Ways to Mapping Minds

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mind Mapping | Teaching Strategies #3
Video: Mind Mapping | Teaching Strategies #3


Since ancient times, people have known to use visual methods in representing, organizing and acquiring information. In the 1970s, researcher and educator Tony Buzan formally developed mind maps. The colorful spider or tree branches of mind maps represent relationships, solve creative problems, and help you remember what you've learned. Mind mapping can also help you process and understand information more easily. This is really useful in life because it helps you to understand and organize things in a systematic way.This article will guide you to map your thoughts, draw mind maps on paper, and examine the advantages and disadvantages of many mind mapping software on the market today.


Part 1 of 3: Mind mapping

  1. Imagine an airplane flying in the sky. When you look at an airplane in the sky, that moment of the plane is the focus of your attention. But the brain will not just stop there, but immediately think of images related to the plane. These associations can be the color of the sky, different types of aircraft, flight paths, pilots, passengers, airports and the like. Because we think in images and not words, these associations often come to mind with images.
    • The brain immediately begins to draw a map, making connections between related images or concepts - a type of website in mind.

  2. Now picture a spider or a tree with many branches. In mind maps, we take the concept of plane and write the word Airplane in the center (body of spider or trunk) horizontally on a blank sheet of paper. After that, colorful lines will emanate from the plane (branches or spider legs). On these lines, you will write the elements that you relate to the plane, such as PHI CONG and AIRPORT. These associations will lead to other associations and you will fill in each other line.
    • You can associate the pilot image with their salary or training. And so the map will grow gradually.
    • Mind maps that reflect the way the brain processes and recall information - vivid and full of images, are not mere lines as was previously thought.
    • Mind mapping, for example, has been shown to be very effective in the recording process. Instead of rewriting everything your teacher says (linear thinking), write the title of the lecture in the middle of the page. When dealing with subcategories, examples, dates, and other information, you will draw and write in the respective branches.
    • Mindmaps are also used as a substitute for standard outlines for writing academic essays, research papers, or for exams, etc.

  3. Use the brain according to its way of thinking. Buzan calls this pervasive thinking. When the brain targets something - an idea, sound, image, emotion, etc. - "something" will be at the center of our thoughts, thereby spreading an infinite number of ideas. thoughts, images, feelings, etc. that we associate with.
    • Mind maps will help you to create links between different information and concepts. And the more our brains make connections and associations, the more we are able to remember information.
  4. Create, capture, absorb and communicate information. Creating links will allow you to process each information quickly and efficiently. Links will also appear naturally as you draw the map. Using words, images, lines, colors, symbols, numbers, etc. helps to define and connect concepts. Research shows that writing and pictures both improve memory, creativity, and cognitive processing. Color is also an effective factor in improving memory. All of these combine to create a mind map that is nourished by our many senses.
    • Mind mapping is a tool to create things and find ways to solve problems. This work requires brainstorming. So you can map your mindset for things like preparing a wedding, creating new recipes, planning advertising campaigns, asking for a raise, and so on. Take note of what you know about that topic. Mind mapping is also useful in problem solving, for example financial management, health diagnosis, personal conflict resolution, etc. all of which are available using thinking stuff.
    • Mind maps are also tools for catch information is directly related to the topic, allowing you to "compress" large amounts of information. For example, it can help you know what you really need when taking notes, writing meeting minutes, writing autobiography, writing your profile, and so on.
    • Mind map makes it easy for you receptive and manipulating information, so it can help you better remember things like the contents of a book, discussions with others, schedules, etc. You can also use maps. thinking for analyzing complex issues like the stock market, the computer network, how the engine works, etc. Finally, it's also useful in planning and doing things like vacation. , an important schedule or project, etc.
    • Mind mapping is also an effective tool for transmit. You can create mind maps for presentations, team projects, informal conversations, texts, and more.

  5. Draw mind maps on paper or use a computer program. Humans have been mind mapping over decades. With the advent of mind mapping software, many people are creating their own mind maps on their computers. Especially in the working world, more and more people are using these software to assist in all tasks, from meeting minutes to project management. This choice is personal and depends on the environment.
    • However, people often encourage you to find your own style and feel free to create.
    • Don't be too rigid when building mind maps. You have to use both left and right brain hemispheres actively.
    • Mind mapping relies on using two hemispheres of the brain to create associations - the brain hemisphere is responsible for image, color, size, visualization, and thinking about the "big picture. "; The left hemisphere is responsible for language, logic, analysis, numbers, and sequential thinking.

Part 2 of 3: Create mind maps on paper

  1. Presents the shape of the topic. Mind maps must show the shape or structure of the subject. It uses pictures to show the importance of different concepts and the relationships between them so that you can then glimpse and recall information. However, you have to let mind maps evolve as ideas come to mind and when you see new links.
    • The proverb "One can see through one" will help you figure out what a mind map should look like. It should be a large and detailed picture.

  2. Brainstorm your topic. You can do this before you draw the map, especially if you're not keeping information - like lecture notes or meetings. This step can be done alone or in groups, and involves writing down all the things related to the topic you can think of. Use key words and phrases instead of sentences and paragraphs.
    • Do not arrange ideas in this step. Instead, just write it down.
    • As you brainstorm, ask yourself how this topic relates to what you already know and what is different.
  3. Instead of brainstorming first, you can draw a map right away. Many people prefer to go straight to the mapping process. Whichever way you use it, first write your topic in the middle of the page. Rotate the paper and write the title of the topic in 1-2 words. Circle the topic name. Some people recommend using only lowercase or capital letters to reduce clutter and make reading faster. Add color to words and circle them.
    • It is recommended to use at least 3 colors for each map. Color helps separate ideas and aids memory.
    • Do not use lined paper. Lines can guide you into linear thinking.
  4. Draw and label the branches first. From the circled topic, draw a line for each sub-idea and label each line with a very short word or phrase or picture. Not abbreviated. So in the above example, you can write the word SÂN BAY or PHI Công. All lines or branches in the mind map must be connected, and branches must first be drawn the darkest.
    • Each word or picture in mind map must be written in one line.
    • Use images, photos and drawings whenever possible.
    • For example, you can draw a stop sign next to a negative subcategory (usually an airport) or a bright yellow plus sign next to something positive (usually the pilot).
    • Use arrows, other symbols, blank spaces and similar symbols to connect images and create a "visual grid," which Buzan calls the property of mind maps.
  5. Move on to the next branch. These branches should be thinner than the first branches. Think about the sub categories things first. What issues or important events are related to them? In our example, what would you associate with the airport? Delayed trip? Security? Expensive food?
    • Next, you draw a line for each branch, starting with the FLIGHT branch and naming it, such as SECURITY.
    • Again, you should use colors and images.
  6. Continue to deploy branches. Continue like that until you have completed your mind map. Lines get thinner as the sub-items include support details, such as events or dates. You can also add drawn branches. You can even add the first branch when it discovers something you didn't think about before.
    • There is a suggestion that sub categories should be created hierarchically.
    • Therefore, if "postponement," "security" and "expensive food" are both sub-categories, you will draw 3 lines or three branches - one for each category. Which subcategory is most important to put on the highest line.
  7. Add or review the final version. You can continue to draw more branches to your mind map, modify and find new links. You can also do an edited version. The following version will allow you to check for consistency and logic errors. This version will also be cleaner; You probably won't want a cluttered mind map, as this will make it difficult to look at the big picture and details.
    • Either way, ask yourself what you are learning or have learned. What larger laws did you find?

Part 3 of 3: Using mind mapping software and applications

  1. Consider the advantages. Mind mapping apps and software are rapidly expanding in features, including free and high-volume ones. These include features like real-time interaction, brainstorming, and discussion; editing maps by other users; whiteboards, freehand drawing in meetings or presentations; personal use on the phone; manage complex projects from first steps, schedule schedules, etc.
    • These software or applications come in a variety of types, from easy to use to those that require training to use a program's capabilities.
    • Some popular programs are free of charge, others are charged in the range of $ 4.99 / month depending on features.
    • These softwares are easy to modify, update, and sorted. You can upload your own images regularly.
    • Generally, you can download to PDF if not available in other formats.
  2. Consider the downsides. Features may vary and as such will limit the free nature of the mind map. Thus, for example, one program may allow you to insert only an arrow from one category to another, while another program may not have this option. The ability to create such image links is quite important in mind mapping.
    • Most programs do not allow you to draw with tools other than your mouse.
    • It will also take money and time to learn how to use it. In addition, handwriting will also help improve awareness and memory.

  3. Try free software and read user reviews. Pre-probe by mind mapping on free software to have a relative assessment of their capabilities. This will also help you decide whether to update the paid programs with more functionality. You should also read the online reviews to see which shows are popular and about which ones. A program or application can be powerful for co-worker interaction, but not very useful in tracking project progress. advertisement


  • Don't get stuck in a field. You need to let your ideas flow. If a branch gets stuck, you just need to start from the central point and redeploy.
  • Don't be afraid to show your inner artist. If the theme is music, draw each branch as an instrument.
  • Take note of what you are thinking by saying it out loud.
  • Color the branches with different colors.
  • Ask negative questions in mind when you get stuck on the idea, like "Why can't I make this sense?" The brain will work and seek the solution. You can also apply this when asking a question where you need to find answers like, "What's going to happen?"
  • Sometimes you just need to step back and meditate, then go back!
  • Write all your ideas on scratch paper, then you can decide what to write on the original.
  • You can create a simple mind map: Forget the colors and images, just write down the words and circle them, draw branches and add the ideas that come to mind. Spending too much time on images, colors, thick and thin lines, light and dark, etc. can take away the spontaneity of mind maps.