How to make buttermilk from milk

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Make Buttermilk at Home
Video: How to Make Buttermilk at Home


  • You can use whole milk or 2% fat milk. Skim milk has too little fat to properly curl.
  • Many people like to use lemon juice to curdle milk, but white vinegar is also very effective. Lemon juice blends gently with the fat of the milk perfectly while still giving off the fragrance.
  • Increase the amount of ingredients in the recipe if needed. For example, add 2 tablespoons of acidic ingredients to 2 cups of milk if you need to make 2 cups of buttermilk.
  • Stir the mixture and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Just stir quickly with a measuring spoon. In about 5-10 minutes, the milk will start to curdle. Small pieces will gradually form from the addition of lemon juice or vinegar.
    • The mixture will thicken even though not as thick as standard buttermilk, but it works when added to recipe.

  • Stir 1.75 teaspoons of cream of tartar into 1 cup (240 ml) of milk. Just like with lemon juice or white vinegar, leave the stirring mixture for about 5-10 minutes. The mixture will thicken and solidify during this time.
  • Stir in 0.75 cups (180 mL) of plain yogurt with 0.25 cups (60 mL) water. Stir the two ingredients well for a thick, aromatic liquid with a buttermilk-like texture and flavor.
    • You can use whole milk or 2% fat milk instead of water for a thicker texture, especially if you use skim yogurt.
    • If you're using a thicker like Greek yogurt, you'll need to add a little more liquid for the desired texture.

  • Try a 3: 1 ratio of sour cream and water. If plain yogurt is not available, stir 0.75 cups of sour cream with 0.25 cups of water. Stir until buttermilk-like texture.
    • As with yogurt, you can use milk instead of water for a thicker blend, especially with low-fat sour cream.
  • Combine kefir with water mushrooms in the ratio of 3: 1. Yogurt is just as effective as yogurt or sour cream. However, the finished product is slightly different, so you need about 0.25 cup (60 ml) of water with 0.75 cups (180 ml) of kefir mushrooms to create the buttermilk texture. First, just add a little water, stir and add more water to dilute the mixture if needed.
    • Again, you can use milk instead of water if you want.

  • Try incorporating skim yogurt, sour cream, or kefir mushrooms into your recipes. While this alternative does not produce the true flavor or blends as perfectly as standard buttermilk, it can be used quickly and effectively in recipes. Try and compare the effect with vinegar or lemon juice and milk.
    • Taste it by making 3 batches of buttermilk pancakes - one batch with standard buttermilk, one with vinegar / lemonade / cream of tartar and milk, and the other with yogurt / yogurt / kefir mushroom and water. After that, you will invite some friends to taste the cake!
  • Advice

    • Buttermilk is usually just skim milk with probiotics, or sour fermented milk. If you've never tried buttermilk standardYou should try to know the taste! Many people believe this buttermilk tastes better than commercially available varieties.

    What you need

    • Measuring cup
    • Measuring spoon
    • Spoons for stirring (optional)
    • Small bowl for stirring (optional)