Ways to Don't Get Fussy

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Â̷̮̅̃d̶͖͊̔̔̃̈́̊̈́͗̕u̷̧͕̱̹͍̫̖̼̫̒̕͜l̴̦̽̾̃̌̋͋ṱ̵̩̦͎͐͝ S̷̩̝̜̓w̶̨̛͚͕͈̣̺̦̭̝̍̓̄̒̒́͘͜͠ȉ̷m: Special Broadcast
Video: Â̷̮̅̃d̶͖͊̔̔̃̈́̊̈́͗̕u̷̧͕̱̹͍̫̖̼̫̒̕͜l̴̦̽̾̃̌̋͋ṱ̵̩̦͎͐͝ S̷̩̝̜̓w̶̨̛͚͕͈̣̺̦̭̝̍̓̄̒̒́͘͜͠ȉ̷m: Special Broadcast


In many cases, a nuisance person is often unaware of what others say about his or her actions. If you suspect that your behavior is upsetting the other person, avoid the little things that are upsetting them. When you are upset about something, perhaps the people around you are too. However, keep in mind that the people who love you will, no matter what, love you - so don't change yourself. You just need to improve your attitude and habits to avoid annoying others.


  1. Build confidence. Sometimes people will find you annoying because you do things they think are negative, such as being nervous, cliché, or sloppy. Don't change yourself just because someone doesn't understand your attitude exactly. However, sometimes you become annoyed by your self-esteem or compulsion. In this case, examine the causes for those actions.Maybe you realize that the only reason you do this is to make a good impression - but they are actually counterproductive!

  2. Give up bad habits. Suppose you find yourself always laughing at other people's jokes, even though they aren't that funny, or that you've developed a habit of laughing at the wrong time. You may have acted like this at first because you thought that laughing loudly would attract attention, but now it only makes those around you uncomfortable. Try a different approach - live honestly and be yourself. If people are still upset about being true to yourself, you may need to find new and more tolerant friends.

  3. Respect everyone's limits. Everyone has their own limits - you need to know to avoid exceeding them. Limits can differ from culture to culture, even to individuals.
    • Don't constantly tease people. If they don't like it, don't touch them. Of course, just have fun in case they are your best friends and don't mind being touched. With others, you are not allowed to touch miscellaneous.
    • Don't talk badly behind people, especially if you haven't clarified your problem to them yet. This is even more true when it is a relative, friend or lover.
    • Do not impose, nor be an uninvited guest. Try to control your emotions and not be too aggressive. Make space for people when they need it. Do not call every day. Remember that repetition is the most annoying.
    • Don't rummage through other people's things. Even for non-private items, they can still feel compromised if their personal belongings are being manipulated by you. When you want to borrow something, get permission and let them give the item to you.
    • Concentrate on your business. You shouldn't point your nose at other people's conversations and avoid saying things like "What are everyone talking about?" When you see two people talking and you only hear the last sentence, don't interrupt.

  4. Be humble. Confidence doesn't mean you're allowed to behave like you're better than everyone else. Don't take actions or words that make you look like an arrogant person, like bragging about your wealth or your successes.
    • Don't correct grammar / spelling mistakes or other people's mistakes, as most people don't like to be corrected.
    • Don't tell others that their beliefs are false. Be gentle and polite with your disagreement. Even so, you also need to draw your moral boundaries and defend it. Everything is fine until you cause harm to others. Everyone's moral boundaries may be different, but you need to make sure your behavior is consistent with your own.
    • Don't complain all the time. You should remember that this world does not revolve around you. When you complain too much, others will avoid you. The same effect will happen if you constantly insult yourself, because it doesn't show humility - that's selfishness. It is normal to show dissatisfaction during unpleasant times. However, you need to know when you should forget them and move on. Read more How to be optimistic.
    • Notice how others are accepting your words. Although the words you say are thoughtful and have important implications, your tone of voice can give the impression that you are upset, irritable, even, rude, arrogant, or have attitudes. other negative. This will make people misunderstand and hate you.
  5. Learn to listen. Dialogue is a two-way activity. If you keep talking, the other person will get upset and stop talking to you. The general rule of thumb is to always listen more than talk. Think carefully before saying anything. Avoid interrupting others, even if you suddenly remember something to say. You should keep in mind the following statement: "It is better to keep quiet so that others think you are a fool, because once you open your mouth, people will no longer doubt it."
  6. Be aware of your surroundings. Notice if you are talking at the door, in the middle of an area where other people are passing (in a store, shopping mall or airport), or when your kids are behaving in a bad mood. public. Also, don't sing or play music at high volume, especially when the music can disturb people. Consider the influence that comes from your actions on those around you, and you will be respected by them.
  7. Be courteous and maintain personal hygiene. Don't look down at other people's slits, "deflate", or gossip about human body parts in public. Cover your nose and mouth with your elbows when you sneeze or cough. Be careful to brush your teeth and / or floss your teeth after meals so that your breathing does not upset others. Bathe and change into clean clothes every day.
  8. Learn to read facial reactions and body movements. Pay attention to the facial expressions and body language of those around you to instantly identify and stop annoying actions.
  9. Do not disturb others. If someone's having a bad day, don't hang around and help them improve their mood (unless they ask). When you are sad, you also don't want someone to bother you, because this person is only failing when trying to encourage you. Ask if they need you around, and remember that "no" means "no". Only talk about the things that bother them when they mention them.
  10. Avoid unnecessary repetition. Repeatedly repeating an action (like making a vulgar sound or pulling someone's hair, etc.) is not the right way to get attention '. When a person says 'stops', it means 'stops'. If you continue to do so, you may lose a friend.
    • Don't imitate people. If you imitate others, they will get annoyed and walk away. Don't imitate your friends, as you might lose them as well.
    • Only say once. Don't repeat what you said, because the other person will have to answer "I heard it", "Ok" or something like that. That may disturb them. They have heard what you want to say, and they don't want to hear it again.
    • Do not make a repetitive sound. Stop as soon as you find yourself tapping a pencil against a table, opening your mouth open while chewing on ice, tapping your foot on something or making repeated noises.
    • Don't argue. Most people don't like arguing. Just say that you disagree and don't appear to be an expert in the area in question. The "know it all" behavior will make other people angry. Of course, you can debate / discuss with others, as long as the circumstances are appropriate and the other party wants to participate. Never force someone into an argument with you. If the other person says that they don't want to discuss a certain topic, you must immediately abandon the idea.
  11. Never attributed. By assuming that you know the reasons behind someone's actions without bothering to find out the real cause, you are asserting that you have access to secret knowledge that no one actually has. In other words, you are arrogant and judgmental. Observe other people's behavior and, if necessary, ask about it with a gentle attitude: "I see you move a lot while sitting. Why?" Accept the answer they give and do not question it further. They may answer, "Yes, I have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). I'm trying to control as much as I can, but sometimes I can't." Then, do not look at them with suspicious eyes or absentmindedly say "Whatever". No one needs you to judge or cure them.
    • Don't give advice unless you're going through a similar problem and can empathize with the other person. "So have you tried Ritalin treatment yet?" will be a frustrating answer for people with ADHD. An even worse answer would be "Maybe you just need to try to get more control", or "My cousin is the same, but he did his best and he's gone now."


  • Don't try to be friends with people who don't appreciate you.
  • Not aware if you are having trouble or not? Ask someone you trust who can give an honest and constructive answer. Be ready to accept criticism, and be prepared to accept it in courtesy. The person may not have fully stated his or her opinion right away, so give them time by explaining your circumstances, thoughts, and feelings so that they see that you are prepared for helpful comments.
  • If your friends and loved ones are moving away from you, you may want to see a group counselor or therapist to improve your social skills and how to respect personal boundaries. Creating personal boundaries is influenced greatly by early life experiences that we have no control over. Accepting these experiences will help you feel the security needed to set and respect boundaries.
  • Know how to think. Let's say you piss someone off for no reason. Think back and ask yourself, "What did I say or do? Did I ignore any signs? Did this happen more than once? Is there anything I do that annoys everyone?" are not?" It is not easy for you to know whether a behavior is right or wrong, because even the right actions can offend some people. If your words or behavior touch most people, reduce the frequency of doing those actions. If you only affect a specific person, you should avoid or reduce these words or behaviors in the person's presence.
  • Patience is a way to keep you from causing trouble to others. Patience is both a virtue and a charm for many people. If someone is bothering you, being patient is the best way to let the problem go, rather than being aggressive and turn yourself into a nuisance.
  • Don't point out other people's little mistakes when you want them to be successful.
  • Don't act weirdly around others trying to become famous. Be yourself; If they don't like who you really are, they won't be real friends either.
  • Don't be fake, it really annoys many people.


  • When someone comments that you are annoying, do not immediately go crazy or be insolent at them. Learn to be humble.
  • Everyone behaves annoyingly at times, some criticize too quickly. Some people get upset too easily.
  • Some people with ADHD, ADD (attention deficit disorder) or autism seem very troublesome, but it's just their brain structure. Some people can gradually improve their social skills, others cannot. Don't criticize or make fun of them; Be a good friend and show concern for yourself.