Ways to Say Love

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Beautiful Ways To Say ‘I Love You’ ❤️ | Learn Romantic English Expressions for Valentine’s Day
Video: 10 Beautiful Ways To Say ‘I Love You’ ❤️ | Learn Romantic English Expressions for Valentine’s Day


Although many people use this sentence superficially, there are times when you want to say "I love you" / "I love you" / "I love you parents" ... seriously, without embarrassment. bland. Whether you're trying to show love to your ex or a family member, here are some tips for you.


Method 1 of 3: In romantic love

  1. Definition of love. To show the sincerity in this sentence you need to know what love is and what love someone means to you. Distinguish the difference between love, infatuation and jealousy, and remember that your feelings for this person are true love.

  2. Feel the love. There will come a time when you realize that your feelings for your boyfriend or girlfriend have turned from friendship to something more passionate, and develop into romantic love. Once you're sure you've crossed that threshold, it's time to express your feelings. If you say it because you think you should, or because the other person is looking forward to it - you have not reached this threshold and the statement will become dishonest.

  3. Eye contact. Eye contact not only shows sincerity but also imparts trust, your eyes will show joy when you say "I love you" for the first time. It was a moment that the two of you will never forget. Even though their faces were only a few centimeters apart, it felt like there was nothing between the two of you, not even the air.
    • Holding hands while saying a word of love can also show sincerity and trust.

  4. Choose the right time to speak. Choose a time when both you and the receiver of the sentence feel most comfortable.
    • If you are in a private place without a lot of noise, speak at a low volume; Don't whisper unless you're with the person's ear close to your lips, it is also a very informal way to show your love.
    • If you want to let your ex know how you feel when you're in public, decide for yourself to pull the person aside or speak in front of a friend or even a stranger. It depends on the personality of the person you love and your own. Some people find it romantic to be loved by others in public, but many find it embarrassing.
  5. Saying without expecting anything in return. You will be very concerned about whether to say love to someone if you always expect their response in mind. If you really feel that way, then say it without expecting anything. You can express your feelings in the hopes of making them happy and showing them great value in your eyes. So speak out how you feel, and if the person loves you, tell you in their own way, at a time they decide.
  6. Expressed in a creative way. Say "I love you" in another language, or write a love poem. If you want to be romantic, talk in a room filled with rose petals. Write "I love you" in a code. You can also say it in a more subtle way, like sticking it in an unexpected place, or in any other way you can think of.
  7. Proof of words. Not only speak, but show that you truly love them. It would be a lie if you say "I love you" without showing love in action, in some way. Show love by actions as well as words. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: In love family

  1. Talk to family members. We sometimes forget that we also love our parents or brothers, and even though they are really important, we are often not used to saying "those words" in everyday communication. If you don't have that habit, change it! Regardless of whether or not your family feels comfortable showing each other's love, be the first person to break the ice.
    • You can say it at a certain event - wedding party, birthday party or simply family dinner. Raise the cup and say "I love you all".
    • You can speak privately, in some random moment. For example, if you are surfing the web, when your dad happens to come over, you can hug him and say you love him. You don't have to be wet and wet - just tell the truth.
  2. Say "I love you very much". Friends say loving each other doesn't seem very common. In some cultures this sentence seems taboo, especially for boys. But the truth is that friends are like family we are selective, and sometimes it's a good idea to talk to your important people. This sentence can be said between two male friends or two female friends. Remember, it's not romance or sexuality, but friendship.
    • For example, he has been your best friend since high school. He was there when that guy broke your heart, and you also saw his lover leave to study abroad and end the relationship. You guys talked about the issue going beyond friendship, but determined that it wasn't the kind of love you two had for each other. Together you celebrate important events, and even though the two of you are far away, you keep in constant contact. Next time you meet him, if you haven't done it before then say "Dung, you are such a great friend. I really like you!" Most likely he feels the same way.
    • Another example is between "two boyfriends". The two of you always play together and regularly have competitions in a friendly spirit. You two are always there to help each other despite difficulties and obstacles. He's your best friend, and you love him like your brother. After celebrating an event, or when you want to thank him for something, say this informally: "I love you." Then give him a soft punch if you feel a little embarrassed!
    • You are also the object of this sentence. The two of you share each other's secrets, go to the movies together, share your passions and sadness with each other. Even if two people live in different countries, at least talk on Skype once a week, and you won't be yourself if you lose her. Say "I love you so much, kid", or call her your favorite nickname. She will respond immediately.

Method 3 of 3: Unconditional love

  1. There are no rules at all! The love that a parent has for their children is the most accurate illustration of unconditional love. Perhaps nothing is more wonderful than our love for our children, especially when they are young. We don't expect anything in return, and are happy to see them smile. As they grow up, they will challenge us, make us proud or disappointed, and then make mistakes as adults, but we still love them.
    • Another example of unconditional love is your dog's love for you, which is why people say "I try to be human in my dog's mind".


  • Talking directly to someone is much more meaningful than talking over the phone or texting.
  • Do not use "I love you" to hide wrongdoing or to resolve conflicts. Learn to apologize.
  • If a person you care about says they love you, be honest about your feelings. Do not say superficially that "Oh, great!", People will misunderstand you.
  • Don't overdo it, your partner will get bored and feel like it doesn't make any sense. Talk to the person you love at the right time.
  • If you've ever said "I love you" but not honestly, now that it's time to go bald in an unforgettable way. They will notice a difference between the first speech and the second speech.
  • Each person shows love in a different way. Be understanding and notice how your ex is showing love to you.
  • Saying "I love you" in the first place when a burning passion is probably not a good idea, they may doubt your sincerity. Prove it by acting attentive.
  • In a more special way. For many people, say the word "love" in common situations such as when saying goodbye (eg "Time to go. Goodbye! Love you very much!"). However, you should save the complete love phrase for intimate moments, especially at important events, to reassure them when they receive bad news, or in moments of need to cherish intimacy, like after kissing.
  • If your love is unrequited, you need to be understanding and caring about the feelings of your loved one. At least they know how you feel now.
  • Kiss after saying.
  • If you truly love someone, tell them love because you feel that way. That is a sentence that people want to hear, not only through words but also actions. You've probably heard the saying "Actions are more important than words".