How to make the day pass faster

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Time Go Faster (when you’re waiting for something!)
Video: How to Make Time Go Faster (when you’re waiting for something!)


We can't make time pass any faster. Of course, when someone says they want the day to go by faster, it's because they are feeling time passing slower than usual. The situation is uncomfortable, but in fact, there are many ways you can get busy and make the day pass faster, no matter what situation you are in.


Part 1 of 5: Make the morning pass faster

  1. Sleep well. Sometimes people really like to sleep in the morning. Whatever you want the day to pass faster for whatever reason, pressing the snooze button and getting a little more sleep will give you a certain amount of satisfaction. Sleeping in is the most effective way to make the day pass faster. If you're already in bed and want the mornings to pass quickly, it's probably best not to do anything.

  2. Take a long shower. Bathing is one of the most pleasant activities of the day. Most people try to take a shower as quickly as possible, but if you're free, you can take it more slowly. Feel the warm water and the comfort it brings in that time.

  3. Read the morning newspaper. Sitting comfortably next to a coffee in the kitchen sounds a myth, especially when people are in a hurry to leave home to go to school / work, but as you slow down to enjoy it, you will find time passing. strangely faster.

  4. Go to work or school early. You may have a set time to leave home to go to school, work or go somewhere else. If so, try leaving the house 10 to 15 minutes earlier than usual. Your brain tends to divide memories into "chapters", and leaving the house early will make that "chapter" seem to pass faster. If you don't have to get out of the house early, you'll probably enjoy plenty of time early in the day to prepare everything. advertisement

Part 2 of 5: Killing time at work

  1. Continue doing the work you are procrastinating on. Although the amount of work will depend on your title as well as where you work, you may still have a lot of work to start working on and forget about time. Do the things you're procrastinating on, whether it's a project in progress or responding to email. Your goals are already set, and you should feel less stressed once you work on them.
    • Busy is your biggest ally in saving free time. Therefore, you should do everything you can to give your full attention to the task at hand.
    • Working out may not be fun, but when you keep yourself busy, you will find time passing faster.
  2. Start a new project. Project work will always be busy, and periods where work is slow will be perfect for starting a new job. Arranging new projects will always seem interesting at the beginning. Looking at your workplace, there is something you can do to improve the working environment.
    • Team up with people who are able to provide a pleasant social experience if you are bisexual and enjoy interacting with colleagues.
    • If you are unable to start something on your own, ask your boss if there are any new tasks for you to do. Busy will make time pass faster and you will also be considered a diligent employee without having to ask for finishing work.
  3. Listening to music. This is a great way to relax in any work situation.Music will cheer you up a bit and make you less bored at work.
  4. Take regular breaks. If work is passing slowly and you can't make time pass any faster, taking regular breaks will relax you and your time awareness will correct itself. Go buy coffee. Go to the bathroom. However, these activities will cause poor productivity, and relying on them too much will have the opposite effect.
    • Taking frequent breaks will distract you from work, but if you kill time the biggest benefit you get will be relaxation. Of course, you will not achieve good performance at work if you fear of lagging behind colleagues.
  5. See social media. People are willing to spend hours updating other people's lives, even if they have no intention of killing time. Social media is a great tool to make time pass faster while you are working. You should not make this behavior a habit as it will reduce your productivity.
    • Usually, if you rely too much on distractions while at work, your day will pass more slowly. So the best way to get through the workday quickly is to let yourself get caught up in the work.

    Lucy Yeh

    Career & Life Coach Lucy Yeh is a human resources manager, recruiter, and licensed life coach, with over 20 years of experience. With her experience as a life coach for the Mindfulness Stress Reduction (MBSR) program at InsighLA, Lucy has worked with expert levels to improve their professional, personal / personal relationships. expertise, self-marketing, and life balance.

    Lucy Yeh
    Career & Life Coach

    You can make the day pass faster by using social media platforms like Youtube. Or you can get busy working out by creating an Excel spreadsheet to organize things like a list of goals you want to achieve or a birthday and holiday gift list. Also, try thinking of a part-time job or planning a vacation.


Part 3 of 5: Killing free time

  1. Resting. Lying is a great way to pass the time if you are bored and can take a nap. If you really have nothing to do, then going to bed will help your body recover and improve. You may find it difficult to fall asleep mid-day versus night or early in the morning while still in bed, but this is the fastest way to pass the time if you can.
    • Moreover, when you wake up, you will find yourself motivated to be more productive and let the day pass naturally.
  2. Read a good book. Indulging in leisure activities is a great way to pass the time, and often times when we are having fun, we don't mind the time. Reading a book you like will keep your mind off of time, and you even wish you had 24 hours more a day to read more books.
    • In this case, how you choose the book will be very important. A book that is too boring or bad will have the opposite effect.
  3. Plowing off a TV show. The 'plowing' of many episodes will take a lot of time. Programs like "Game of Thrones" or "Living with your mother-in-law" can make you forget about time. If you have a free day and want it to pass quickly, open a TV show and relax. If it's a show you like, you will lose your sense of time.
  4. Write wikiHow articles. If you are an expert in something, maybe you should write an article on wikiHow! A detailed step-by-step tutorial on a topic you enjoy can be a lot of fun, and like other writing projects, you'll find yourself drifting away from planning and writing. .
    • If you don't like to write, maybe you should find a tutorial on any topic that interests you and learn a new skill. Studying is a great way to pass the time because your mind will become occupied and the time will be lost.

Part 4 of 5: Making the evening pass faster

  1. Watch a movie. There's nothing like curling up in a blanket to watch a movie after a long day. Unless the movie is too boring or the viewer needs to go to the toilet, usually people don't pay attention to the time while watching the movie. Instead, they would be caught up in what was happening on the screen. Watching a movie you like while or after dinner can be a great experience.
    • You can settle down in a comfortable place like a lovely bed or a warm sofa. As your body relaxes, it will be more likely that time will pass faster.
  2. Try cooking dinner with a new recipe. When you learn something new, time will seem to pass faster. That is because your mind is busy with a new task, so you will lose sight of the time. New recipes will give your taste buds a new experience, and if you like, you can still use them again on other occasions.
    • On the other hand, some studies show that time actually passes faster when you do familiar things. That includes recipes. In the end, you need to be immersed something.
  3. Go to bed early. Sleep is the fastest way to make time pass faster. Nobody knows anything about the time when they went to bed. Going to bed early will give you more energy the next day, and that might be fine if your day wasn't quite as well.
    • Read before going to bed. If you don't like the idea of ​​going to bed early, read a book in your pajamas and stay in bed after brushing your teeth. You may fall asleep while reading or when you are tired and want to really sleep. Stop reading whenever you need it and turn off the lights to sleep.

Part 5 of 5: Another Way to Feel Time

  1. Think about why you want time to pass faster. People who want time to pass faster are usually in one of the following two groups. The first group wanted time to pass faster while expecting an event. The second group is simply bored and doesn't know how to use their time effectively. If you want the day to pass faster with good motivation, it's easy to understand and worth doing. If you feel bored, you may want time to pass faster just because you don't enjoy doing anything.
    • If you find something that interests you (perhaps thanks to the suggestions in this article), you will stop caring about wanting the day to pass faster.
  2. Stick to a schedule. Psychologists who give instructions to slow time down will often suggest stepping out of your comfort zone and experimenting with new things. On the contrary, if you intend to do something familiar, you will get the opposite effect. The work schedule is your ally. Your mind will feel time pass faster and turn on "self-drive" as you do familiar things.
  3. Always busy. Accelerating the sense of time can only be done indirectly. Whether you do something new or familiar, whoever you do with, the sense of time will depend on how busy you are. When you're busy with something, no matter how trivial it may be, you won't be bothered with time.
  4. Relax. Studies show that the area of ​​time concept in the brain becomes agitated under stress. To combat that, make sure you rest and relax. This will also make it easier for you to focus on activities.
    • Such activities include treatment of headaches or migraines. Migraines can make even the happiest experiences a test of endurance.
  5. Don't look at the clock. The best way to make yourself feel time is passing faster is to ignore it.Looking at the clock will make you remember exactly how much time has passed and be more concerned with it. If you really want to make the day pass as quickly as possible, you should avoid looking at the clock. Don't think about how much time has passed. advertisement


  • Download an addictive arcade game that you enjoy.
  • Write a book if you have a lot of time. You can write about future or past experiences.
  • Always busy and sufficiently optimistic. A good attitude will help you feel more interested in activities, meaning it will be easier to focus on them instead of focusing on the amount of time you spend on them.
  • If you read a thick book, it might be late afternoon when you finish reading it.
  • Time will naturally pass faster as you age. So while you may fear death, old age will keep you from worrying about making time go faster.
  • Don't look at the clock because you will be more concerned with the time than what you do.


  • Don't let the days pass by. Time may not be of any value to you when you are deliberately trying to spend your free time, but each passing day should be a precious day. Instead of making time go by faster, find ways to add enjoyable experiences to your time. In the last moments of your life, you may regret having wanted to make time pass quickly.