How to remove forehead wrinkles

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to reduce forehead wrinkles with face yoga
Video: How to reduce forehead wrinkles with face yoga


The wrinkles on the forehead will make you age many years. Luckily, there are several things you can do to reduce or even completely remove wrinkles. Making some lifestyle changes and home remedies may help in some cases; however, if you want faster results, you should try specialized treatments.


Part 1 of 4: Home remedies

  1. Apply moisturizing wax. Immediately after evening cleansing, apply a thin layer of Vaseline moisturizer to the forehead wrinkles. Continue to massage the wrinkles until the greasy feeling is gone.
    • Dry skin is usually less elastic, and a lack of elasticity causes wrinkles to appear. If you apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp, you can lock in more moisture, so that your skin is naturally inflated.

  2. Use a wrinkle-tightening cream. Topical creams with retinol and retinoids are two of the most popular products on the market, but moisturizers with peptide ingredients work just as well.
    • The above mentioned creams are specially formulated to stimulate collagen production in the skin, helping to tighten the skin and fill wrinkles naturally.
    • Apply the cream directly to the wrinkles on the forehead. Most of these products come with a small applicator that makes it easier to focus on wrinkles.
    • Other products worth considering are topical creams containing alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), vitamin C, idebenone, growth factors and pentapeptides.

  3. Use an anti-aging face patch. The anti-wrinkle patch between the eyebrows and other anti-aging face patches are glued to the skin, which helps to keep the skin in place while you sleep.
    • Flatten the skin and apply the patch directly to the forehead wrinkles right before bed. Make sure all wrinkles are covered, and stay on the patch for at least 3 hours or overnight.
    • The muscles in the forehead will not be able to move once glued, so they will not be twisted or twisted in sleep, and wrinkles will not have a chance to deepen.

  4. Exfoliate your skin twice a week. Use a mild chemical exfoliant, such as one that contains salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or hyaluronic acid no more than 2 to 3 times a week. Exfoliation will help remove dead skin cells and help skin care products penetrate deeper, thereby reducing wrinkles. However, too much exfoliation can cause damage.
    • Avoid mechanical exfoliants like scrub mixes. It can damage sensitive areas of the face and create small scratches.
    • Always use moisturizer after exfoliation.
    • It usually takes 3 to 4 weeks to benefit from exfoliation.
  5. Train your forehead muscles. Forehead wrinkles are more difficult if you use the brow muscles to open your eyes instead of depending on the eyelids. Simple exercises to train these muscles will help you reduce the folds on your forehead and also cure the drooping of your eyelids.
    • Put your hands in a C shape and place them over your eyes. The index finger is above the eyebrows, along the upper bone of the eye sockets, the thumb is on both sides of the nose, just above the nostril.
    • Press fingers down and sideways, then open chest and rotate shoulder blades.
    • Open your eyes as big as possible and stay still for 5 seconds, while pressing your index finger and eyebrows, not letting your eyebrows and forehead move.
    • Squint 5 times, then close your eyes completely and relax for 5 seconds.
    • Repeat the whole process 2 more times. Repeat this exercise at least once a day until you see results.
  6. Massage olive oil into wrinkles. After evening cleansing, massage your skin with a few drops of pure warm olives dripping into wrinkles and the skin around the wrinkles.
    • You can dab some coconut oil or combine it with olive oil and coconut oil.
    • Both of these oils have the ability to moisturize and increase skin elasticity. Wrinkles will fade as skin elasticity improves.
  7. Face with citrus fruits. Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits contain high levels of vitamin C and vitamin E. These two vitamins have the effect of significantly improving the smoothness and overall health of the skin.
    • You can apply the pulp of the fruit directly to your forehead. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
    • If you want to make another simple paste for your face, mix ¼ cup (60 ml) of freshly squeezed orange juice with just the right amount of powder to make a creamy paste. Spread this mixture on your forehead and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.
  8. Massage the aloe vera into wrinkles. Before washing your face morning or night, use aloe vera to massage the wrinkles on your forehead. Leave it on for at least 15 minutes, then rinse with water and a gentle cleanser.
    • The acemannan and polysaccharides in aloe work to stimulate the healing and regeneration of the skin, thereby helping to soothe dry and damaged skin, and smooth wrinkles.

Part 2 of 4: Lifestyle improvements

  1. Improve your diet. A healthy and balanced diet improves overall health, including skin. The general rule of thumb is to eat more fruits and vegetables to increase the antioxidant content of your body.
    • Antioxidants work against free radicals in the body, helping you to have healthier and younger looking skin.
    • Salmon and other cold-water fish are also beneficial foods due to their high levels of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Protein is one of the building blocks of healthy skin, and omega-3s help nourish the skin better.
    • Consider adding soy to your diet. Some studies show that soy products can protect and heal sun damage, including wrinkles.
    • Similarly, the cocoa contains flavanols epicatechin and catechin, both of which improve cell circulation and help with water retention.
    • Try to stay away from refined sugars and refined carbohydrates as they can cause inflammation, wrinkling and sagging skin.
  2. Exercise regularly. Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and overall health enhancement helps to increase the circulation and elasticity of the skin - including the skin on the forehead and the rest of the face.
    • Try walking at least once a day for 30 minutes, 5-7 days a week. Moderate cardio exercises have the same benefits.
    • Include banana tree planting in your daily routine. Banana planting posture helps increase blood circulation to the face and scalp, thereby improving skin health in the face area. This pose also forces the muscles of the face to relax, thereby also reducing the stress that can cause wrinkles.
  3. Avoid the sun. Wrinkles can become deeper when you are exposed to the sun without protection. This is because the sun causes dry and damaged skin.
    • Avoid the sun whenever possible. When it is necessary to go outside, apply sunscreen to your forehead and all over your body. You should also wear a hat for extra protection to your face.
  4. Get enough sleep. Good sleep is very beneficial for the skin as well as the whole body, so you should try to sleep 7-8 hours a night. Without sleep, the body produces too much cortisol, and this cortisol gradually destroys the skin cells, resulting in more deep wrinkles.
    • In addition, getting enough sleep also helps the body produce growth hormone (HGH), which works to increase skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles.
    • Try sleeping on your back. Tummy position can cause other wrinkles to line between the eyebrows. Similarly, sleeping on one side can cause cheeks and chin wrinkles.
  5. Quit smoking. If you smoke cigarettes, there are other reasons to quit the habit, and smoker's forehead wrinkles are just one more reason.
    • Tobacco smoke releases an enzyme that destroys collagen and elastin in the skin. When these ingredients are broken down, the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles will become more visible.
  6. Stop squinting. If you tend to squint while reading, buy reading glasses. When the eyes are squinted, the muscles on the forehead and around the eyes form grooves under the skin, which can turn into deep wrinkles.
    • When it comes to wearing glasses, you should also wear sunglasses when outdoors. Our eyes often squint due to reflection in bright light, and sunglasses can help prevent this reflection.
  7. Do not let your face dry. Over-washing and not using effective moisturizers are two of the factors that dry and damage skin.
    • Tap water and strong soap can strip the skin of natural oils and other moisturizing factors. Try to wash your face only once or twice a day and use a mild cleanser.
    • Apply moisturizer to face right after washing. This helps to lock in more moisture in the skin, while also making the wrinkles less visible.

Part 3 of 4: Specialized treatment

  1. Consider acupuncture. A trained and licensed acupuncturist can help reduce forehead wrinkles by balancing facial muscles.
    • You will need 10-12 treatments, 2 times a week for 5 or 6 weeks.
    • The acupuncturist will insert thin needles into the acupuncture points on the face and body. These needles stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, from which the skin naturally stretches, blood circulation on the face improves, and wrinkles on the forehead fade.
  2. Injections of neurotoxin. Botox and other neurotoxins (neurotoxins) work to block the reflexes of nerves that constrict muscles on the forehead. As a result, existing wrinkles will fade and not deepen.
    • The lowest dose is required and wrinkles can still be removed. Initially, you only need to inject 9-15 units to treat forehead wrinkles.
    • Besides botox, other neurotoxins include xeomin and dysport.
    • Neurotoxin injection only works for a while, so you will have to have other injections about every 4 months if you want to maintain results.

    Alicia Ramos

    Cosmetologist Alicia Ramos is a licensed esthetician and the owner of Smoothe Denver in Denver, Colorado. She has received a license from the School of Botanical & Medical Aesthetics with knowledge of eyelashes, facial hairs, hair removal, super abrasion treatments and chemical peels. She currently provides skin care solutions for hundreds of customers.

    Alicia Ramos

    Use neurotoxin to reduce movement. "To minimize wrinkles, maybe you should use toxins like Botox or Dysport to minimize movement. Neurotoxins can help you avoid wrinkles," said Alicia Ramos, a medical beauty expert. wrinkles and improves deep wrinkles, especially on the face and around the eyes ".

  3. Learn about laser resurfacing. The doctor or technician will shine laser energy or pulsed light directly into the forehead. The procedure takes about 30 minutes to 2 hours.
    • The intense light will remove the top layer of the skin, creating a slight wound on the skin's surface that the naked eye cannot see. In response, the skin activates the natural production of collagen while creating new, wrinkle-free skin.
  4. Ask about chemotherapy. The most commonly used chemical therapies for treating forehead wrinkles include chemical peels and skin abrasions.
    • With chemical peels, your doctor uses different chemicals to burn the outermost layer of your skin. The body responds to this damage by producing more collagen, making the skin smoother as well.
    • During dermabrasion, your doctor uses a mild chemical crystal and a vacuum device to remove the outermost layer of the skin. This will push the more evenly textured skin onto the skin's surface, helping to clear fine lines and wrinkles.

Part 4 of 4: Conceal forehead wrinkles

  1. Use a primer to cover wrinkles. Apply a thin layer of emulsion primer after applying moisturizer and before foundation. The emulsion cream contains tiny mica particles, a sparkling mineral that can adhere to forehead wrinkles and other facial wrinkles. Once inside the wrinkles, the mica particles will reflect and scatter the light, so the wrinkles will fade.
    • In addition, the primer also prevents the foundation from getting into wrinkles, while also keeping the foundation in place. Since the foundation has a matte finish, wrinkles will stand out if the foundation gets in.
  2. Changing hairstyles. While different hairstyles don't directly affect wrinkles, a proper hairstyle can pull people's attention away from the forehead area and help reduce forehead wrinkles.
    • Ask your hairdresser trim the bangs into soft tangles that reach your brow. Flat roofs will conceal wrinkles on your forehead and can also soften other features of your face.
    • You can also dye your hair highlighted to eye level. Proper hair highlight color will lighten eye color. As your eyes become brighter and more sparkling, the wrinkles on your forehead will also look less noticeable.
    • When doing your hair at home, turn your bangs to one side and down to eye level. Do not turn the middle roof, as this will make your roof look framed and attract everyone's eyes to the forehead.


  • Try to relax the muscles on your forehead throughout the day so that the wrinkles don't stand out and stand out more.