How to stop coughing in 5 minutes

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How To Stop Coughing In 3 Minutes-No More Dry Cough
Video: How To Stop Coughing In 3 Minutes-No More Dry Cough


The persistent coughs are painful and uncomfortable. A cough can have many things, from a dry throat to a runny nose or asthma. The key to getting rid of your cough quickly is choosing the right method for your type of cough


Method 1 of 3: Drink water

  1. Drink enough water. As with any illness, drinking enough fluids is the first way to fight a cough. If you have a dry throat cough, you probably only need a little water. Even if a cough is from any cause, it's always good to drink plenty of fluids.
    • If your throat is sore or burning from a cough, avoid drinks that may further irritate, such as acidic drinks like orange juice.
    • You also need to be careful with milk. While the notion that milk makes more mucus is just a rumor, milk - especially whole milk - can latch on to your throat and make you feel like you have more phlegm. However, if your cough is caused by an irritating or dry throat, then cold dairy products can help relieve the cough.
    • If in doubt, you should always drink water.

  2. Warm up the drink. For certain coughs, like those caused by congestion or a runny nose, warm water may be more effective than cold or room temperature water.
    • Whether it's a favorite herbal tea mixed with honey or just hot lemon juice, according to the medical director of the American Lung Association, "any warm drink can thin airways mucus. ".

  3. Try salt water. Especially in the case of a cold - or a cough caused by the flu, salt water is your best friend.
    • Rinsing your mouth with salt water or using a saline nasal spray can kill the virus or bacteria that cause a runny nose that causes you to cough, and help relieve coughing by flushing the mucus out of your throat.

  4. Consider steam - in some cases. It is common knowledge that the steam from the shower or humidifier can help with coughing; however, only in case you have a cough due to dry air.
    • If you are coughing from a stuffy nose, asthma, dust or mold, etc., the humid air makes your cough worse.

Method 2 of 3: Change the environment

  1. Sit up straight. A horizontal position can cause mucus to flow into the throat.
    • For example, when you have a cough, you should use a pillow up to your head to prevent a runny nose in your sinuses from flowing down your throat, causing a cough.
  2. Clean the air. Keep away from dirty air, including cigarette smoke. Airborne dust particles can make your cough or cough worse from other reasons worse.
    • Strong scents, such as perfumes, can cause some people to cough, even if they don't irritate them.
  3. Keep the air still. Avoid wind, ceiling fans, heaters, and air conditioners as moving air can make coughing worse.
    • Many coughing sufferers believe that the wind aggravates their coughing, drying out their airways or causing an itchy sensation capable of provoking a cough.
  4. Try breathing exercises. Although most breathing exercises are for chronic conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, they can be used by anyone who is coughing.
    • You can try “controlled coughing” or “lip-breathing,” among other options. For example, with pursed breath you can breathe deeply through your nose and count to two.Then, while holding your lips like you were about to whistle, breathe slowly and count to four.

Method 3 of 3: Proceed to the next steps

  1. Use medicine. If your cough persists, consider trying a cough medicine.
    • A cough suppressant usually consists of two ingredients: an expectorant that helps reduce mucus, and an inhibitor that blocks the cough reflex. Check the labels to choose the best medicine for your cough.
    • Your doctor may prescribe a cough syrup that contains codeine - a substance that can be very effective at relieving coughs. Be sure to exactly follow the dosage instructions your doctor prescribes, since codeine is potentially addictive.
  2. Soothes the throat. Consider sucking on cough candies, eating frozen foods (such as popsicles), or rinsing your mouth with salt water to soothe your throat if your cough is causing inflammation.
    • Many cough medicines contain a mild anesthetic that reduces the cough reflex. Likewise, cold foods, such as popsicles, are believed to have a temporary numbing effect.
  3. Try mint products. Whether in the form of lozenges, ointments, or sprays, peppermint oil has been shown to relieve coughing attacks.
    • Peppermint essential oil increases the "cough threshold," which is the increase in the level needed to trigger a cough
  4. Know when to see a doctor. If your cough is accompanied by difficulty breathing, bloody sputum, severe pain or fever above 38 ° C and other serious symptoms, you should see your doctor. advertisement