How to text a girl you like

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Types of Texts Girls LOVE | How to Text the Girl You Like
Video: 4 Types of Texts Girls LOVE | How to Text the Girl You Like


You are lucky enough to have the phone number of the girl you like, but what to do next? If you're too nervous to make a call, texting is the best way to get her attention. To text a girl you like, just learn to flirt without being too obvious. If you need some advice in doing this, read on.


Part 1 of 3: Start with confidence

  1. Be unique. Try to send her a different message from the other guys. Don't just say hello or post a weird emoji; Find ways to make her laugh or provoke her interests. Do whatever makes her think, "This guy has something special. I want to keep talking to him." Here are some ways to be unique:
    • Attract her with your wit. Make a humorous comment so that she can see the uniqueness of your way of looking at life.
    • Make her laugh. Show her that you are smart - even through texting.
    • Tell stories that she has never heard before. If you just heard an interesting news that you know will make her laugh, tell it.

  2. Ask an interesting question. Questions are a great place to start as she will know that you are waiting for an answer.However, you shouldn't let her fall into the "What should I say" situation; therefore, ask questions as direct and specific as possible. Here are some ways to ask a question:
    • Ask her what kind of a day or week she is. If you know she has had an important event, ask about it.
    • Make sure to ask questions that she can easily answer. Don't ask about the meaning of life, but ask her what she is going to do in the upcoming National Day holiday.
    • Ask a simple question. Just a short sentence can mean a lot.
    • Ask open-ended questions. Instead of asking, "When did you go back to the music show last night?", You would ask: "How did you feel about the music performance last night?" This will make her share more. If you ask a question that can be answered with one or two words, you may end the conversation before it can begin.

  3. Pay attention to your grammar. This may sound silly, but you should still make sure to check spelling and punctuation before texting her. While you don't have to be expressive like a writer while texting, let her know that you care about her by composing grammatically correct sentences.
    • Be careful with capitalization and use punctuation when needed. Don't go too far, though, by using multiple semicolons and dashes in messages. You should re-read the message as you normally would before sending an email.

  4. Don't try too hard. If you try too hard the first time you text her, she will probably realize that. Remember to be yourself, don't change yourself when you say things that don't show your personality just because you think it will impress her. The worst thing about trying too hard is that she will quickly realize this.
    • Remember to relax. Do not send a long text or a text that looks zealous. You should only send one message at a time.
    • Don't try too hard to be funny. If your humor is natural then that's great, but if you add "hahaha" after your messages to let her know you're joking then you should review your actions.
    • Remember that she may be a little nervous as well. This will make you feel more comfortable in conversation. Be yourself and don't sweat trying to say the perfect sentences.

Part 2 of 3: Maintain her attention

  1. Show off attractive. Show her that you can keep an enjoyable conversation on the phone. From there, she will think that you can comfortably continue the conversation when you meet her. Your goal when texting a girl you like is to let her know a little about your personality and make her want to learn more. If you attract her, she will want to talk to you. Here's how to do it:
    • Find a common interest. While you don't have to mention your political or religious views when texting, find a common interest. Whether it's a TV show or a band will help you prolong the conversation.
    • Mention a topic you love, like soccer or cooking. This will attract her attention.
    • Let her know that you often make time for hobbies. When hanging out with friends or practicing with a band, tell her. She will be more interested in you if she knows you have a life.
    • Show off your humor. If she says something funny, don't just text "Ha ha" and end the conversation. Instead, respond with something interesting and let her know you can keep talking.
  2. Flirting. Flirting not only makes her want to talk to you, but also shows that you are really attracted to her. Just flirt moderately to let her know you care, but don't be too obvious about her asking you to stop. Here's how to keep the conversation going by flirting:
    • Know how to joke. Show her your innocent side by making the dumb comments at the right time. No woman likes a man who takes himself too seriously.
    • Tease her. If you get along with her, tease her gently and wait for her to tease again. Just make sure she can catch up with the tone of your text and knows you're joking.
    • Don't be afraid to send wink symbols from time to time. While it's not recommended to use this icon, sending it at the right time is a great flirtation.
  3. Show your interest. There are many simple ways to show her care about her without being too obvious. Text at the right time to show that you are thinking about her and that she is important to you. Here's how you can show your girl that you care through texting:
    • Show that you value her opinion. Ask her what she thinks about a topic, like a new movie playing or a newly opened restaurant.
    • Ask open-ended questions about her. Don't be too personal, but if given the chance, ask what she's up to or what she likes to do on the weekends.
    • Shows you remember the content of the conversation. If she tells you there is a big exam coming up, make an impression by sending a "good luck" text the evening before the exam.
  4. Don't overdo it. Make sure your emotions are well received and that you don't attack her with unsolicited messages. You should show concern but avoid becoming clinging, annoying, or embarrassing. Here are some ways to keep from being too obvious:
    • Make sure there is a balance in the conversation. If you texted her 10 messages, but only got 1 or 2 replies, then you should withdraw.
    • Don't reply to her as soon as you get the message. If she doesn't reply to your text a day later, just take it easy. When you shoot a text just 5 minutes after she replies, you seem too excited and even mad. Keep calm, confident and relaxed.
    • Avoid using multiple emojis. While sending emojis at the right times at the right time is a great flirtation, don't overdo it.
    • Avoid using punctuation or capitalization innocently.

Part 3 of 3: Ending Clearly

  1. Know when to end a conversation. If you want to make her interesting, stop texting at the right time; otherwise, she will get bored with persistent message exchanges. Whether she seems busy or you simply have nothing left to say, it's important to know when to stop texting and continue texting next time. Here are some signs that you should stop the conversation:
    • If she is usually the one to end the conversation, then you should probably avoid texting her for a while until she takes the initiative.
    • If she only responds with a one-word text, she may be busy or not interested enough to talk to you.
    • If it takes her a few hours or maybe a few days to reply to your text, then maybe it's time to give up. Recognize the fact that she has a life of her own and that you should get back into your own. However, don't be sad, let this pass smoothly and always think positively. Another chance to interact with her may come soon.
  2. Leave a positive message. You should always leave the conversation open; That way, it will be easy for you to chat again. This simply means letting her know you look forward to seeing her or what you plan to do at night so that you can continue talking about the topic. Here's what you should do to end the conversation:
    • Let her know you hope she is happy with what she is doing and where she is going.
    • Find a subtle way to let her know you think about her.
    • Text "good morning" and "good night" at the right time of day. (Of course you should avoid doing this often at first, make sure the feelings are both sides. Otherwise you will become clinging and / or annoying.)
    • Tell her where you are going. She will probably take it as a sign you want to meet her.
  3. If you've built a relationship and feel like you're talking well, then go ahead and invite her out. Let everything happen naturally. The worst that could happen is that she declines the invitation but that's not the end. If everything is going well then you should move on. Here's what to do:
    • You don't have to be formal. You can tell her that you are going to a bar, restaurant or a music show with some friends and ask if she and her friends want to go.
    • If the two of you are having a long and close conversation, you can say "I want to see you to continue talking about this topic. Or shall we continue with a dinner or coffee?". So you have an appointment.


  • Don't text her every moment of the day and expect her to respond. Remember that she also has many other friends.
  • If she doesn't respond to you right away, be patient. Don't text her a question mark to see what she's up to.
  • How long conversation notes usually last. If the conversations are long, maybe just a few hours, then she probably likes you! If you think she's making the same effort as me to keep the conversation going, that is a good sign as well. Don't forget to take a break from always texting her first. If she texts you back after a few days it means she's looking forward to talking to you or thinking about you. If possible, take note of her texting level or her texting level with other friends to see if you are special to her. Try to let her know that you text her more than others when possible; This will make her feel special!
  • Make sure not to reply immediately or text too much as you will become clingy.