How to make time pass faster

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How Your Brain Makes Time Pass Fast or Slow
Video: How Your Brain Makes Time Pass Fast or Slow


Are you alone at home and feel bored, waiting for an event or simply waiting? Most of us, of course, have experienced moments when we ourselves wished that it would never end. However, besides that, life also has long days. Next time, if you want to escape boredom while attending a business meeting, sitting in a classroom, waiting for someone, or when traveling long distances to a place with nothing special, try the methods in this article to make the time pass faster.


Method 1 of 4: Relax to forget time

  1. Go for a walk. Going outside and breathing in fresh air will help you lose time and relieve stress. Take a moment to take a walk around your residential or corporate building. Even if you only have 10 minutes, walking is still a great way to forget your time. Not only is this good for your health, but it also helps you feel like time is passing faster.
    • Try inviting more colleagues or friends for a walk with you to make this even more enjoyable. For example, while at work, you can take a break by taking a walk with a co-worker. You can bring a cup of coffee, tea or other drink while walking to enjoy the fresh air and pleasant conversation.
    • You can also take a walk inside the building if you can't get outdoors. Walk around the office or work area, or walk down the hallway.
    • If you can't go out for a walk at school or at work, try doing exercises that won't attract the attention of others, such as contracting and stretching your muscles. You can do this at your desk, in front of the TV screen, or right in your bedroom. If you have to sit on an airplane or train for long periods of time, do leg or arm stretches.
    • Women alone can do Kegel exercises.

  2. Meditate. At first, this may not make time go by any faster, but once you get used to it, you can reach the "timeless" realm. Mind usually watches time and meditation is the way to stop all thoughts in the mind.
    • You can find guided meditation videos on YouTube to help if you've never meditated before.
    • You can even meditate while you are active, such as running. Choose a mantra to focus on and repeat throughout the day.
    • If meditation doesn't match the life in your mind, you can try daydreaming. Picture yourself in a place, a story, a conversation, or anything else that interests you.
    • You can also try to take deep breaths. Taking slow, deep breaths is a way to be calm and balanced, and can also make you happier with your situation than you might think. Try inhaling for 8 breaths, holding it for 8 breaths. Repeat until it becomes natural and you can let your mind drift through your thoughts calmly.

  3. Take a quick nap. Short naps may not seem like fun, but can help you forget the time and be more alert when you wake up. Every time you fiddle around at work at noon, work a night shift or overtime, or try to combat drowsiness while driving, find a safe place to take a quick nap as it will help keep you awake. and be more productive.
    • Take a quick 20-minute nap to recharge or sleep longer to forget the time.

  4. Journal or blog. Writing is a great way to organize your thoughts and also helps you feel like time goes by faster. Write in your journal whatever comes to mind, or blog about a topic that interests you. Create a blog about creative ideas in writing, video games or whatever you like!
    • Set aside time to journal or blog every day, such as 30 minutes in the morning or after class.
    • Creating a blog is very simple with the help of sites like Wordpress and Blogger but will also take up a lot of your time; So this is a great way to pass the time. You can design your blog with color palettes, fonts, and images to make your own unique.

Method 2 of 4: Bring joy to yourself

  1. Go out with friends. Spend a few hours chatting, laughing, or doing anything with your friends to pass the time. You will need company when you are bored, so the more people you have, the more fun. However, if you can only hang out with one person, it's okay, because it's more fun when no one is around.
    • If your friends around you don't have time, take this opportunity to get in touch with an old friend you've always wanted to talk to but didn't have time to call.
    • Even if you only have 5 minutes to chat with a friend or colleague, it will help you forget the time and boredom.
  2. Listening to music. Whether you're at home, at school or at work, the music is fun and makes you feel like the day is passing faster. Try listening to music during the day to forget time, or listen to a new song or favorite song between classes or assignments.
    • For example, if you're studying, you might listen to some exciting electronic songs to forget your time.
    • Or, while at work, you can listen to music as a reward for completing each task on your to-do list.
  3. Watch your favorite old TV show or movie. If you're at home and want to pass the time, choose a TV show or watch an entire series! This is a fun way to help you forget your time.
    • Go to YouTube or Netflix and find your favorite movies from childhood, like Journey to the west, Kaleidoscope, South area, Little House on the Prairie,Ocean girl, The Adventures of Sinbad, Little dragon, Hoan Chau way - try to see if your feelings are intact.
    • Or, you can watch the movie you missed when it hit theaters, like the latest superhero movie, or the award-winning movie all your friends are talking about.
  4. Play games on phone. Most phones have at least one free video game like Tetris or Pac-Man that can make you feel like time is passing faster than you think. However, you should not do this while at school or at work.
    • If you're at home and have a video game suite or have computer games, this is a great opportunity to pass the time.

Method 3 of 4: Utilize time effectively

  1. Do something you enjoy. A great way to pass the time is to choose to do something that makes you feel good.If you're at school or work, try to see what you can do to make yourself happier doing other things. If you are at home, think about what you would like to do to have fun and do things that you find enjoyable.
    • For example, if you can work on a creative project at work or school, get started. If you're at home, choose to do a hobby or work that will help you lose time like knitting, baking, playing the guitar, or playing video games.
  2. Reading books. By reading your favorite thick book, a few hours will pass in a split second! You can read Nguyen Nhat Anh's works, a history book about Hue imperial city, or read books about a certain country. What you read will add to your wealth of knowledge.
    • If you can't sit still to read, you can listen to audio books. This can be helpful when you exercise for long periods of time or do other physical activities.
  3. Do homework. Nobody thinks doing algebraic homework or reading a book about the eighth President of the United States - Martin Van Buren (also known by many as "Old Kinderhook") can make you forget time. Actually, you probably don't favourite job, but if you have started to do it and when you look up at the clock, you will see the time pass quickly. If you can get into the habit of doing homework every time you want to pass the time, your academic power will excel!
    • You can study in groups and relax a bit with friends while completing the exercise. However, you need to avoid relaxation too many lest they cannot complete the to-do list.
    • If you don't have homework, you can do things on that day's to-do list or for the entire week. Think about the things you want to accomplish and make a list to do now or later.
  4. Clean up your bedroom. First, throw out all the food packaging, cardboard boxes, miscellaneous items you can't donate to someone else, and anything that makes your room cluttered. Next is cleaning up the furniture, which will handle one item at a time until you have your bed, desk, drawer, wardrobe, and other things in order. If you only have an hour or two to spare, clean a part of the room and be proud of your work.
    • To feel better, you can ask a sibling or a friend to help you!
    • You can also bring old clothes that you no longer wear to charities. This is how you can make yourself feel proud of yourself for being nice and efforts to clean the closet.
    • If you have a plan to clean up (such as cleaning your closet or stacking your jewelry drawer) but stick to it, now is the right time to settle things.
  5. Try new recipes. You can browse recipes online until you find a recipe that makes a dish that you find delicious. Cook a new dish or bake a new one and see how it works. Cooking not only creates delicious food for you and others, but also keeps you happily occupied for a period of time.
  6. Learn a few sentences in a certain language. You cannot learn a language in a day, but you can learn to say "Hello, my name is ..." and "How are you?" in just a few minutes. Choose the language you've always wanted to learn and learn in minutes or so.
    • Try placing a book that helps you learn a new sentence each day on your desk at work, at home or in your backpack. Take 5 minutes a day to read silently and then read the sentence aloud. This way, you both have time to relax and have something to look forward to each day.
    • Try using an app like Google Translate to help you learn new languages.
  7. Reply to old emails. Do you have any emails that have not been answered? If so, it's time to turn on your computer and respond to emails of people waiting for your reply like professors, friends, and business associates. You will feel more relieved to have this communication to do when there is nothing else better to do. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Work on creative projects

  1. Origami paper folding. Focusing on the complexity of the origami paper folding process will help you forget time. There are countless origami methods that you can do and once you get caught up in this art form, you can create an entire zoo or bunch of origami flowers.
    • Try making a paper ball to play soccer.
    • Or, you can fold origami frog jumping with a friend and try to see whose frog jumps further.
  2. Painting. Draw a portrait of yourself, draw a cartoon of someone near you, or design a cartoon character. If you don't like your drawing style, you can close your eyes and draw something simple in your mind without using a pencil or pen. The results can be very interesting and beyond your expectations; Besides, you also don't have the pressure to create a masterpiece (but it can still surprise yourself).
    • You can also look in the mirror and draw a portrait of yourself.
  3. Download a free audio editing program to your computer. Edit someone else's voice to look like a chipmunk or gorilla, or turn the singer's voice into a baby voice. You can also explore and try out composing a cool song to share with your friends and post the finished product on Facebook.
  4. Try creating art from photo collages. Cut out beautiful pictures from some old magazines. Next, you try to create an impromptu picture of a pair of characters, someone's face, cute cats, promotional products, or whatever. You can make a fake anonymous bulletin board to send to your sister or create sexy superhero characters from body parts of many famous people. Or, attach the celebrity's face to a chubby body.
    • When you're done, hang your masterpiece or give it to a friend.
  5. Compose a poem about something that happened yesterday. You don't need to write a poem that rhymes perfectly or sounds as good as Xuan Quynh's. That poem can be funny, quirky, sad and serious, or whatever you want. Try describing the bread you ate for lunch in poetic language, or composing a serious poem about your relationship with your mother. Maybe you will realize you have the qualities of a poet that has not been known for a long time!
    • If you are satisfied with your work, send it to newsrooms.
  6. Complete a Pinterest project. You must have saved a photo of cute polka dots, pumpkin lights that look like the face of some celebrity, and wedding dresses made of foil, but when will you catch hands on creative projects? Obviously now is the perfect time. Check out the list of saved ideas, or find new ones on Pinterest and try to see what projects get through in a few hours. And roll up your sleeves and do it now!
    • If this sounds like a lot of work, you can kill some time by browsing Pinterest.
  7. Take artistic photos. Grab your old camera or phone and walk around the house or around the yard to take pictures with unique lighting and eye-catching furniture or items. Maybe you will find your passion for the art of photography and put it into practice.
    • You can also take a walk around the residential area or the company building to take photos while exercising.


  • If you're looking forward to an event, be prepared for that. Preparing everything in advance will be very helpful and help you forget the time.
  • Do not waste time. Enjoy every moment because life is so short.
  • If you wait for something to come, break the time. For example, instead of waiting for the start of your vacation for four months, you should wait for the end of each day, every week, every month, and then the day you've been waiting for!