How to tell if you like a guy

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
8 Signs A Guy Secretly Likes You
Video: 8 Signs A Guy Secretly Likes You


You are beginning to realize that you secretly love the other guy but can't quite understand if you just think about him more than usual, or have a real crush. You may feel lightheaded every time you get close to him, or you still can't understand your feelings. If you really want to know if you have a crush on someone, you must pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and actions. If you want to know if you really like them or not, read the tips below.


Method 1 of 3: Pay attention to what you think

  1. If you think you have a crush on someone, then maybe that's true. If you are wondering if you love him, and really want to learn about the subject, then you probably love him. Maybe you keep guessing because he is an old friend, or the subject is unlikely to win your hearts, or because you are completely confused.
    • However, you should not think too much, just because you like someone does not mean you want him to be your soul mate. That means you just like him and want to spend more time with them.

  2. Notice how often you think about him. This is an easy way to see if you have a crush on someone. Why do you spend so much time thinking about that guy if he isn't special to you? If you find yourself thinking about him every few hours, or always wondering what he is up to, then you have a crush. Here are some ways to tell through your thoughts if you have a crush:
    • When you find yourself fantasizing about that guy during class.
    • When you think about him and then fall asleep. When you dream about him, be more certain, even if the dream is not romantic.
    • When you find yourself constantly wondering what that guy is up to or what he's up to.
    • When you always wonder if he is thinking about something. What does he think of your new dress or your new hairstyle, the movie you just watched or the restaurant you just went to?
    • Notice how many times you think about him each day. Once a day? Maybe no. Once per hour? Probably liked.

  3. Notice if you can concentrate or not. Lack of concentration is also a sure sign that you have a crush on someone. If you can focus entirely on yourself, your grades or the friends around you, then you don't have time to think about him. But if you are barely able to read a page of a book because your thoughts are always drifting towards him, this is a sign that you are having a crush.
    • If you feel so distracted by the thought of the guy that you can't stay with your friends for more than five minutes, then you have a crush on them.
    • If you can't read more than one paragraph of a page without visualizing their face, or wondering if he does his homework, then you have a crush.
    • If you think about that guy while watching a movie, or even a 30-minute TV show, that is a sign that you like them.
    • If you are so distracted that you cannot concentrate on writing in class and find yourself doodling his name, then you are definitely in a heatstroke.

  4. Notice if you used to think of another person this way. Chances are this isn't your first crush, so think about the guy you've liked in the past and compare. Even though no relationship or audience is the same, if you've thought of another person the same way before, chances are this is a new friend you like.
    • Try to remember if you used to think of another person this way. What were your thoughts at that time? If you have similar thoughts about this new guy, then you probably already have a crush.
    • Know the type of person you like. Would you deny yourself when you fall in love with a guy you like before? If so, this is a sign that you secretly love them but deny yourself.
    • If you've never liked anyone, then there is probably nothing to compare. In this case, maybe you really like him but just don't know how it feels!

Method 2 of 3: Notice what you feel

  1. Notice if you are interested. If you enjoy being with him and only enjoy spending more time together, then you probably have a crush. If the guy makes you feel good instead of interested, this means that you are comfortable with him but may not consider him the person you like.
    • If you can't sit still with him, that's a sign that you like them. If your hands vibrate or you can't stop talking, or keep gesturing while talking, then your energy is more abundant than usual because you like them.
    • If you're so excited that you laugh at whatever he says, even if it's not funny, you probably have a crush. If you like someone, it's easy to assume that everything that person says is funny.
    • If you're so excited that you can't sleep at night because you constantly think about them or rewind the conversation in your head, that is a sign that you secretly like them.
    • If you feel a sudden delight, your heart beats fast when he greets, texts or chats, or even when he says your name, you have a crush.
  2. Notice if you are restless. If you like someone, you won't feel completely comfortable around them. Instead, you feel restless because you worry about what he thinks of you and are afraid of saying anything wrong. If you feel restless, you care about what he thinks of you, and if you care what he thinks about you - you guessed it - you have a crush.
    • If his hands are shaking, his knees are shaking, or his voice is shaking while you're with him, he is making you nervous.
    • If you are so nervous that you keep rambling when you talk to him or are completely speechless because you don't know what to say, then you like him.
    • If you are so nervous that you hit things around him, hit a table, or drop your wallet in front of them, you have a crush.
    • If you're so nervous that you always feel embarrassed or keep blushing when you're with the guy, for no apparent reason, then you have a crush.
  3. Notice how he feels when he's with another girl. If you like someone then you don't want him to date, talk, or even hang out with other girls. If you feel okay with him having a girlfriend or flirting with other girls, then you probably don't like him.
    • If the thought of him dating other people irritates you, you probably have a crush.
    • If the thought of him hanging out with other girls upsets you, you definitely have a crush. In the future you should not see this as a problem, otherwise your jealousy could become a worry.
    • If he has a girlfriend and you think he is in a very good relationship with that person and is happy for him without any complicated emotions, then he probably isn't your crush.

Method 3 of 3: Pay attention to what you do

  1. Notice what you say. The things you say to him, or even the things you say about them when they're not around, can be a big sign of whether you like him or not. Here's how to see if what you say shows you have a serious crush:
    • When you find out you're always teasing him. When you constantly poke at him without intentionally, you have a crush.
    • When you talk very quickly or stutter when you need to say something to him, that's the person you like.
    • When you're afraid of saying something wrong that makes you look like a fool in front of him, you like him. And if you feel like everything I tell him makes you look dumb, maybe that's the person you like.
    • If you can't talk to your friend for more than 10 minutes without mentioning him, you probably have a crush on them. If you like someone, your friends might recognize it before you know it.
  2. Notice how you act. Your actions around him tell a lot about whether you like the guy or not, or even your actions when he's not around. Here are some ways to tell through your actions if you have a crush on him:
    • When you change your plan on purpose to hang out with him. When you have never watched basketball in your life but suddenly came to a school basketball game because you knew he would appear on the audience bench.
    • When you want to be with him whenever you go out. You find yourself leaning towards him when the two of you are in your group, or even playfully touching them if possible.
    • When you can't stand it when he's around, he flirts with the other girls.
    • When you feel very sad if you go to a place he thinks he will be there but turns out not to.
  3. Notice if you are starting to pay more attention to your looks. It's unlikely to be a coincidence when you suddenly spend twice as much time putting on makeup in front of the mirror whenever you're planning to see him. Here's how to get through your grooming routine if you have a crush on that guy:
    • When you tried twice to look better before you met him. When you try to wear your best outfit, put on a great hairstyle and put on good eye makeup if you know he will be present.
    • When you find yourself experimenting with new makeup styles or accessories to get his attention.
    • When you find yourself completely disinterested in looks if you're going to a place where you know he's not around.
  4. Notice if you are starting to change your personality. Let's say this guy is the typical manly, active type. You may find yourself practicing basketball or soccer, or wearing Nike shoes to get his attention. And when you want that guy to care about you, it basically means that you like him and will do anything for him. advertisement


  • It is difficult to like someone and not know if you like them or not. If you think you like that guy then this is probably correct.
  • It is normal to feel confused about your feelings.
  • Don't choose a guy because of his looks.
  • A good friend may find out that you like someone before you do. If your friend affirms that, take some time to think.
  • Don't stress too much. If you like spending time with him, does it matter whether you like him or not?
  • If you're not sure if you like him or not, try asking your friends if you are shy or nervous around him.
  • Don't always show up everywhere he is. He may feel you are too tense.
  • What's to come. Don't take too much care on your looks, because he may like you for who you are.
  • Don't confuse your feelings for being with a good friend. The line between a good friend and someone you like may fade with time.
  • If you find yourself following him on social media (Instagram, Facebook, etc.), you probably already like them.
  • If you tell yourself, 'Does he like me?' And keeps smiling, that's the person you like.