How to Text a Guy You Like

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What to Text A Guy You Like (Make Him Obsess Over You)
Video: What to Text A Guy You Like (Make Him Obsess Over You)


Texting with a guy you like can make you happy, but equally “brain-damaging” and scary. You may feel nervous at the beginning of a conversation, but if you keep your cool, you will text with confidence. By asking delicately funny and joking questions, you can capture his attention and show him who you are who are cheerful, interesting and clever.


Part 1 of 3: Opening a conversation impressively

  1. Text him first to show your confidence. You might want to wait for him to text first, but if you take the initiative, you can take control of the conversation and show him that you are confident. He will be impressed and relieved by the pressure to take the initiative.
    • You don't have to be the one to always open up, though. If you took the initiative in the past few conversations, give him a chance to show interest by texting him first.

  2. Mention what you two did together. Mentioning a conversation or activity that you have been together recently is a skillful and natural way of communicating. This will make you feel like you both have a relationship even though you just met in a group of friends. Text a question to make sure he answers.
    • For example, if you are in the same class, you can make a funny comment like "Do you feel that Mr. Nam is acting strange in today's Math class?"
    • If the two of you had a memorable conversation, turn it into your own joke like “I still can't believe you don't like ice cream. Why is that possible ?? ”
    • If you just met him at an event like a game or party, mention the meeting with something witty like, “Are you the one holding the glass of water so your shirt won't get wet? was it yesterday? "

  3. Show your mischief with random questions. If the guy you like is a funny person, showing carefree words in your words can help you get his attention. Making a conversation with a funny question is a great way to get attention and get him to respond to your message. You can refer to a few sentences below:
    • "It's just fun asking, but I still want to know: if you can only eat one dish all your life, what is it?"
    • "I'm arguing with a friend and I want to ask you to decide to win or lose, but you don't need to worry because I just want to know if hot dogs are some kind of bread ??"

  4. Praise him wittyly. Everyone likes to be praised, but it becomes obvious that you flatter him too much. Instead, compliment him in a half joking tone to show that you are impressive but not too impressed by what he does. You can say things like:
    • "I heard you won the match yesterday ... I guess you're not bad at playing sports;)"
    • "I say this, please do not mind. Yesterday after you helped me fix the air conditioner, my roommate thought I was an electrician too. Haha. "
    • "It's great that you got the lead role in that play, but don't forget the people you knew before you became famous: P"
  5. Send him a mischievous challenge. Many guys love competition and challenge. So send him an interesting challenge or request; He will be eager to impress to show off his abilities. Try saying:
    • "I heard you are good at cooking, but I find it hard to believe unless I can taste the food you cook with your own hands."
    • "People say you play the guitar very skillfully, so can you play a song for me to listen to?"

Part 2 of 3: Hold his attention

  1. Ask questions to help you learn about his interests. Think about the things you know he cares about and focus on them. Thus, he will have the opportunity to show his true self, helping the two become closer. Be sure to use soft and witty language so you don't feel overly serious.
    • If you know he likes soccer, ask what team he likes and what their achievements this year. Also, find out when he liked that team and why.
    • You can also ask about his pets, his favorite TV shows, the classes he attended, and the places where he went.
    • Show your agreement by saying "Yes, I think so too!" and tease him when two people disagree: "I think you are wrong, but I will forgive you;)"
  2. Teasing to challenge him. Many guys like to follow and giving a gentle, hidden "excuse" will make him want to conquer you more. Show his wit and mischief so that he will be interested and excited by what you say.
    • For example, if he is going to play basketball with his friends, you could say, “Don't forget to throw the ball in the basket! : P "
    • If you were sitting next to him during lunch, then you could text him something like “Did you prepare your own lunch today? Luckily this time I could finish all the food…;) ”
    • You should only make fun of innocuous things. Avoid talking about family, looks, politics or other sensitive topics, especially if you're just getting to know him.
  3. Share what you usually do. You want to show some interest in his life, but don't just focus on him! Feel free to reveal something about you to get his attention and make him want to know more about you.
    • Showing him that you have your own life also makes you more interesting and mysterious.
    • If he talks about pets, you could say, "I've never had a dog, I feel like I like cats more ... maybe I need to be persuaded to change my mind;)"

  4. Don't use too many emojis and exclamation marks. Overuse of emojis and punctuation can feel like you are stressed out and even restless. You can use emoticons or exclamation points from time to time, but don't use more than one or use immediately after each message.
    • Once you get to know his texting habits, you can adapt and send more emojis. However, at first, you should choose to behave safely and simply!
    • If you think you're a bit overly enthusiastic, it probably is. Even if you are not sure, keep moderating to avoid becoming pervasive.
    • You can also send funny animations or pictures from time to time, but don't overdo it. Such content is only amusing when submitted in moderation.

  5. Avoid extrapolating his short texts. When you get a short reply like "Yes", or don't even get a reply, don't worry! There are many reasons why he may not be able to send longer messages or reply to your messages; So please calm down.Put your phone down and do something else to avoid thinking.
    • Some guys take a long time to reply to text messages, so don't set high expectations until you know his habit of replying to messages.
    • Avoid asking about a reply when he replies to your message - it may seem like you're desperate. You can appear calm and relaxed by continuing to talk as you normally would.

  6. Don't continue texting, especially if he doesn't reply. It's great if you feel good texting with a guy you like - that means bonding! However, don't go over the limit. You can be a stalker if you text all the time, or send long texts about bland things.
    • When you first text a guy you like, don't text more than 2-3 messages at a time if you don't get a response.
    • If he doesn't answer and you get annoyed, put your phone down and do something else for a while.
  7. Always be yourself while texting him. Even if you want him to like you, don't try to be someone else when you text him. Show your carefree, funny, intelligent, and lovable side, and don't force yourself to behave like someone else to be more attractive.
    • Guys are often drawn to confidence, so the only thing you should do is always yourself.
    • Remember that the great things you say through text don't mean anything if it's not who you really are!

Part 3 of 3: Makes him look forward to

  1. End the conversation before it becomes boring. Ending the conversation with nothing left to say will cause him or you to lose interest in continuing to talk. Instead, say goodbye when you're both having a good time.
    • It may be difficult to stop in a good conversation, but it will make him think of you right after and look forward to talking to you.
    • Use your intuition to know when the end is right, such as when you just sent a witty text and he texted "hahaha", or if he just sent you an interesting question. - shows that he is interested in the conversation.
  2. Use some reason to naturally say goodbye. Even if you don't really have to go somewhere or do anything, talking like that helps you to end the conversation comfortably and naturally. He won't feel hurt by being left out, and you make him curious about what you're going to do. Here are a few suggestions for you:
    • You can say, “Oh, I have to prepare dinner… I'll answer your question later. Please wait for me;) ”
    • "I have to do my homework, I'm sorry to stop" comedy "here!"
    • "I'm going to go out. If you're lucky, I'll text you when I arrive;)"
  3. End with a question to get him to think about you. You could say "I have to go out here, but what do you think about ...?". This is a guarantee that he will reply to your message, but you don't need to respond immediately. He will have to check his phone all day waiting to see your messages!
    • You could say "I have to go out, but what do you think about the Super Intelligence program?" or “I have work to go out, but have you seen Rap Viet? This is a very interesting program. ”
  4. Hint about your future plans. Great text messages will help you have a great meeting! To increase your chances of meeting him, you can make sense of seeing him later or another day, but don't say so firmly. Showing your mystery will make him look forward to seeing you.
    • For example, you would say "See you later ..." or "Maybe we will run into each other tomorrow;)"
    • For a joke, you could try saying, "I know I'm looking forward to seeing you in class tomorrow;)"


  • Do not send nudity. Even if you are in a close relationship, this will go too far and will make you regret.