Ways to Repent

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Is your life in turmoil because of something wrong you've ever done? Repentance is the act of confessing to God, giving up sin and gaining peace. Start with Step 1 to learn how to repent and bring peace to your soul.


Part 1 of 3: Accepting Sin

  1. Modest. Remember: you can deceive yourself and others, but you will not be able to deceive God. If you really want to repent, you need to be humble and willing to admit that you don't always do good things. Be humble before God and believe that He is right and that you should live his teachings.

  2. Feel and believe in God. You need to believe that God can forgive you and lead you to a better life. If you don't believe it, you will quickly lose the motivation to correct your mistakes. Changing bad habits and correcting mistakes can be difficult and you need to trust that God is always by your side or it will be easy to falter.

  3. Think about what you've done. Think about the sins you made and all the mistakes you made. Do not limit yourself to great sins such as cheating or theft: all sins are equal in the eyes of God. Sometimes, writing about your guilt is also a good way. You don't have to enumerate every sin at once. It's best to take the time to think carefully.

  4. Think about why what you do is wrong. Before you repent, you need to think about why what you did was wrong. Blind obedience to God's teachings shows Him that you are not truly repentant. Think about the people who have been hurt by you in the course of a crime and think about how your guilt will affect you (hint: they're not good for you!). Think about the bad things that sin leads you to do. This is quite an important step!
  5. Repent in the right way. Make sure that when you repent, you do it for the right reasons. If you thought you need to repent for this, God will give you a few wishes, you have not properly repented. Repent because this action is good for your soul and will make your life more enjoyable and beautiful, not because you want God to give you riches in the world, or other other similar stuff. God is not for these things.
  6. Scripture reading. When you repent, start by reading the holy books depending on your religion (the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, etc.). Read the repentance passage, but you should also read the entire scripture so that you can open your heart to God in your heart and guide you. When we sin, we sin because we go astray. You need to find God's way so that you can walk properly.
    • The Christian Bible has quotes related to repentance, including Matthew 4:17, and Acts 2:38 and 3:19.
    • The important passage in the Koran concerning repentance is At-Tahriim 66: 8.
    • Judaism can find passages related to repentance in Hosea 14: 2-5, Proverbs 28:13, and Leviticus 5: 5.

Part 2 of 3: Error Correction

  1. Consult with a religious advisor. Religious counselors, such as pastors, priests, clergy, and rabbi, will be able to help you confess and correct your mistakes before God. Remember that their job is to help you on your journey to God! They are happy to help you and they understand that no human being is perfect: they won't judge you! Even if you don't formally join their religion, you can ask for their opinion and make an appointment to see them, so you shouldn't be ashamed to talk to a counselor. you never know.
    • However, don't think that you should go to God's house to repent, or that you need to talk to a counselor so God can hear you. God can listen to what you say directly as well as through the religious leader. You can confess yourself if you want to.
  2. Change your attitude. When you repent, it is important to change your attitude. You need to stop committing sins you want to repent of. We know this will be hard to do, but you can do it! Usually it takes a little time and a few mistakes, but if you really want to repent, you will be able to overcome the temptation.
  3. Get help. Changing yourself can be difficult. This is a normal state if you need more help than simply keeping God in your heart! Admitting that you need help makes God happy, as it shows that you are a humble person. You can join a support group, chat with a religious counselor, join a religion, or seek help from your doctor or other professional. Seeking help from people outside of church or religion will not offend God: He gave them the power to help for some reason!
  4. Correct your mistakes. An important part of repenting is correcting the mistakes you have made. You can't just say sorry and then don't suffer the consequences. If you steal something, you need to tell the truth to the owner of the item you stole and return the item to them. If you lie making someone difficult because of the lie, you need to tell the truth and help them. If you cheat while taking a test, you should tell the truth to the teacher and accept the teacher's proper punishment. Do what you have to do to help someone who has hurt you. This will please God.
  5. Use the experiences you have learned. Learn from the sins you are trying to correct to avoid making similar mistakes in other problems. Make your mistakes more meaningful in helping yourself avoid life problems. For example, if you lie about cheating on exams and you really want to learn a meaningful lesson from this action, make sure you don't lie about other things.
  6. Help others avoid repeating your mistakes. Another way your sins can serve a bigger purpose is to help others learn from your mistake. Sometimes this means going to talk to people about the things you did, but you can also actively help solve the problem that led to the same mistake you made. For example, if you commit a drug use offense, consider volunteering at your local clinic or providing legal aid to combat this social vices in your community. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Accepting Forgiveness

  1. Live a life pleasing to God. After you have repented, you need to take this opportunity and do your best to live a life pleasing to God. Different religions and denominations have different ways of talking about things that please God, but you should also read sutras and think about your feelings. If God is in your heart, he will lead you to find the right answer.
  2. Formally join your religious community. One thing you can do to please God and keep you from returning to your sins is to formally and actively participate in your religious community. For example, baptize if you haven't done it yet (and you are Christian). Attend service regularly, donate money to your organization so they can help others, and talk with community members about God's ways. Help and love your brothers and you will be able to please God.
  3. Be active in protecting your soul. You need to be active in protecting your soul in the future. Constantly confessing and facing sin. Watch out for temptations and stay away from bad people. Read the holy book and let God lead you to the path that is best for you.
  4. Accept that you will be able to make mistakes in the future. You are not perfect and you will make mistakes. God knows this. When you are also aware of this problem, it is time you know that you are humble. Do not worry too much about actions that could displease God. It is important to Him that you have tried to correct your mistakes, but you still cannot improve.
  5. Good life. Sin are mistakes that cause us to hurt others and to ourselves. When we live a life without sin, we not only please God and preserve our souls for eternal life to come, but we also make our lives happier. and more fully. This is why it is so important to admit guilt early. If you do something that makes you unhappy or hurts someone else, stop! By bringing peace to your soul through forgiveness, your life becomes happier. advertisement


  • Forgive yourself. Don't judge yourself. There is only one judgment: forgiving yourself is something you need to do. If you ask for forgiveness but you don't forgive yourself, you will always think about what you did.
  • Remember, there is no specific limit to forgiveness. God always loves you. Nothing will make God forsake you.
  • Change the environment. If something makes you guilty, or a change in circumstances causes you to sin.
  • It is important to know that God is hurt because of our sins, beaten by our wickedness. We are healed because He endured the punishment, we are healed because He endured the stripes on our behalf. (Isaiah 53: 5). Now, He is ready to forgive you, if you have really changed yourself, turn your head and ask Him for forgiveness.
  • Know that you are the only one who can change yourself (with God's light). You may want to change yourself. Your family or friends ask you to change, but when the time comes, you will be the only one who offers yourself to God and the only one who can change yourself.
  • Believe that things will change. Why can't they see their change? If you are addicted to drugs or you have a bad habit that you want to get rid of or overcome, trust that you will be able to get rid of the habit and seek help if needed.
  • Christianity: Ask Blessed Mother Mary to pray to Jesus for you. He will listen to Mother's prayers for sinners.