Ways to Make Electrolyte Water

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Electrolyte water is very popular today and it is easy to understand why. Proponents of electrolyte water claim that it can increase metabolism, reduce blood acidity, help the body absorb nutrients faster and more. The following guide will help you make your own electrolyte water at home.


Method 1 of 3: Determination of pH Concentration Before Alkalizing

  1. Determination of pH concentration. Before and after alkaline drinking water, you must check what pH is. After the results you will know the difference in pH to adjust for the water. In nature, the pH of water is usually 7, but due to impurities the water is more acidic, ie below 7. The ideal pH of drinking water is 8 or 9, you can obtain this value through alkalization of water.

  2. Buy a pH test kit. You can buy them at health care stores. This kit comes with test strips and a color chart for the pH determination.
  3. Soak the paper in water before alkaline. For a while, after dipping, compare the colors of the paper to the colors on the diagram. Record the pH of the water and then start the alkalization process with one of the methods below. After alkaline water, the water must have a pH somewhere between 8 and 9 as shown on the determination chart.

  4. Understand the pH of water. Water with a pH above 7 is basic water, while water below 7 is acidic. Your goal is to want water with a pH between 7 and 9. Advertise

Method 2 of 3: Alkalize Drinking Water with Additives

  1. Use baking soda. Add 600 mg of baking soda to a 0.2-liter cup of water. Baking soda is highly alkaline, so it increases the alkalinity of the water after dissolving it. Shake (if using a bottle) or stir (if using a cup) of the mixture vigorously so that the baking powder dissolves completely in the water.
    • If you are on a low-sodium diet, do not add baking soda to the water. Baking soda contains a lot of sodium.

  2. Use lemons. Lemon is anionic, so when you drink lemon juice, your body reacts with the lemon anion, thereby alkalizing water in the body during digestion.
    • Pour about 2 liters of water into the bottle. Filtered water is best, but if you don't have one, you can use tap water.
    • Cut the lemon into eight parts. Put the lemon slices in the water but do not squeeze them, simply place them in the water bottle.
    • Cover the jar and leave it overnight for 8 to 12 hours at room temperature.
    • You can add a tablespoon of sea salt to the water if you want, adding salt has the effect of mineralizing the water.
  3. Add pH adjustment solution. PH correction solutions contain very concentrated alkaline minerals that can be purchased online or at a grocery store. Follow the specific instructions on the jar to see how many drops you need to add to the water.
    • Remember, a pH adjustment solution can increase the alkalinity of your water, but it does not filter out other things like chlorine or fluorine that are commonly found in tap water.

Method 3 of 3: Use a Filter System

  1. Buy a water ionizer. The ionizer attached directly to the tap is a user-friendly product. The machine improves the charge (ie it becomes ionized) as the water flows through the anode and cathode. This will separate the water into two parts, alkaline water and acid water. Alkaline water accounts for about 70% of production and can be used for drinking.
    • Acidic water should not be discarded. Acidic water can kill many types of bacteria, so you can use it to kill bacteria on your skin.
  2. Buy ionized water filters. This type of filter is highly mobile and cheaper than an ionizer, as well as conventional filters. Fill the filter with water and wait three to five minutes, during which time it passes through the filter layers. After the water passes through the filter, it will fall into the chamber containing alkaline minerals.
    • You can find ionized water filters in the kitchenware section at home appliance stores.
  3. Buy reverse osmosis water filter. This type of filter, also known as ultrafiltration, uses ultrafine membranes to filter water. Because of the high fineness, the filter can retain many elements that normal filtration cannot do, eventually going through the alkaline stage to finish the filtration process.
    • You can find these filters at supermarkets or online, and they are sold with regular water filters.
  4. Use a water distillation and pH adjustment solution. The machine has the effect of boiling water and destroying bacteria and other impurities in tap water. The water distillation machine may be somewhat alkaline to drinking water, but to be truly alkaline you must add a pH adjustment solution after filtering it clean.
    • Water distillers have different prices and sizes. You can find them at the kitchen furniture section.


  • For any alkaline method, you need to use more water than you would like to achieve at the end of the process. Specifically, with the reverse osmosis method, you need to provide 11 liters of tap water to obtain 4 liters of pure potable water.
  • Continue to use the pH meter during the alkalization process to find the most effective method for your home water.


  • Don't put more baking soda than necessary in the water, it can make you nauseous.