How to realize you've secretly missed someone

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
πŸ’– KNOWING They Tortured THIS CONNECTION But They’re GOING To SURPRISE YOU! May 2022 #TarotReading
Video: πŸ’– KNOWING They Tortured THIS CONNECTION But They’re GOING To SURPRISE YOU! May 2022 #TarotReading


Sometimes, it's hard to know if you have a crush on someone. This article will help you understand what a crush is and will explain if you really have feelings for that person.


Method 1 of 3: Definition β€˜Trauma theft’

  1. Understand the kind of feelings you love for someone. The online dictionary Urban Dictionary defines it as "a burning desire to be with someone that you find very attractive and special." This type of affection leaves you with weird emotions - like embarrassment and dizziness at the same time.You can't choose who you have a crush on, but you can choose how you behave when you're sure. I like someone.

  2. Know that there are many types of affection. The phrase 'love' has many interpretations. Maybe it means you are simply "crushing" on someone, or you really are prefer surname.
    • Loving friends: It's important to remember: not all strong emotions are romantic. Letting yourself trust and become extremely close to someone without having romantic feelings for them is truly special. Wanting to be with one person all the time may only mean that you've moved from the level of normal friends to the level best friend. It is perfectly normal to love your friends - you always want to hang out with my best friends as much as possible.
    • Feel the kind of admiration: When you idolize someone (like a celebrity, a teacher, an interesting classmate), you may find you have strong feelings about them and what they do. These feelings are easily mistaken for romantic feelings, simply because they are so intense. It is okay to feel a little awe-inspiring in front of someone who has taken a great action or can teach you interesting things. Usually it's best to let the time pass a bit before overthinking those feelings. In general, when you spend a lot of time with this person, you will learn a lot from them, and then you will begin to feel like you are on the same level. This feeling of affection for this person may subside when their respect for their presence is lost.
    • I miss the type of heatstroke: It is very natural to be attracted to others. Even if you are in a great relationship, you may still feel attracted to others. This sentiment is called a crush - newcomer can feel new and exciting to you, and sometimes they really are, but that doesn't mean you should reconsider your relationship. or give up everything just to be with the other person if you are single. In general, a crush is characterized by being attracted - often physically - to someone.
    • Love to miss the romantic way: Sometimes, loving someone really means that you have romantic feelings for them. Having a romantic crush means that you want to be with that person more than just friends β€” you want to be their lover. If you fantasize about kissing, holding hands, or cuddling with the person, you may have missed them in a romantic way.

  3. Find out how much your affection for them is. This way, you can learn the best course of action - either keep this feeling to yourself, or share it with someone you like. Read the next section to see how strong your feelings for that special person are. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: When you're around someone you have a crush on

  1. Examine your behavior around people you think you are having feelings for. Paying attention to your behavior means recognizing how to instinctively react when around the person. Each person will react differently, and generally, subconscious responses. Usually, when you fall in love with someone, you will react in one of two ways: either become shy and flutter, or become really active.
    • Shy response: Do you suddenly feel like you want to bounce when that person is around? Do you blush endlessly and can't help but stare at the ground? Do you suddenly feel like you don't have anything interesting or witty to say? All of these reactions denounce your feelings.
    • React energetically: Do you suddenly feel like making fun of the person? When they're there, do you suddenly feel like you want to talk a lot to get their attention? Those are also signs of affection. Just make sure you don't make the person uncomfortable with this behavior β€” don't tease them too much, or they may not want to see you anymore.
    • Flirting response: Do you feel like you want the person to notice your outfit or hairstyle that day? Do you feel like giggling and laughing at that moment? You may suddenly want to make sure you look your best in order to get their attention. Bringing your eyes, flicking your hair over your shoulders, and playing with your hair are all signs of affection.
  2. Examine how you feel around your crush. The most common sign of liking someone is restlessness and nervousness when the person is around. You can also feel as if your heart skips a beat when you see them, and you feel warm and dizzy.
    • Are you suddenly feeling both nervous and excited at the same time? Maybe you want to hug the person or be with them all the time. These are all normal reactions to having a crush on someone.
    • Do you feel like you are willing to give up everything to be with your ex?
  3. Notice how you behave around your friends and ex. Having a crush on someone may make you suddenly want to be the center of the conversation, or be as mumbling as the person approaches. If you were talking to a group of friends and someone you like to get up to, would you do the following? Because if you like someone, you probably do one of the following:
    • Do you: suddenly feel like you want to be the focus of attention? You may find yourself switching the subject of the conversation so that you can tell about the interesting things you did to impress the person. You can even drown out your friends' voices so that your story can be heard. You can also try to communicate with the person a lot to get their attention.
    • Do you: suddenly feel like your tongue is frozen? This affection can sometimes be embarrassing and has nothing to say. If you normally talk a lot and then suddenly become mute when that special person is around, chances are you have secretly missed them.
    • Do you: feel like your friends disappear every time the person approaches? You may be in a crowded place, but all of a sudden all you see is that special person. You will smile a lot, even though what your friends are saying is not funny at all. If you are asking you something, it is almost impossible for you to pay attention to the question because you are still concentrating on the person in your dreams. These are signs that you have feelings for people.
  4. Notice if you are investing more in your appearance. A typical sign of loving someone is a desire to become more beautiful around them. Do you spend more time grooming in the morning? Do you buy new clothes that you think your crush might like? Do you spend more time with your hair or makeup, just in case you meet your loved one that day? If so, you are likely to like them. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: When you are away from loved ones

  1. See if you're just thinking about the person. If you find yourself thinking about that special more than anything else, chances are you have a crush.
    • Maybe you are having dinner with your family, but you are not paying attention to chatting because you are still wondering what your crush is doing.
    • Maybe you're hanging out with your friends, but silently wish you were hanging out with that person.
    • When you are about to go to bed, are you thinking about kissing your crush for good night?
  2. Notice if you talk a lot about the person. Do you find yourself always mentioning that person when you talk to your friends? One obvious sign is when your friends tell you you're talking about people all the time. If you are comfortable, it might be a good idea to tell your friends that you are liking the person. They will help you understand your feelings and come up with good ideas to learn more about your crush.
    • Be careful about who you plan to disclose this information to. Don't talk to any random friend about your feelings. If you do, someone might tell the story to someone you like and you will be embarrassed. Only tell your best friends - the people you trust the most.
  3. Notice if your life changes with your crush inside. Do you give up or change any habits in the hope that the person will notice you?
    • Have you passed their classroom a million times just looking forward to seeing them?
    • Did you change the path because you know that they are taking it too?
    • You start a new hobby and delve deeper into a subject that your crush also likes, like photography or rock climbing.
  4. Pay attention to your inner reactions when someone mentions your crush. Usually, when you fall in love with someone, you'll get excited when that person is mentioned in the conversation. If someone mentions them, do you:
    • Feeling excited? Suddenly you feel restless in your stomach? Feel like your heart is about to leap out of your chest? Blushing and giggling? Confused and chuckled? If anything like the above happens, you will already have a crush on that person.
  5. Pay attention to when you are daydreaming. There is a difference between thinking about someone and daydreaming about someone. Thinking about someone is when you wonder what the person is doing or how they are feeling. Daydreaming is when you imagine things you want to do. People who are in love with others often fantasize a lot about that person.
    • If you fantasize about that person and imagine you two walking around together, holding hands, kissing each other or something romantic like that, then you really like that person.
  6. Notice if there's something that reminds you of your crush. You remember that special person every time you listen to a song, watch a movie or read a book, then you definitely have a crush on them.
    • If you hear a romantic song and think "This is how I feel", you have a crush on the other person.
    • If you watch a movie like Titanic and picture two people as Jack and Rose, you already like them.
    • If you read Romeo and Juilet and immediately sympathize with that deep, unruly love, you probably have feelings for the other person.
  7. Consider your thoughts while reading this article. As you read, are you thinking of a particular person? If the answer is yes, you already have a crush on that person. advertisement


  • When you find that you have a crush on someone, don't panic. Get used to this feeling before you act.
  • Don't confuse affection with affection for your friends. Love between friends of the opposite sex is as easy as romantic nostalgia.
  • Find out who you like. Sometimes, the way you view or judge them is not exactly what they really are.
  • Try to help when they need it. If you help them, the two of you will probably get closer. Don't show your feelings too clearly, or they'll notice something is wrong and may start to distance yourself from you.
  • If you miss someone, you can choose between confessing it to them or keeping it a secret. Also, if you don't trust your group of friends, don't reveal anything. They may brag about it with the wrong person, and then the person goes to tell your loved one, making him / her confused.
  • Only tell your trusted friends, because if you tell too many people, everyone will know it.