How to tell if the guy is listening to you

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Is my phone listening to me? We tested it, here’s what happened


It's not easy to see if a guy is flirting with you, many guys flirting by being kind to you, or ignoring you, sometimes being a bit mean to you. The moment you think he's infatuated with you, he's cold to you or gives you confusing cues. Luckily, there are a few things you can look at to determine if a guy is swinging with you.


  1. See how he treats other girls. If he flirts with you, it might be because you have something he likes. However, if he listens to all the girls, then he is simply a bee-man with a talent for speech and natural charm. Whenever you have a chance to hang out with him with a few other girls, watch, if the way he talks and treats them the same way you do, then he probably has no personal feelings.

  2. See if flirting is part of his job. If he's working and still works as a bartender or waiter, flirting is part of the job. Don't worry too much about how he treats you at work, but consider his feelings for you after work. This will give you a more objective assessment of his feelings. On the other hand, if you both work in a professional environment, he won't want to flirt with you because he doesn't want to get in trouble or flirts during work hours.

  3. See if he dares to break through. If a guy likes you, he will use all kinds of old reasons to approach you because he wants to be closer to you. He may gently touch your hand while holding a pen, flick it over you, gently rest his hand on your back, or sit near you with his knees or feet touching each other. If he makes an excuse to bump you like that often, it is likely the signal dropped.

  4. Does he laugh when you joke. You may have a natural sense of humor, but if the person likes you, you look even more interesting in their eyes. He will laugh at everything you say even if you don't joke around. If you notice him laughing a bit loudly when you're joking, or laughing unnaturally when you just mentioned something for lunch, he's probably flirting with you. He laughs a lot because he is happy to be with you.
  5. Does he borrow from you often? If the guy is trying to flirt with you, he'll make an excuse to spend time with you. He'll borrow books, videos, or class notes, all for a chance to talk, while keeping your belongings to make him think of you more. He also wants to act like he's sharing his interests with you, thereby making you like him again.
  6. He behaves politely in your presence. Although many guys are inherently a gentleman, if he likes you, they will open the door for you, pull a chair to invite you to sit, or even yield your jacket when you are cold. If two people walk on the street, he will choose to step outside to protect you from traffic. Observe how he treats other girls, if he only treats you like that, chances are they are after you.
  7. Does he tease you. Teasing is one of the most common ways to flirt. If he gently teases you about your dress, your walking, the way you smile or anything about you, and he just thinks they're cute, then that guy is listening. If you feel that a guy is making it difficult by pointing out every "mistake", he may be liking you, which makes him pay more attention to every little thing you do.
  8. He lied about your interests. If you and him share your taste in books, music, movies or food, it would be fun, but there is a possibility that the two of you will be out of tune. If he seems overly excited and nods a bit when you mention a favorite movie or band, he might be trying to get you in, trying to make a connection between the two for you. like him better. Don't be upset by this, this is just his harmless lie trying to win your heart.
  9. Did he give you small gifts. He can give you a brand new pen because you don't have one. He gave you lip balm because he felt your lips were dry. These may not be as spectacular as big flower baskets, but they are also a way for the guy to show that he likes you, so he takes care of your needs. He thinks critically and does not want to scare you by expensive gifts when he is not sure if you have feelings for them.
  10. He laughs at the guys you hang out with. This is a typical expression when a guy is flirting with you, showing that he cares. If a guy makes a lot of bad comments or makes jokes about guys you have been around with, it's a sign that he is jealous because you pay attention to others, not them. If he asks something like, "What's cool about him?", He is flirting with you.
  11. Does he joke about you dating someone else. If he calls out someone else's name or teases you about having a hot date, he's probably listening. The person is tracing to see if you have a boyfriend or if you're hanging out because they want to be your boyfriend. This is a subtle (or not?) Way to let the guy want you to know he's the guy who wants to hang out with you.
  12. He blushes when he sees you. If a guy blushes when he talks to you, this is a sign he likes and is chasing you. Notice his face when talking to you, if it turns red for nothing, or after talking a little more personal with you, then it is a sign that he has a crush on you.
  13. He compliments you subtly. He won't say "You're really hot" but will use a different way and still reflect the fact that they like you. If he compliments your eyes, your hair color, your smile, or an admirable feature in your character, they are listening to you. They might tease you a little, "The sweater I wear is dreadfully dazzling," but it's still flirting.Some boys can't even praise normally but choose to floss, of course, at an acceptable level.
  14. Does he make eye contact with you. If he's in the pursuit of you, the guy tends to make eye contact with you when he talks. If he likes you, there's nothing else to distract him, like his cell phone, or looking around for a buddy. His eyes are on you for a bit, then maybe out of concern, he won't look anymore, with a shy smile. He can give a meaningful look even if he's far away from you. If you accidentally catch him looking at you, that is a sign that he or she is interested.
  15. He directs his body towards you. Body language says it all. If he points his shoulders, arms, and feet toward you while talking instead of looking away, he is open and flirting with you. He will let his arms drop instead of crossing his chest, while also turning his torso towards you. They do this out of affection and want to be closer to you, and they tend to lean towards you when they speak.
  16. He does play with his hair when he's around you. This is one of the other key factors in the person's pursuit of you. If he likes you, he or she will be more worried about how you look and feel about them, and what haunts them more than the hair. Notice how many times when you're around he has placed his hand on his hair or stroked the back of his head. He may also play with his hair out of anxiety when around you, a sign that he likes you.
  17. He's grooming in your presence. If a guy likes you, he or she will want to see you better around you. He will smooth all wrinkles on his shirt, brush off any crumbs from his pants, generally always want to look the neatest in front of you. He wants you to see your best and will do everything you can to look your best. Next time you see him, notice how he is grooming himself, that's a sign.
  18. Observe him while talking to you. If a person likes you, their eyebrows tend to be raised, their nostrils open, their mouth is slightly parted. It is biologically. If a person likes you, their face is everything and you can get a hint by “reading” the expression on their face. Don't stare at his nostrils or eyebrows, make people panic.
  19. He talks in low tones. If a guy likes you, he'll lower his voice a bit and that's a sign that he's interested. If you talk to him and you get a lower voice when talking to other girls, or friends or teachers, it is because he likes you.
  20. He confided in you. If a guy reveals some private information about them to you, he probably has feelings for you. If he tells private stories about family, pets, friends, or relationships with his parents, he is after you. This is his way of showing you his depth. If he shares something he has never told anyone other than you, which means the two are having private moments together, the guy is definitely liking you. advertisement