How to stop heavy menstrual bleeding

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Available Treatment for Teens
Video: Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Available Treatment for Teens


Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) can occur in any woman during the menstrual cycle. Heavy menstrual bleeding can affect everyday life, including physical activity, mental health and social life. Menopause can also cause many serious health problems such as iron deficiency anemia. To stop heavy menstrual bleeding, you can try a variety of natural ingredients and make changes to your diet. Also, you should read the section "When should I apply it?" to know when to try natural remedies to stop excessive menstrual bleeding.


Method 1 of 3: Use herbs and home remedies

  1. Try herbs to reduce blood flow. Many herbs have astringent properties and have long been used to control excessive uterine bleeding. Herbs can also control hormonal imbalances and menorrhagia.

  2. Lady's Mantle Drink tea. Lady's Mantle is an herb that is often used to treat menstrual problems. Drinking Lady's Mantle tea can help reduce menstrual bleeding.
    • Lady's Mantle is also called Alchemilla Vulgaris or "women's herb".
    • The leaves of this herb are used for medicinal production and have strong contractile (muscle contraction), coagulation (coagulation) and astringent (seizure) effects. These herbal properties help bring menstrual blood levels back to normal.
    • Soak 30 g of dried Lady's Mantle leaves in 1 liter of boiling water to make tea.
    • Drink tea 3 times a day until symptoms subside.
    • You can buy Lady's Mantle herbs at some health food stores and alternative medicine stores.

  3. Try using celery plants to reduce heavy bleeding quickly. Thyme is an herb that can reduce blood flow. You can try using celery to help reduce heavy bleeding.
    • Also known as Capsella bursa pastoris.
    • Shop for green tea at health food stores or tea stores and drink 2 cups of tea a day.
    • This herb also works to reduce postpartum bleeding.

  4. Use chasteberry to balance hormones. Strawberry is an herb that stimulates the production of the hormone progesterone. You can use a diet regimen to help balance your hormones and prevent heavy bleeding during your period.
    • Strawberry preparations are also known as Vitex agnus castus or Chaste tree.
    • Strawberry plant helps normalize the balance of the female hormone cycle. This herb stimulates the production of high levels of progesterone and stops estrogen secretion, thereby reducing uterine bleeding.
    • Try taking 4 to 6 mg of raspberry extract per day for heavy menstrual bleeding.
  5. Use cinnamon. Cinnamon that you use when cooking or baking is also known as a spice that can help reduce menstrual bleeding. You can add cinnamon to your diet or use it alone to help soothe the uterus and prevent excessive menstrual bleeding.
    • Cinnamon has astringent properties that can help constrict blood vessels and prevent excessive bleeding.
    • Try mixing 3 teaspoons of cinnamon powder in a cup of hot water and drink it every 30 minutes until bleeding returns to normal.
    • Incorporating cinnamon in your diet can also help reduce menstrual bleeding.
    • Make sure to only use cinnamon powder to mix with water. Cinnamon essential oil can cause nausea, vomiting and even kidney damage.
    • You can buy cinnamon powder at most grocery stores.
  6. Use red raspberry leaves to help relax the uterine muscles. Similar to cinnamon, red raspberries contain plant chemicals that help relax the uterine muscles. Red raspberry leaf tea can help reduce excessive menstrual bleeding.
    • Although there are no human studies, some animal studies show that red raspberry leaves have the ability to relax muscles.
    • Wash 170 g (2 cups) of red raspberry leaf and boil together 1/2 liter (about 2 cups water). Grandchildren take tea and enjoy a cup up to 3 times per day.
  7. Consider using celery herb or Sabina. These homeopaths can help reduce menstrual bleeding symptoms. Research has shown that the ghost (or Cimicifuga racemosa) has the ability to regulate the concentration of estrogen and progesterone. Sabina herb can reduce the severity and duration of menstruation.
    • Try using 40-200 mg of dried celery per day, divided into several small doses. Alternatively, you can try using 0.4-2 ml of 60% ethanol at the rate of 1:10 or drink narcotic tea 1-2 times per day.
    • Sabina can be found in tablets from brands such as Hylands and Boiron. Follow the dosage instructions on the medicine bottle.
  8. Apply ice to reduce blood loss. Applying an ice pack to your abdomen can help reduce bleeding, relieve pain, and reduce swelling.
    • Cold compresses help constrict blood vessels to reduce bleeding.
    • You can wrap an ice cube in a towel or t-shirt and then apply it to your stomach for no more than 20 minutes.
    • Continue using the compress every two to four hours until symptoms subside.
    • Stop when you feel too cold or numb.
  9. Take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain reliever. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) taken with heavy menstrual bleeding not only help reduce bleeding, but also help relieve pain.
    • Follow the dosage instructions on the medicine bottle.
    • You can buy NSAIDs at most pharmacies.

Method 2 of 3: Adjusting the diet

  1. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. You need the right nutritional supplements to stay healthy. With a healthy and nutritious diet, you can ensure regular menstrual cycles and prevent excessive bleeding.
    • Choose nutritious and healthy foods like protein (including nuts), iron-rich foods like dark green leafy vegetables, and dairy products like yogurt and cheese to get calcium.
    • You can eat a Mediterranean diet, which includes a combination of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and whole grains. This is a diet low in animal fat, high in fish and vegetable oils, and has been shown by many studies to help regulate the menstrual cycle.
    • Consider using healthy oils and seeds like olive oil and flaxseed to reduce menstrual bleeding.
  2. Supplement with B vitamins to reduce spasm. Green beans are rich in fiber and vitamin B, which help prevent stomach cramps.
    • B vitamins are essential for the conversion of excess estrogen in the liver.
    • Vitamin B also stimulates the synthesis of prostaglandins - an essential compound that helps reduce abnormal blood clotting.
    • Choose iron-fortified breads and cereals, B vitamins, fiber, and protein.
    • Vegetables like green beans contain B vitamins.
  3. Combine foods rich in iron and vitamin C to stimulate blood clotting. Iron plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells, iron deficiency can lead to anemia causing heavy menstrual bleeding. Iron and vitamin C have synergistic effects, vitamin C is essential for effective iron absorption. Combine foods rich in both vitamin C and iron to reduce menstrual bleeding.
    • Eat veggies like broccoli, kale, sweet potatoes, and spinach (spinach) for iron, calcium, and vitamin C.
    • Eat fruits like oranges and strawberries for vitamin C. Dried prunes and dried figs are good sources of iron.
  4. Increase magnesium intake to reduce estrogen. Magnesium is an important mineral that helps balance female hormones like progesterone and estrogen. Increasing magnesium intake can help reduce estrogen and reduce heavy menstrual bleeding.
    • When magnesium levels drop, estrogen levels rise and lead to heavy menstrual bleeding.
    • Dark chocolate is a good source of magnesium.
  5. Take iron supplements. If you have iron deficiency anemia, you can take an iron supplement. Iron supplements not only help treat iron deficiency anemia but also reduce menstrual bleeding.
    • Follow the directions on the iron supplement packaging.
    • You can buy iron supplements at most pharmacies and health food stores.
  6. Consider acupuncture or acupressure. Some studies have found that acupuncture or acupressure can help reduce menstrual bleeding by stimulating the release of chemicals into the muscles and brain to control the menstrual cycle. You can make an appointment with a licensed acupuncturist or acupressurist to help reduce heavy menstrual bleeding.
    • Acupressure can help increase blood flow to your back and uterus to reduce contractions.
    • Research suggests that acupuncture or acupressure can help balance hormones, thereby reducing hormonal changes and pain during menstruation.

Method 3 of 3: When should these methods be used?

  1. Get treatment if your menorrhagia affects daily life. Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding can affect your life more than usual. If your period makes it difficult for you to do the basics of the day, using ingredients to help stop or slow your period may help.
    • In fact, most women do not bleed so much menstruation that it is called "menstrual bleeding". If you do have a period, the amount of blood lost and the severity of the spasm will completely hinder you from doing basic daily activities.
    • If the bleeding is moderate but not severe, you can reduce your symptoms with conventional, proven medications instead of using unproven herbal remedies. Pain relief should be done with NSAIDs and heat pads. Also, take in nutrients that are beneficial to your body and avoid foods or substances that make the contractions worse.
  2. Try herbal ingredients if you are not pregnant or nursing. If you are bleeding heavily, you don't have to worry that you are pregnant.Many herbs can affect the balance of hormones so they can have a negative effect on a pregnant woman or harm a newborn. Taking herbal supplements before your period can be dangerous if you could be pregnant; Likewise, using herbs while breastfeeding can be harmful to the baby.
    • Specifically, you should not especially use celestial narcissus, raspberry leaf, red raspberry leaf and Alchemilla while pregnant or breastfeeding. Always talk to your doctor before taking an iron and magnesium supplement.
    • Avoid taking strawberries and other hormone-sensitive herbs if you are on birth control pills or receiving hormone replacement therapy.
  3. Use herbal ingredients after careful research. "Natural" doesn't mean "safe". Although herbs and herbal supplements recommended for menorrhagia are generally safe for most women, it's best to do your own research before taking it, as some herbs can make you sick. more.
    • Keep in mind that studies supporting the use of herbal ingredients are very limited. While some can be found to be effective, there is very little scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness, as well as very little research on the side effects and potential risks of taking herbs.
    • If you're at high risk for hormone-sensitive diseases, including breast cancer, uterine cancer or endometriosis, using herbs that affect hormone balance may increase the risk. Some herbs to watch out for include cyanosis, raspberry and red raspberry leaves.
    • Besides, celestial spirits can pose risks for people with liver disease and epilepsy syndrome. Alchemilla and strawberry diets can lead to liver damage, and diet pills can affect dopamine levels.
    • Avoid taking high doses of iron supplements for longer than 6 months to avoid the risk of excess iron. Always consult your doctor if you want to continue taking iron supplements.
  4. Consult your doctor before using natural ingredients. Most natural ingredients are safe for most women with menorrhagia. However, your doctor will advise you on which ingredients are best, depending on your specific needs and what might be causing the problem.
    • Besides, a doctor can diagnose the cause of menorrhagia. Most of the causes are not too serious and can be alleviated with natural ingredients. However, in some cases, excessive menstrual bleeding can be caused by thyroid disease, uterine cancer, uterine fibroids and other serious problems that require medical intervention.
    • A doctor's diagnosis can help screen for these serious health problems and alleviate anxiety. In addition to a physical exam, your doctor may perform blood tests, uterine smear tests, ultrasound and other tests to screen for many disorders and health problems.
  5. Use natural ingredients if it works. Natural ingredients can help women with menorrhagia. If using natural ingredients is effective and unhealthy, you can continue using it. However, remember to always consult your doctor before taking it.
    • If natural ingredients are ineffective, ask your doctor about alternative methods. Examples include medications (oral contraceptives and oral progesterone replacements) or surgery in severe cases (eg uterine embolism and hysterectomy).


  • Hypothyroidism is a common cause of menorrhagia. If you bleed a lot during your period, talk with your doctor to determine the potential cause.