How to thicken cream sauce

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Thickening a Sauce with Cream | How to Thicken a Sauce with Cream | How to Thicken a Sauce | Cream
Video: Thickening a Sauce with Cream | How to Thicken a Sauce with Cream | How to Thicken a Sauce | Cream


  • Stir the sauce with a wooden spoon.
  • Simmer until the consistency you want. The time it takes to thicken the sauce will depend on your preference and the type of sauce. Cream sauce may need to be simmered for 10-30 minutes to get the correct consistency from a chef.
    • Be sure to check the sauce by tasting it every 10 minutes to avoid overheating.
  • Add thickening ingredients if the cooking method is ineffective. Sometimes the cooking is not enough to give the sauce the correct consistency of the chef. If you have simmered the cream sauce for 30 minutes and it is not as thick as you'd like, try using a thickener. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 2: Use a thickener

    1. Thicken the sauce with the flour mixture. Stir the flour and water evenly in a small bowl. After stirring the flour and water to make a smooth paste, add each tablespoon of the mixture to the cream sauce. The next step is to simmer the sauce for about 5 minutes so that it no longer smells like the raw flour.
      • Typically, you will need to use 4 teaspoons or 20 ml of flour mixture per liter of cream sauce.
    2. Use roux sauce to thicken the sauce. Measure the same amount of butter and flour. Melt the butter over medium heat and stir more flour until well mixed. Stir roux in cream sauce little by little until it is as thick as you want it to be.
      • If you want the roux to be more intense, you can cook the sauce for a few more minutes before adding it to the cream sauce.
      • You will need about 2 - 4 tablespoons or 30 - 60 ml of roux to thicken each cup or 250 ml of cream sauce.

    3. Try adding the cornstarch mixture. Stir in cornstarch and water in equal amounts until a thick paste is made. Make sure the cornstarch mixture is stirred to prevent the cream sauce from churning. After stirring the cornstarch and water, add each tablespoon or 15 ml of this mixture, one by one, to the cream sauce. Continue to stir and simmer the cream sauce over medium heat for about 2 minutes to thicken the sauce.
      • You will need about 2 tablespoons or 30 milliliters of one corn mixture for each cup of cream sauce.
      • Note, the amount of cornstarch mixture needed will vary depending on the consistency you want to create for the cream sauce.
    4. Use the egg yolks to thicken the creamy egg sauce. If you make a creamy sauce with eggs like hollandaise, the egg yolks will be the right thickener. Crack the egg into a bowl and transfer the yolks to another bowl. Beat the egg yolk and slowly add the cream sauce to the bowl; Stir in one tablespoon of cream sauce one by one until you have about 1 cup or 8 oz of egg yolk mixture. Gently stir the egg yolk mixture into the cream sauce until it reaches the desired consistency.
      • You won't need to use the entire egg yolk mixture to thicken the cream sauce.
      • Just add a little egg yolk mixture or just enough to thicken the sauce as desired.

    5. Stir in the butter powder to add to the sauce. Crush equal amounts of room-temperature butter and flour in a small bowl. Continue to grind the butter and flour until a thick paste is made. Take a small teaspoon of the flour mixture and knead the dough into a round shape with your hand. Add the buttermeal to the sauce and stir quickly. Keep stirring until the sauce looks exactly the way you want it.
      • You can add as many butter pellets as you want to make the sauce you want.
      • Make sure to add only one buttercup at a time.

    What you need

    • Electric stove or gas stove
    • Small pot
    • Wooden spoon
    • Whisk eggs
    • Measuring cup
    • Measuring spoon
    • Small bowl for mixing thickener ingredients