How to get acne flakes off quickly

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
The Only Right Way To Pop Your Pimples
Video: The Only Right Way To Pop Your Pimples


Scales are the protective sheaths on the wound surface, made up of dry blood, plasma and immune cells. Since it has a protective function, you should not use force to pry the scales. Scabbing will irritate, slow down the wound healing process and lead to the risk of infection. Getting rid of acne scabs is also difficult, trying to pry them off early will increase the risk of scarring. The bottom line is that you need to keep the scabs soft, moist and supple, while also stimulating the process underneath the young skin. If you have acne scars, there are different methods you can take to help the wound heal faster, but note that acne needs to go through a healing process before it disappears.


Method 1 of 4: Wash to remove scabs

  1. Wash the scales every day. You should wash the scaly areas twice a day, using a acne cleanser or a gentle cleanser. After washing, wipe gently to dry.
    • You need to use a clean towel every time you wash the scales. Towel used again and again will spread bacteria and slow the healing of scars.

  2. Wash with oil. After washing with soap, you can add an oil to help moisturize and remove the scaly layer. You can choose from a number of oils like beaver oil, coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil and others. Using a clean washcloth, gently apply the oil to the scabs. You try to be light and only apply a little pressure. Wash thoroughly then moisturize again.
    • Oil washing will remove some small flakes. However, you should only remove small pieces that can easily come off. Don't try to pry them off.
    • The scab will fall off in five to seven days. Some may flake sooner or later, don't try to force them to peel off early.

  3. Use a hot compress. Soak a cloth in warm water and roll it up, applying it to the scab twice a day, for 10 to 15 minutes each time. The hot and humid steam softens the flakes, thus helping them to flake off safely, naturally, and also helping to heal the wound.
    • Do not rub when applying. You should only use a compress and keep the towel on the scabs.
  4. Bathing with Epsom salt. Soaking in a bath with Epsom salt helps to moisten the scabs on the body and stimulate wound recovery. You mix warm water and Epsom salt in a bath, soak the scaly area for about an hour.
    • Repeat every day until the crust is gone.
    • Be careful not to put Epsom salt on your face.

Method 2 of 4: Scaly acne with psyllium leaves

  1. Look for psyllium leaves. Psyllium has long, flat leaves, and is small, and grows anywhere, even in the yard. There are different types of psyllium, but they all have vertical veins. Many people think psyllium is a weed, but it has many medicinal properties. Plantain can be used directly on wounds to protect and stimulate skin healing. Psyllium also has antibacterial properties.
    • In America, many people do not realize that the plant that grows in their yard is plantain, because it shares its name with a banana-like fruit. Psyllium for medicinal purposes is different from the one also called psyllium.
    • If you cannot get fresh psyllium, you can order dried psyllium leaves and herbs from herbal medicine stores. You can also buy ointments and ointments made from highly refined psyllium.
  2. Make a cream from fresh psyllium. You pick 10 fresh psyllium leaves, boil slowly with about 2.5 cm of water until the leaves are tender. Remove the leaves, use a small spatula then let cool.
    • After the mixture has cooled, add a few drops of essential oil. You can choose almond oil, castor oil, or mineral oil.
    • You can use dried psyllium leaf, mix it with essential oils and boil it to make a topical cream.
  3. Apply psyllium cream to the scales. When you're done, apply the cream evenly over the scaly layer, then cover it with gauze or bandage.
    • You can keep the cream on the scabs for as long as you like, for example, leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning, or apply the cream and then wash off in the shower.
  4. Use psyllium cream on your face. If the crust is on your face, apply the cream 2 to 4 times a day for 10 to 15 minutes each time, then rinse with warm water and pat dry. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Scaly acne with aloe vera

  1. Use a piece of fresh aloe vera leaves. If you have an aloe vera plant, cut off a small piece of leaf, squeeze the juice and apply it to the crust. Leave to dry, do not need to wash and repeat 4 to 5 times a day.
    • You can buy aloe leaves from the fruit and vegetable stalls in many supermarkets.
  2. Use aloe vera gel. If you don't have fresh aloe vera leaves, you can buy aloe vera gel. Using a cotton swab or cotton ball to apply aloe vera gel to the scab, you may not need to rinse or rinse it off after 15 to 20 minutes.
    • Repeat 4 to 5 times a day.
  3. Use aloe cream. Aloe vera products come in many different forms, such as aloe vera creams, lotions, or ointments. Visit your local pharmacy and choose a suitable product.
  4. Understand the use of aloe vera. Aloe vera has been used for centuries as a wound healing medicine. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties and many properties that help with wound healing.
    • Aloe vera gel provides moisture to the flakes, thereby helping to stimulate wound healing.

Method 4 of 4: Get rid of acne flakes with other herbs

  1. Use onion or garlic juice. Use a cotton swab or cotton swab to apply a few drops of onion or garlic juice to the scaly layer of the pimple, let it dry, then rinse with warm water if you don't like the scent of onion and garlic. Repeat this 4 to 5 times a day.
    • You can also apply onion or garlic juice and leave it overnight.
    • Some people experience irritation when using onion and garlic juice. If you find your skin is getting irritated, try another method.
    • Both onion juice and garlic juice have antibacterial, antifungal and wound-healing properties. They have been used for a long time to help heal wounds and prevent scarring, especially after surgery.
  2. Use honey. Honey has also been used for centuries to aid wound healing. Use a cotton swab or cotton swab to apply about ½ teaspoon of honey to the crust, cover it with gauze or bandage, leave for about 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
    • Apply four to five times a day or apply honey and leave overnight.
    • Medicinal honey, such as Manuka, is popular with many people, but natural honey has a similar effect.
  3. Make a mixture of marigold essential oil. Mix three to four drops of marigold oil with another oil, such as almond oil, beaver oil, olive oil, or mineral oil. Use a cotton swab or cotton ball to apply the marigold oil mixture to the scales, no need to rinse. You do this four to five times a day.
    • Marigold oil has wound-healing properties.
    • There are also many marigold creams, lotions and ointments on the market that you can use.
  4. Use apple cider vinegar. Mix 5 ml of apple cider vinegar with 50 ml of water. Use a cotton ball to apply evenly over the scales. Leave for about 20 minutes, then gently rinse with water.
    • Apple cider vinegar stimulates new cell growth, and has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.


  • Although you may want to, you absolutely must not pry the scales on the wounds or pimples. Scabbing can cause scarring and infection.