How to get rid of black mold with vinegar

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to remove and kill mold - Bleach vs vinegar
Video: How to remove and kill mold - Bleach vs vinegar


Black mold (Stachybotrys Chartaru) is both ugly and unhealthy when it comes to your home. Once the black mold has spread, it is necessary to treat it professionally with the necessary detergents. However, fewer molds can be treated organically with pure white vinegar.


Part 1 of 2: Removing mold

  1. Resolutely eliminate mold. Mold growing indoors can cause serious health problems. People who are sensitive to mold may experience irritation of the throat, eyes, skin, and lungs. You need to remove mold to create a safe, clean and healthier indoor environment.
    • Mold can aggravate an existing allergy.
    • Mold is associated with inflammatory respiratory diseases and lung disease.
    • Mold can cause coughing and wheezing and increase the effects of asthma.

  2. Wear impervious gloves when cleaning with vinegar. Vinegar is organic and natural, but too much exposure can irritate the skin. You need to protect your skin by wearing gloves when working with vinegar.
  3. Pour white vinegar into a spray bottle. Do not dilute vinegar with water. Make sure there is enough vinegar to cover the entire surface to be cleaned.

  4. Spray the moldy area with vinegar. Spray on the entire surface with vinegar. You will need to spray a good amount of vinegar to make sure it gets rid of the mold enough.
    • If you don't have a spray bottle, you can use a rag. Dip a rag in the vinegar and wipe over the moldy area so that the vinegar soaks up the surface.
  5. Leave it on for 1 hour. Vinegar takes some time to work and to remove mold. Wait at least an hour before brushing off the mold.

  6. Use a brush and warm water to remove mold. Scrub the moldy area soaked in vinegar. Rinse the brush with warm water after thoroughly cleaning the moldy area.
    • Using a scrub brush will make it easier to remove mold; In addition, it also helps to limit the contact of vinegar to the skin when washing.
    • Find the right size brush for the job. You may need a large brush to scrub all moldy surfaces or a smaller brush to get into cracks or nooks.
  7. Clean the surface thoroughly. Once you've knocked the mold off the surface of the object, wipe it off with warm water and let it dry. If the mold is persistent, you will need to repeat the entire process until the mold is removed.
    • Vinegar usually leaves behind a scent, but the smell should go away within a few hours.
  8. Combine vinegar with other products to increase its effectiveness against mold. Vinegar is thought to kill up to 82% of all molds. If this is true, there is still an 18% chance that some kind of stubborn mold will remain. If you can't get rid of it with vinegar alone, try mixing vinegar with borax, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, or salt.
    • Only mix one product with vinegar at a time. If that doesn't work, try mixing vinegar with another product.
    • Never mix vinegar with bleach. This mixture will produce toxic gas.
    • If the mixes above are not working, or the mold area in your home is too large, you may need to hire a professional service to clean it.
  9. Wear an N95 mask when handling large areas of mold. You can find N95 masks at hardware stores. Follow the directions on the package to wear so that the mask fits tightly if you have to deal with spreading mold.
    • It is not necessary to wear this mask when handling small mold or daily cleaning.

Part 2 of 2: Prevent mold from returning

  1. Prevent mold from growing by spraying with vinegar and leave it there. You do not need to rinse off the vinegar. Once you've wiped the surface off, spray the vinegar on and leave it there to prevent mold from returning.
    • Have a vinegar spray in the bathroom to spray on surfaces every few days.
    • Wipe floors with vinegar to prevent mold from growing in damp areas.
  2. Fix leaks in your home. Water can seep through roofs, plumbing, and through windows. Clean up spills and fix leak problems to keep your home dry and mold-proof.
    • Check roof leaks and replace roofs or repair water leaks.
    • Repair water pipes as soon as problems arise to prevent water from dripping and overflowing.
    • Check windows for tight fitting and replace any water leaks in your home.
  3. Control humidity in mold growing areas. You may need to buy a dehumidifier if you live in an area with high humidity or an area in your home that lacks air circulation, is often humid and causes mold to grow.
  4. Ventilate areas that may get wet. Mold thrives in dark, humid places. You should let air and sunlight shine in humid places as much as possible to keep mold under control. Use a fan when cooking, bathing, or washing.
    • It is recommended to equip the air intake system in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room.
  5. Regularly clean the air conditioner. The air conditioner has a water collecting plate to collect excess water. You need to routinely remove water and rinse dishes to prevent mold from forming and flying indoors.
    • Turn off the power of the air conditioner before cleaning the pan.
    • A wet / dry vacuum cleaner will help remove water to prevent water overflow easier.
    • Once you've removed all of the water, scrub away any dust or mold that may have formed in the dish before leaving it where it is.


  • Label the spray bottle to remember its use when you next wash it. It's best to empty the vinegar and make a fresh pot of vinegar each time, unless you plan to use it again shortly.
  • If the mold has spread, you may need to use a cup of bleach diluted with 4 liters of water to wash the affected area.

What you need

  • Rubber gloves
  • Natural white vinegar (do not use artificial vinegar)
  • Aerosol (a mixture of 80% vinegar and 20% water)
  • Country
  • Clean water bucket for washing brush.
  • Microfibre fabric and / or stiff brush
  • Safety glasses and masks if you think you have been affected by mold, and a brush can spread mold spores or cause mold debris to shoot in your face.