Ways to Peel Yourself

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ways To Peel GARLIC!
Video: 3 Ways To Peel GARLIC!


Shedding is a powerful, positive change in yourself. Usually changing in appearance, drinking a lot of water, or achieving a goal. No matter what molting to you means, it's about being the best version of yourself, learning to take care of yourself and accept yourself. Take care of your body inside and out with a balanced diet, exercise, and skin care. Practice being confident and around positive people to help you feel the transformation process!


Part 1 of 3: Change appearance

  1. Follow your skincare routine to help skin shine. Your skin is the first thing people notice about you, and having healthy shiny skin will help your transformation shine through! Wash your face with water once every 2 days and use water that balances, moisturizes, and exfoliates suitable for your skin type. Remember to remove make-up every night before going to bed so you can wake up with fresh, smooth skin.
    • If you have skin problems or concerns, see a dermatologist for expert advice. Getting healthy skin can sometimes be as simple as just using a different product or a nutritional supplement.

  2. Stand up straight to improve your posture. Your posture has a lot to do with your look! Keep your back straight, your shoulders back slightly, and your arms spontaneously drop to your hips. When you sit down, keep your back at an angle that matches your thighs and try to loosen any pressure that is straining your muscles.
    • If you find it painful or difficult to maintain correct posture, see your doctor or a physiotherapist for expert advice.

  3. Wear clothes that emphasize your favorite features. Wearing clothes that show your best will make you more beautiful and confident. Be it an eye-catching colorful suit or boots that draw attention to long legs. Try on a variety of clothes and experience many different outfits to find your favorite style. Don't be afraid to try things like a bright blazer, a new dress, or new high heels.
    • Choose clothes that fit if you want to emphasize your body shape.
    • Vertical stripes provide a thin effect while horizontal stripes emphasize curvature.
    • Above all, wear something that makes you happy and confident.

  4. Try makeup to see if you like the look it gives you. Whether makeup is something completely foreign to you or you want to try a new product, the make-up experience can make a huge difference to how you look. There are countless makeup tutorials available online so use these to try on new looks, and also learn more about new products. Even if you later find that makeup is not right for you, at least you can practice new skills and become more confident about yourself.
    • Remember to take good care of your skin if you wear makeup regularly. Always moisturize and remove makeup every day.
  5. Make a new hairstyle that you've always wanted to try. Could it be bangs, balayage dyes, or haircuts? Take a breath and go cut or dye the hairstyle you've always wanted. You can find inspiration online if needed and show them to a hair salon party. Explain to the stylist you want and listen to their advice to see which style suits you best.
    • The new hairstyle is the most spectacular way to change your look quickly!

Part 2 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. Drink 2 liters of water a day to stay hydrated. Shedding means changing inside and out and water is key to helping you look healthy and feel great every day. Buy a reusable water bottle and keep it full of water every day. Bring water with you every day to remind yourself to drink well.
    • 2 liters of water is just an approximation, because the amount of water needed per day depends on the condition of each person. Drinking enough fluids helps you feel well and see your doctor or dietitian if you have any concerns.
    • If you do not like drinking water very much, you can make juice to make the water taste better. Try adding strawberries, cucumber, oranges, and mint leaves.
    • Remembering to bring water can be difficult at first. Try setting an alarm in the phone or sticking a sticky note on the refrigerator. Alternatively you can download a mobile app to track water intake and receive friendly reminders.
  2. Brush your teeth regularly for a better smile. A bright white smile is an important part of the transformation. Brush your teeth every morning and night, and clean between your teeth every day. Visit the dentist once a year for dental check-ups.
    • You can also use whitening products to make your smile sparkle.
  3. Balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. The way you recharge your body also affects your transformation process. Divide 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, plus plenty of lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats. Remember that everything should be in moderation, so limit your food intake, but occasionally indulge yourself a bit.
    • Contact your doctor or a registered dietitian if you have personal nutrition concerns.
    • Avoid skipping meals or weird diets, because they don't make you look your best and feel your best.
  4. Exercise regularly to keep yourself healthy. Exercise keeps you looking and feeling healthy. Find a sport you enjoy like swimming, jogging, or yoga. Determine to exercise 3-5 times / week, unless you have been instructed otherwise, you should find a health professional. You can also practice with friends for a good time together.
    • You don't have to go to the gym unless you want to. There are countless ways to practice at home.

Part 3 of 3: Becoming confident and setting goals

  1. Say positive statements every day to build healthy self-esteem. The important part of changing yourself is learning to believe in yourself! Write down your repetitive and negative thoughts, then write down positive, logical affirmations to counteract. Practice saying these positive words out loud every day. It may be difficult at first and looks silly, but after a while it becomes easier to believe the positive things.
    • Some positive affirmations include "I deserve to be happy", "I'm smart and hardworking", and "I can achieve my goal".
  2. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people. The attitudes of the people you interact with the most influence you. Find from your family and friends who enjoy and support who you are. You can also be positive and supportive of the people around you, helping your school shine with you!
    • If you can't find anyone who is positive and supportive, make new friends. Join a club or group of people who share your interests, use social media, or simply reach out and talk to people you wouldn't normally notice. There is nothing to lose!
  3. Talk to yourself positively and practice assertiveness so you can become more confident. Shedding is a process that requires confidence to shine and is the best version of yourself. Even if you can't feel the news right away, just pretend until it comes true, no one knows! Use positive self-talk to feel empowered, not drowned, challenge negative thoughts about yourself, and practice assertiveness in everyday things. Having a lot of contact with confident people can also help, as their confidence will spread over you!
    • If you have trouble with confidence and self-esteem, try talking with a mental health professional or psychiatrist.
  4. Set achievable goals and challenge yourself to achieve it. Be it a financial, career, or personal goal you've always wanted to achieve. Sit down and write down a list of goals. Then divide your goals into smaller steps, which can be started right away. Keep your goals realistic and remember to celebrate success!
    • Remember that your goals can be as big or small as you like. As long as it's realistic and how you get it, that's what makes sense!


  • Remember that the molestation process is for you, not for anyone else. It only really makes sense when you are happy with yourself, but if someone notices a change in you, that's a great plus!
  • Self-transformation doesn't happen overnight. If you try hard, it will show in your attitude and appearance.