Ways to prevent gray hair

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you see a gray hair or two, you may want to prevent the problem before you lose control. The age at which gray hair begins to appear is determined by genetics, so there's not much you can do about it. However, making lifestyle changes can help keep your original hair color for as long as possible before it turns gray. The first gray hair might seem like the beginning of the end, but of course, you don't have to go gray if you don't want to. Like millions of others, you can use dye to return the original hair color.


Part 1 of 3: Lifestyle changes to keep hair color

  1. Get enough vitamins. Vitamins (including vitamin B12) are essential for the health of the skin and hair. With vitamin deficiencies, hair can soon lose pigmentation or even lose hair (hair loss can be caused by zinc deficiency), leading to graying or balding (two things you want to avoid). Vitamins are found in animal foods, such as beef, fish, eggs, chicken and vegetables, nuts and animal milk.
    • Consider taking a multivitamin if you're worried about graying your hair too soon. Supplements aren't the magic pills that guarantee hair color but can prolong the time before hair turns gray.
    • Vegans (vegans) are often deficient in vitamin B12 because it is difficult to get enough of this vitamin through non-animal sources. Vegetarians should pay special attention to vitamin B12 supplementation, through supplements if necessary. Vegetarians can get vitamin B12 from eggs and milk.

  2. Massage your hair with egg oil. Massage the scalp twice a week with egg oil and leave overnight. Egg oil contains xanthophyll antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin that slow down premature aging (graying of the hair) and even prevent the graying of the hair. The trick to incubating your hair overnight is to cover the bed with a plastic sheet. Although a bit inconvenient, this way saves a lot of time when you want to clean the bed.

  3. Quit smoking. Smoking is associated with graying before the age of 30. If you smoke and are worried about graying, this is one of the good reasons you should consider quitting now. If you only smoke once in a while, this habit is not difficult for you to break down on your own. If you smoke a lot, you may need help quitting. Either way, it's never too early to start quitting. Smoking, in any form, is equally harmful.
    • Smoking also causes hair to become dull and brittle. Damaged hair can shed more easily than healthy hair.
    • Smoking also causes premature aging and even dull skin (in some cases, even graying the skin).
    • Smoking also causes teeth to weaken, discolor, cause gum disease, damage tooth enamel and cause teeth to fall out prematurely.

  4. Hair care to Prevent hair loss. Although unhealthy hair does not fade sooner than healthy hair, it will fall off more easily. When it comes back, new hair is usually less pigmented than your original hair, especially as you get older. So, you should think about how you should change your hair care habits to keep your hair healthy and undamaged so it won't fall out.
    • If you bleach your hair, always dye it, or use chemical straighteners, your hair will fall out more easily.
    • Hair extensions can cause hair loss, especially if it's not connected properly.
    • Daily use of a blow dryer, curling or straightening can damage your hair, even if you use a product that protects it from heat. It is better to let the hair (dry) naturally.
    • Even brushing to untangle your hair, especially when it is wet, causes hair to fall out and break easily. You should brush your hair gently and use a wide tooth comb.
  5. Try other natural remedies to keep your hair shiny. While there are no conclusive studies showing that natural supplements can prevent gray hair, there are many well-known ingredients in India and other regions that are thought to prevent gray hair. If you decide to include natural ingredients and your daily diet, talk to your doctor or dietitian first to make sure it's a healthy choice. Here are some popular options:
    • Molasses
    • Black sesame
    • Chlorophyll supplements
    • Stinging nettle leaves
    • Seaweed
    • Hemp (an herb in Traditional Indian Medicine)

Part 2 of 3: Eliminate false beliefs about gray hair

  1. Don't worry about stress. Perhaps the most common belief about gray hair is that it starts to gray faster when you're stressed. Like annoying parents who often say to their rebellious child, "You're making a parent go crazy!". The truth is stress itself doesn't turn gray hair. So you can stop worrying that work, home, sleep deprivation and other problems are causing you to lose your beautiful hair color.
    • However, if you are so stressed that it causes your hair to fall out, it is a concern because when it grows back, the color will become lighter. If the stress is that extreme, it's best to get help. Consider talking to a therapist, meditating, or other therapies that help you feel happy and healthy again.
  2. Don't believe pulling gray hair will make gray hair grow more. This is word of mouth from ancient times with no practical basis. If the gray hair color stands out and makes you angry every time you see it, feel free to pull it off without worrying that gray hair will grow more.
    • First, the pull-out can damage the hair follicles and prevent hair from regrowth. Second, the silver hair follicle removed will always be silver, which means it will not return to the original hair color. And third, in the end, the gray hair will be so much that it won't be pulled out and you'll need to find a better solution.
  3. Forget your concerns that dyeing your hair will turn gray. If you've been in a long time, dyeing your hair in every color possible, you've probably heard someone say that dyeing your hair turns gray soon. However, this is completely not true, so don't worry. However, too much dyeing and bleaching can damage hair, leading to hair loss and regrowth of lighter color.
  4. Comfortable for hair to catch the sun. The sun lightens the hair color but does not turn it gray. The natural discoloration of hair is caused by a loss of melanin, the pigment that gives hair color. External factors such as sun exposure do not discolor hair. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Hair care when it turns gray

  1. Use a mask for temporary coverage. Once the hairline starts to grow gray, you can use a powder, gel or other product as a temporary mask. Choose products with colors that match your hair color. In most cases, you will need to apply the product to the roots after shampooing and drying it. Then, wash the product thoroughly in the next shampoo.
  2. Use permanent dyes. If you don't like gray hair, you can dye it permanently. Remember that you will need to retouch the roots often. There are many dyes and hundreds of dyes to choose from, just do a little research before dyeing your hair to decide which hair color is right.
    • A hair colorist who is professionally trained can be seen to dye your hair gray. Experts can guide you to choose the product that makes you most satisfied.
    • Or you can save money to buy canned hair dye. Be sure to carefully read online reviews before choosing a product. Buy a dye specifically made for gray hair.
  3. To be natural. Many people (both men and women) like gray hair and let it grow naturally. Instead of trying to hide it, why aren't you proud of your hair? Gray hair is just as eye-catching as any other color if you style it and prove to the world that you're still "in fashion." Just keep your hair shiny, look for shampoos, conditioners, and hair care products specifically designed for gray or white hair. advertisement


  • Talk to your doctor before taking an herbal supplement.