Ways to get to know a real friend

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Ways To Differentiate Real Friends and Toxic Friends | Real Friend vs Fake Friend
Video: 8 Ways To Differentiate Real Friends and Toxic Friends | Real Friend vs Fake Friend


When you have to wonder if your friend really is a friend, the relationship is probably on the brink of being. Friends may be countless, but a true friend is much more rare and worthwhile. Luckily you can easily recognize such friends.


Part 1 of 3: How the friend really talks

  1. A true friend often says words of encouragement and encouragement. They make you feel productive, confident, and happy. Everyone needs a bit of positive energy at one point or another, and true friends are full of energy. Even if they disagree with you (“that hat looks like a dead kangaroo”), they are still very supportive (“but you put it on nicely!”).
    • If she gives you sincere compliments on everything from your new outfit to the things you do, that's a good sign.
    • Encouragement, even in small things, is a trustworthy sign for both sides.
    • Notice if the person is a “cheerleader”. Although it is not that she makes you happy at all timesBut if they are good friends, they will always be the "fan" and cheer for your success.
    • If the person consistently denies your success or is always trying to outdo you ("Did your test get 8 points? Cool, I got 9 points"), put you down and / or don't believe in things Then they are not real friends - quelling their bad behavior is what you should do.

  2. A true friend is always listening. Sometimes we just need someone quietly sitting next to us to hear our talk. A true friend always quiets and listens if you do the same with them. They make eye contact with you as they talk, remember what you just said and ask heartily. Pay attention to who is the majority of the conversation. An ideal friendship is when the listening and speaking time of both parties is equal. If you feel like me always being someone who listens to your friend's chatter means that you are not enjoying the fairness of the friendship.
    • If the person keeps glancing around the room and looking at the phone every time you talk, or doesn't even remember that you said you applied for law school, then they're probably just fake friends. created and not worth your time talking.

  3. Good friends can talk to each other freely. With true friends, you can tell hidden or difficult stories, and they can also share their stories. They easily sense your mood without you having to show it. Maybe when a friend says, "What's the matter, lady, what's the matter?" It's a skillful way for her to show empathy for you, but it's still a good sign of friendship. She cares for you. When things go bad, friends really don't. allusions, they will talk in a mature, honest way to get to the point.
    • If you know how to talk like an adult when something is not satisfied, then you have good communication. If you and that person can comfortably say things like, "Hey man, I'm so sad that you didn't come to my party the other day", then you've found a friendship that deserves to be preserved.
    • If you feel like you have to hide something from her or her, you don't dare reveal secrets or big things that happened to you or feel like they're not open to you about their lives, yes you are probably dealing with a not-are-you-really.

  4. Determine if this friend is honest. Honesty is the foundation of a true friendship. If your friend is open and honest with you, that's a good sign. If they lie, small or big things, chances are you won't have a genuine friendship.
  5. Good friends should stay away from gossip. If the person you call her is a "gossip" person, they may also speak ill of you when you are not present. Everyone likes to chat with each other from time to time about interesting stories; But if you feel like the person is always gossiping about other people or gossiping behind everyone's back then chances are your "friend" will be treated the same way sooner or later when you turn away. Here are a few ways to see if a person's gossiping habits are out of control:
    • If the person speaks ill of others as soon as they leave the room, then that person is scary.
    • If the person has a habit of gossiping about people they say are their best friends, then they will talk about you the same way with their other "best friends".
    • If the person specializes in saying negative things about absent people, then they are definitely not a good friend.

Part 2 of 3: How a friend really behaves

  1. A good friend is willing to spend time with you. Life today is often hustle and bustle, there is not enough time to eat, drink, rest, work, let alone make up with friends. But a true friend will always make time for you. If they can't find time to hang out or talk to you on the phone, how can they be called friends?
    • If the person is good at arranging phone conversations, lunches or dinner sessions with you and stays in the habit, then congratulations! You are having a real friend. Of course, be sure to respond in the same way and spend time with your friend.
    • If that person never taking time for you, always complaining that life is "busy and dark," and just want you to turn around their schedule, you probably have a problem. Especially if they spend a lot of time with other important people or their other friends. Everyone is not busy, but not everyone misses the appointment.
  2. True friends often keep things in balance. In an ideal friendship, both sides contribute equally to their relationship, whether it be in communication, spending time relaxing or offering drinks. It is giving and taking, so don't just give if the person is only aware. Usually you can feel this - evenings watching movies all take place at your house, you are always the one to call first, the other person is welcome to borrow your tapes and never ask, etc. … If you feel this is happening, cut it off! True friends always return their friend's kindness without thinking.
    • Both sides are ready to show affection. Not everyone likes to hug, but everyone has a way to show concern.
    • Balancing doesn't mean you have to spend equal amounts of money - friendship is impossible to trade. It's just a feeling of being respected and cared for by my friends, no matter what way they express it.
    • Don't let that person come to you only when you need help or call for help, but when you need it, they are always "busy". Both have to actively come together at one time or another, not only to ask for help but also to offer help.
  3. Friends really have to keep their word. The person who breaks a promise is not you. If the person never seems to deliver what they promised, neglect you, forget the plan you planned, then you are playing with someone who broke their promises and not really you. We all have to cancel our plans at times or change our minds at the last minute, but if the person doesn't seem to ever do what they say they're going to do, then they're not worth the time and affection of. friend. A good friend must "say do.
    • If the person falls short of your date, is indifferent to planning, or doesn't go to important appointments, then he or she is not going to keep it.You should ignore the person and keep them out of your schedule.

  4. Good friends have no other motive when playing with you. Understanding people's hearts is not easy, but it is important. Think about why this person likes to hang out with you. Most likely just because you're a good friend, and the rest of this "benefit" just came naturally. There are some "classic" reasons for a fake friend to find you, but you'll usually see some warning signs if they're not a real friend. However, you should still pay attention to people who want to stick to what you have for the following reasons:
    • The famous. Who watched the movie The girls are very clever You will all realize that true friends will always be with you whether you are famous or not. Popularity can go up and down, but it doesn't change a true friendship no matter what.
    • Richness. Sure - having a rich friend is really interesting. You can enjoy things you would never be able to pay for yourself! But if you are loved by your friends just because you have money, they will most likely leave when you have no penny left.
    • Convenience. Do you often let them hitchhike to the office or let them copy their homework? Did they give you anything back?
    • Boring. It is summer vacation, and the neighbor suddenly becomes cordial with you. But when the school year started, they disappeared. These so-called "friends" will ignore you as soon as they find a new group of friends or a new guy / girl.

  5. Realize if they expect you to strengthen their self-esteem. While friends should support and encourage each other, some may be too clingy. If this friend turns to you to continually feel better about himself, they are probably using you. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: What a friend really makes you feel about

  1. Real friends make you feel good about yourself. The person doesn't have to agree with you about everything you do, but the friendship should make you feel happy as you are. They make time seem like time flies and you can conquer the world! If you feel energetic, cheerful or giggle when you remember the fun you went through with your friends after going out with friends, then you have a real friend.
    • If every time you meet a friend makes you feel like you've done something wrong, worry you have upset your friend or feel bad about yourself, then you are having problems. If the person is lowering you to elevate themselves, it is not okay. If that person upsets you by malicious comments about your looks, weight, grades, etc., you already see it.

  2. Good friends make you feel valued. If playing with that "friend" makes you insecure about where you are in their life, then they cannot be important people in your life either. While friends shouldn't flatter each other with lies, a true friend makes you feel useful, important, and indispensable. They ask for your opinion and listen to your advice. They don't leave you behind when another "great" friend enters the room. Nobody has time for such foolish games - find a friend who is worthy of your friendship.
    • Fake or unintentional friends can make you happy with just the two of you, but at parties or in crowds they act as though unaware of your existence. They ignore your advice or your thoughts and push you out of the group's plan.

  3. Real friends make you happy. Sounds simple and clear, doesn't it? That's why it's important to remember. In simple terms, good friends are the ones who make you feel good around them. If you feel that hanging out with the person isn't as comfortable as being alone, then that person has ruined your pleasure.
    • Everyone has difficult times at one time or another. However if you feel like that person always You're in a crisis and you can't enjoy your own life because having to clean up the consequences for your friend means you're in trouble. You're friends, not a tissue box to wipe your tears.
    • If you're not looking forward to hanging out with the person, don't want them to meet your family and other friends, or feel burdened with them, then they aren't really friends. In this case, it is up to you to find some polite way to withdraw.

  4. Follow your intuition to find good friends. If something does not feel right, it probably is. Don't follow the logic of horror movies: ignore a bad feeling and then suffer the consequences. If you feel unhappy with someone, don't feel supported and loved, or can't trust them, then don't be friends with that person. Good friends aren't easy to find, but that doesn't mean you have to get into a relationship with someone who treats you for nothing. Take a step back and ask yourself, do you really think they are good friends, or is it just your wish?
    • Even if you keep wondering if your friend is your real friend, chances are your relationship is having a big problem. No friendship is perfect, and the occasional confusion is hard to avoid. But those obstacles cannot destroy a real friendship.


  • A true friend will accept you as you are.
  • Real friends are always supporting you. They always support you in difficult situations and are ready to support you.
  • Do not use good gestures to make up for bad behavior. A good friend won't do things like gossip behind you, take your stuff or lie to you - even if he / she seems sweet to you.
  • If it's really you, that person won't be jealous if you play with other people.
  • Tell your friends about your suspicions, but don't accuse them of anything.
  • Always put yourself in the person's shoes to sympathize with their situation.
  • Always find ways to help your friend find a solution to the problem.
  • Sincere friends do not speak behind the back, but will speak directly to you.
  • If the person pulls you out of their activities, it is not really you.
  • A true friend who always respects you.
  • Good friends will stand up for you when you are bullied or teased, and they will always support you no matter what.
  • If someone only makes you sad, they are not you.


  • Don't lie to yourself about being friends with someone who doesn't feel the same way. After all, you will only hurt yourself.
  • Don't try to change a friendship you know cannot change. If the person is really bad or just abuses you, then they are not worth trying to heal your friendship. Cut off with that person and find better friends; This will help you in the long run.
  • Don't be persistent and / or rude in asking your friend. That can do more harm than good, especially in deep-bonded relationships.