not recommend sunbathing any when outside of outdoor occasions such as from home to the mailbox, taking the dog outside, getting from the car to the office or other usual daily activities.
    • Sunscreen will decrease vitamin D production, but the benefits of sun protection are important.
  3. Get more vitamin D. Since there are so many guidelines and problems surrounding sun exposure, you should get vitamin D through other sources and avoid excessive sun exposure. There are many food sources of vitamin D, including fish and fish oil, yogurt, cheese, liver, and eggs.
    • You can also try foods and beverages fortified with vitamin D, such as breakfast cereals, milk and juices.
  4. Note the risks of skin cancer. When it comes to skin and sun exposure, it's important to understand the risks of skin cancer to avoid as much as possible. If you suspect you have skin cancer or are at high risk, see your doctor immediately to get checked or learn the most appropriate prevention measures for your particular case. Risk factors for skin cancer include:
    • Light skin
    • Have a history of sunburn.
    • Too much sun exposure
    • In high or sunny areas
    • Moles available
    • Pre-cancerous skin lesions appear
    • Individual and family history of skin cancer
    • Weakened immune system
    • Exposure to medical radiation
    • Exposure to certain carcinogens


  • Tanning is actually a manifestation of skin damage. You should avoid further damage to the skin.
  • Avoid using exfoliants on your face. You will only get rid of the superficial skin cells, and the cells below that contain a lot of pigmentation remain.
  • Avoid using any harsh bleaching chemicals to lighten a tan. These chemicals can cause additional damage to the skin.
  • Apply yogurt and lemon juice on tanned areas and let sit for about half an hour.