How to prolong sex without medication

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Natural Viagra - The Happy Pear


1 out of 3 men report premature ejaculation, or have a shorter sex time than they expected (and their partner). In some cases, this is a sign of erectile dysfunction, but most people feel ashamed and sexually unsatisfied.Although the condition can be treated with medication, there are ways to improve sexual intercourse without medical treatment. Changing your sex routine, practicing foreplay, and taking relaxing steps before a battle are ways that you can teach yourself to prolong sex.


Method 1 of 3: Prepare before having sex

  1. Exercise PC muscle (pubic muscle). Try PC muscle contractions (pubococcygeus) - the muscle between the anus and the urethral sphincter. To locate it, hold it back while you are peeing. When you successfully hold urine, the muscle you use to hold the urine is the PC muscle. Spend time with this muscle contraction throughout the day, three 15 contractions at a time - this is an exercise to strengthen your PC muscle and give you more confidence to use it if you need to slow down.
    • Consider adding other similar exercises for pelvic floor muscles, including yoga, kegels, and pilates. These exercises will help build your PC muscles and allow you to control yourself better.

  2. Masturbating before having sex. About 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse, you should induce ejaculation. Men need some time off between ejaculations, so masturbating before sex can help prolong the time.

  3. Practice the start-and-stop method. Another way to prolong sex is to practice this technique while masturbating. Self-stimulation until near ejaculation stop and slowly return to normal state. Continue to stimulate and slow down again.
    • This technique will help you see your limits, and how far you can go before you reach the point of no return. Once you know your limit, you will gain more control over yourself before you reach the point where you cannot stop.

  4. Stop having sex for a while. If your problem is psychological, take a break from sex for a while. Talk to your doctor and partner about quitting a relationship for a while.
    • This doesn't mean the two of you will stop being close. Use this time to focus on other forms of sexual gratification, which will help you learn how to create pleasure for yourself and your partner, and to release the pressure of having sex again.

Method 2 of 3: Reduce the speed of relations

  1. Practice foreplay. Intercourse is often important for men to reach orgasm, but women need stimulation to get there. Taking some time for her pre-match foreplay, like massages, caresses, kisses, and oral sex can help boost her pleasure while delaying your satisfaction.
  2. Change your relationship position. Sometimes you and your partner get used to the rhythm of a few repetitive words that get you to your destination earlier. Trying on sex in a new posture will distract you and help prolong sex because you are busy thinking about how the new posture feels.
    • Change position while having sex. If you feel close to your destination, stop and switch to a different position.
    • You should avoid doggy style if you want to prolong sex. This is a good stance if you want to go short, but most men will have sex longer in poses like traditional poses or sitting women on.
  3. Keep it slow. Extend sex by stretching the time between pushes, you should probably wait about 3 seconds between push in and pull out. Gradually increase your speed over the next 4-5 minutes. You do not have to push as fast as you can because the faster you do it, the earlier you get to the finish line.
    • If you feel like you are about to reach your destination, stop pushing and hold the penis inside until you regain control.
    • Another way to buy time is to focus on other activities. Pet and explore your partner's body, use hands and tongue to explore.
  4. Practice techniques 7 and 9. Sex experts believe that techniques 7 and 9 can help men with premature ejaculation prolong sex. Push seven high-speed pushes, then nine slow pushes, and repeat throughout sex.
  5. Use stop-squeeze technique. One way for your ex to help you stop premature ejaculation is to use the stop-squeeze technique, which means she will have to squeeze your penis. When you feel about to ejaculate, ask her to squeeze your penis at the intersection of the head and penis. Squeeze and hold for several seconds until the urge to ejaculate is gone. After she's released, wait 30 seconds and then go back to foreplay.
    • You can also squeeze and push into other parts of the penis. Loop your thumb and index finger around the base of the penis and squeeze. This will help maintain the blood in the penis to keep an erection. You can push into the area between the anus and the base of the testicles. This position is called the perineum, and when pushed in, the flow of semen is blocked and premature ejaculation is prevented.

Method 3 of 3: Increase confidence

  1. Think confident about yourself and your abilities. Anxiety tends to develop gradually, meaning that worrying about your own energy will cause you to ejaculate more quickly. Therefore, you need to think confidently about your relationship ability. If you feel anxious, stop and breathe, think about how you and her enjoy sex instead of fear of premature ejaculation.
  2. Solve psychological difficulties. Some doctors believe that premature ejaculation can be the result of personal problems, or bad habits that developed in the past with your current partner and past lovers. When you recognize these problems, you can resolve them either by working with her or with the help of a therapist.
    • In the past you may have tried to get to the top early to avoid detection, or have sex with your sex partner to avoid feeling guilty.
  3. Talk to your partner. The desire to prolong sex is usually to increase the pleasure and intimacy between you two. If the problem has only recently emerged or with an existing partner, it could be a person-to-person (between you two) difficulties. Consider talking to her about your relationship and issues that may have recently arisen.
    • Talking to her will also show that you have nothing to worry about. She probably doesn't see any problems with your sex timing. At the same time, she can also come up with some ideas for new poses and foreplay to enhance intimacy, emotions, as well as sex time.
  4. See a therapist. You might consider counseling approaches to deal with relationship problems or other problems. A great counselor helps patients relieve stress and overcome anxiety about ability to have sex. If you think your problem is related to your relationship, then see a therapist or counselor with her.
    • Counseling sessions are usually most effective when combined with medication, so this is not quite the most natural treatment. Of course, this also depends on what your problem is.


  • Premature ejaculation is a condition that can be diagnosed, and premature ejaculation does not mean premature ejaculation. If you have an occasional premature ejaculation, mixed with much longer sex, then this is normal and doesn't need treatment.
  • The average duration of sex depends on each person, but most men take about 5 minutes from the moment of sexual intercourse to the moment of ejaculation.