How to pretend to cry

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Cry on Command! (4 FAST & EASY Acting Tips to Fake Cry on Cue!)
Video: How To Cry on Command! (4 FAST & EASY Acting Tips to Fake Cry on Cue!)


How do you feel when you see someone cry? Perhaps you will find ways to cheer the person up. The tears can arouse the compassion of many people, so you will have some power if you know how to cry. While pretending crying is an act that should never be abused, those who manage well are often very clever in making the art of crying a part of their performance. Surely this technique will help you touch people's hearts, as long as you do it convincingly!


Method 1 of 5: Thinking about traumatic events

  1. Close your eyes and imagine a traumatic episode. This method is used by many actors when they have such a strong empathy for the character that it seems that their tears flow from their true feelings. You can imitate this technique by thinking about something so sad, so sad that it makes you cry. Although everyone is different, you can think of the following facts:
    • Death of a loved one
    • A broken love
    • One thing that you cannot tell everyone
    • Being bullied
    • A sad moment that you've been through
    • A terrible event ever happened
    • A pet's death or something close
    • Old sad memories or someone you really miss
    • The thought of the summer days is over and the new school year is about to begin

  2. Block out other thoughts and try to concentrate. To do this, you have to really focus on one sad story and temporarily convince yourself it is true. Think about the inevitable outcome of what's going on; Although not yet, but it will. No matter how good things are, there is a time to end, life involves both happiness and suffering. Focus, focus, and focus until sadness turns to tears.
    • Frowning and frowning. The sad expressions on your face when you cry will make you feel even sadder.
    • Head down slightly. This will make you look sad, and because your face is hidden, you will have more time to make your tears fall without being observed. You don't want others to see your normal face suddenly filled with tears. People will be suspicious.

  3. Pause for a few seconds to focus your tears. Don't open your eyes yet; Wait until tears fill your eyelids. A few drops of water can be mistaken for sweat, not tears. Continue thinking about sad things.
  4. Let tears flow. You will know this works when you feel a lump in your throat and your tears seem to be coming.Open your eyes and let the tears roll down your cheeks. Remember to keep a depressed and sad face. Try to keep the sad thoughts until the crying stops. Don't go too far, though - the aim is to pretend crying, not the emotional complete control! You need to be in control. advertisement

Method 2 of 5: Open the eyes

  1. Eyes wide open. This technique works when you only want tears to come, but not necessarily like a stream. Air dries out the surface of the eye, so the eyelids will have to blink to moisten the eye. Try not to close your eyes. The longer you keep your eyes open, the more tears spring up.
    • Fan the eyes to create more wind and make them dry faster.
    • If you are in a dry and dusty environment, the better. Tears are automatically released to remove dust.
    • Be careful not to let anything harmful in the eyes. Wind-blown sand, for example, can be damaging to the eyes.
  2. Keep your eyes open if necessary with your hands. If it is difficult to prevent the blink reflex, you can keep your eyes open with your finger. It doesn't look too natural, so don't use this technique if you want to trick someone into a realistic crying performance.
    • Don't keep your eyes open manually for more than a few seconds; Again, your eyelids will have to blink to protect them, and that you shouldn't stop this reflex to the point that it could harm you.
    • Make sure not to let your fingers touch the eyeballs; Eyes are susceptible to infection by contact with dirt and bacteria on hands.
  3. Close your eyes tightly to push your tears out. After keeping your eyes open and focusing your tears, close your eyes to squeeze them out. You need to collect enough tears to make one or two large enough tears. advertisement

Method 3 of 5: Use menthol

  1. Buy menthol bar or menthol oil. This oil is available in pharmacies and is often used during a cold to help clear your sinuses and nose.
  2. Put the oil on a clean paper towel. You can put the oil on a tissue for a long time before you want to cry. Place the tissue in a plastic bag and place it in your pocket or purse, ready to use when the time comes.
  3. Dab lightly below the eyes. When it's time to cry, pretend you're trying to overcome your emotions, take a tissue with menthol and dab it on the lashes under the eyes. Menthol near the eyeball will cause tears to begin to release. Be very careful not to get the oil inside your eyes because it will cause pain and burning sensation.
    • Keep the tissue near your eyes until tears come. This may take about 30 seconds. In the meantime, let out a cry.
    • Menthol oil also has another benefit of looking glowing on the skin, so even if you can't make a lot of tears, it will make your eyes appear wet.
  4. Take a few deep breaths or make a crying sound. advertisement

Method 4 of 5: Eat chili

  1. Buy a habanero or jalapeno fresh chili. If you are extremely sensitive to chili peppers, a seedless jalapeno may be enough to make your tears start to rise. If you are the "king of chili" you need a hot pepper.
    • Use gloves when handling chili. Everyone knows that touching chili peppers and then touching their eyes causes irritation and tears. That means you can skip to the next step and just touch the inside of the pepper with your finger, then touch your eyes, but it may not be worth the burn.
    • If you don't have chili peppers available, chili sauce can work too.
    • Cutting white onions is also an alternative to chili. However, be sure to use white onions, as they release chemicals that make people cry.
  2. Eat chili just before you are ready to cry. Habanero chili will be most effective. Bite off a slice of pepper, let it touch your tongue and palate before swallowing. If you don't feel your face heats up, you need to eat more.
    • As always, you need to frown and frown to make your tears seem more real. In this case you need to keep your mouth shut so that your "audience" doesn't see the chili in your mouth.
    • Try not to show chewing movements. If necessary, you can chew on a chili before you face the viewer you "cry".
  3. Secretly eat more chili to continue "acting". If you are no longer able to sweat and shed tears before you are about to end the show, find a way to eat another piece of chili. You can cover it with a handkerchief when holding the chili to your mouth, or pretend to go to the toilet and eat chili there before returning with tears that appear. advertisement

Method 5 of 5: Use eye drops

  1. Put a few drops of eye drop solution into the eye. Pull the skin of the lower eyelid down and use the other hand to place a few drops on the lower eyelid. This method of creating tears is quite realistic, but timing is complicated because you have to drop your eyes right before you want your tears to flow. This is a great method for capturing a photo of pretend crying but not very effective if you want to trick someone.
  2. Make a suitable face. This method doesn't require a lot of effort to get tears, so you need to act more to look real. Remember to make your eyes, forehead and mouth look like you are crying.
    • With the right situation, you can use this method to create tears of joy instead of sadness. That way you don't have to struggle to look sad; you will find that it is easier to be blissful.
    • If you can find any excuse to look away for a minute, drop your eyes when the other person can't see your face. You have to be skillful and secretive with this game.


  • Yawn several times until you feel a tear in your eyes.
  • Try to keep your eyes open for as long as possible until they come up, then close them tightly to let the tears drain.
  • Try to yawn and close your mouth.
  • Listening to sad music can help lift your emotions.
  • Inhale and hold it for about 10 seconds, then exhale.
  • Blinking quickly can help create tears, and you should consider applying it. Note that just blinking doesn't work.
  • In order for the tears to flow, you need to burn your eyes.
  • Do not use this technique often to achieve your goal. If you really need to, pretending to cry can help, but if you use it too much, you will appear weak in front of others.
  • Plant a banana tree against the wall for 10 seconds, sometimes return to normal position and look in the mirror, you will see yourself as if you have been crying for hours.
  • Think about the sad events of your life and keep your eyes open for 30 seconds.


  • Make sure not to abuse this technique and not use it to manipulate people you like. They will not trust you if they find out that you are faking.
  • Be careful with the menthol method, because it will be extremely painful to get it into your eyes and your eyesight can be damaged. Make sure to rinse it off afterwards.
  • Once people find out that you are all pretending and your tears are just pretending, they will no longer trust you, maybe even get in trouble.
  • This can also happen when you lie about someone (in school, for example) and you are trying to blame someone for hurting you.

What you need

  • Oil menthol
  • Tissue
  • Eye drops
  • A white chili or onion