How to deal with wisdom teeth infection

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Alleviate Infected Wisdom Tooth
Video: How To Alleviate Infected Wisdom Tooth


The third molar is called the wisdom tooth because it is usually the last tooth to grow in late adolescence. However, some people do not have wisdom teeth. A wisdom tooth infection is very uncomfortable and requires immediate relief. Here are some steps to help relieve your pain temporarily before you have time to see the dentist.


Part 1 of 3: Home care

  1. Recognize the signs. Perinatal inflammation occurs when the gum tissue around the wisdom tooth becomes inflamed and infected. This condition occurs when only a part of the wisdom tooth "popped out" from the gums, or when the encroachment of the teeth here makes it impossible to floss or clean them. To see if your wisdom teeth have an infection, you must be aware of the associated signs and symptoms. Look for the following signs:
    • Bright red or red gum with white dot. The gum area around that tooth is also inflamed and inflamed.
    • Moderate pain or severe pain in your teeth makes chewing food difficult. You may even see a small bump on your cheeks and feel hot to the touch.
    • There is a metallic taste in the mouth due to the accumulation of blood and pus at the site of the infection. This can lead to bad breath.
    • Difficulty swallowing or opening your mouth. This indicates that the infection has spread from the gums to the muscles around the mouth.
    • Fever. A temperature above 37.8 degrees C means that you have a fever, which also means your body is fighting the infection. In extreme cases, in addition to an infection, you may also feel muscle weakness. If you experience these symptoms, you should see a dentist or doctor right away.
    • Some cases also infected the root, then more likely the dentist had to extract this tooth.

  2. Gargle with salt water. Salt is a natural antiseptic, and you should rinse your mouth with salt water to kill bacteria in your mouth. Mix ½ to 1 teaspoon of salt in about 250 ml of warm water, dissolving completely before using.
    • Take a full gulp and rinse the salt water in your mouth for 30 seconds, focusing on the infection to kill the bacteria.
    • After 30 seconds, you must spit out the salt water, do not drink. Repeat this process 3 to 4 times per day.
    • In addition to taking antibiotics prescribed by your dentist, you should combine mouthwash this way.

  3. Use dental gels for pain and swelling. You can buy dental gels at your local pharmacy. If they don't have one, you should look to major pharmacies. This is a substance that helps control infection and also reduces pain and swelling.
    • Before using the dental gel, rinse your mouth thoroughly, then place a drop or two directly on the infection and apply evenly with the tip of a cotton swab.
    • Do not rub the medicine with your fingers because there is the risk of spreading more bacteria into the mouth.
    • Apply dental gel 3 to 4 times daily for best results.

  4. Pain relief. If the wisdom tooth infection is causing severe pain, you should take a pain reliever, which will also help reduce inflammation. It's easy to buy nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) at the pharmacy without a prescription from your doctor.
    • Some common examples of NSAIDs are ibuprofen (Mofen-400, ibuprofen), naproxen (Ameproxen), and aspirin. Do not give aspirin to children under 18 years of age because it is linked to the development of Reye's syndrome, which can damage the brain and liver.
    • Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is not an NSAID and does not reduce inflammation, but can relieve pain.
    • Follow the dosage instructions on the package or as directed by your doctor, do not exceed the maximum allowable dose.
    • Remember, each medicine has some side effects, so be sure to read the label carefully before taking any medicine. Seek advice from a pharmacist or doctor if needed.
  5. Use an ice pack. If you do not want or cannot take the medication, apply a cold compress to the area of ​​the infection. A cold compress can reduce pain and inflammation while you're waiting for your doctor. However, if the infection becomes too swollen, seek immediate medical attention.
    • Put ice cubes in a plastic bag and wrap in a towel. Hold the ice pack over the sore for at least 10 minutes.
    • You can also use a bag of frozen vegetables such as beans or corn (don't eat vegetables that have been thawed and frozen many times after applying).
  6. See a dentist. The most important thing is to see your dentist as soon as possible. Without the right medical intervention, the infection can spread to other parts of the mouth and body.
    • Perinatal inflammation is also at risk for complications such as gum disease, tooth decay, and development of a fluid sac. More severe complications include swollen lymph nodes, sepsis, systemic infection, and even death.
    • If the dental office is overcrowded and you can't see it right away, go to the emergency room or go to the hospital. Many places have an emergency dentist.

Part 2 of 3: Visiting the dentist

  1. Discuss treatment with your dentist. They will examine the infection and take x-rays to evaluate the severity and find the best treatment.
    • The doctor also examines the wisdom tooth to see if it has come out completely or partially, and will note the condition of the surrounding gums.
    • If the wisdom teeth have not yet popped, they must have an x-ray to determine its location.These factors are the basis for them to determine whether the tooth needs to be extracted.
    • Tell your dentist about the medications you're allergic to so they avoid prescribing them.
  2. Ask about the costs, risks, and benefits of treatment. You need to know about the cost of treatment, as well as information about possible risks and benefits, and if there are other treatment options.
    • Don't be afraid to ask questions. You have the right to have a clear understanding of the treatment you are about to undergo.
  3. Let the dentist clean the infection. If the wisdom tooth is about to pop out of the gums without causing any trouble and the infection is mild, the dentist can clean the infection with an antiseptic solution.
    • They will remove infected gum tissue, pus, and plaque. If the gums have an abscess, they sometimes have to make a small incision to remove the pus.
    • After the cleaning is complete, the dentist will instruct home care over the next few days. They may give you topical gels to reduce inflammation, take antibiotics to treat the infection, and take pain relievers if you still have pain. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics are amoxicillin, clindamycin and penicillin.
  4. Prepare for minor surgery. The main cause of wisdom teeth infection is when the gum covering the teeth (called the gum membrane) becomes infected by plaque and leftovers trapped underneath. If the tooth is still underneath the gums (but in the correct eruption position), it's still easier to remove the infected gum membrane than having to remove the tooth completely.
    • To remove the gum lining on the wisdom tooth, the dentist has to perform a minor surgery 'gum tissue removal surgery'.
    • After cutting, you will easily remove plaque and bacteria, significantly reducing the risk of infection of wisdom teeth.
    • Before the surgery, the dentist must inject an anesthetic into the gums at the site of the pain. They will then remove the infected gum membrane with a scalpel, laser or an electric knife.
  5. Consider having a tooth extraction. If the infection has spread and the wisdom tooth shows no signs of erupting on its own, then the tooth will need to be removed. Extraction is also necessary if a serious infection occurs.
    • Depending on the position of the tooth, extraction can be done by a dentist or surgeon.
    • They will undergo local anesthesia before the tooth extraction.
    • After the tooth extraction, you may need to take antibiotics and pain relievers to prevent infection after surgery. You must follow your dentist's advice on how to keep your teeth clean.
    • Remember to visit the dentist to follow the healing process, make sure nothing happens. In addition they will check the position of the opposite wisdom tooth in case it also needs to be extracted.

Part 3 of 3: Maintain a good oral hygiene routine

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day. To prevent infection, you must maintain a good oral hygiene routine. The first step is to brush your teeth twice a day with a soft bristle brush, don't use a bristle brush to avoid erosion.
    • Hold the brush at an angle of 45 degrees from the gumline.
    • Brush your teeth in a circular motion, not pushing the brush back and forth, as this will damage the enamel.
    • Each brush should last at least two minutes, remember to hit down to your gums and brush the teeth deep inside.
  2. Floss every day. Flossing is just as important as brushing your teeth because it removes plaque and bacteria that build up between teeth that the brush cannot reach. If you don't remove the plaque, the bacteria there can easily cause tooth decay, infection and gum disease. Do it at least once a day.
    • Hold the floss firmly with both hands and gently pull it back and forth between teeth in a direction along the teeth. Try not to pull the "touch" thread down on the gums to avoid irritation or bleeding.
    • Bend the thread in a "C" shape close to the teeth, then slide gently between the teeth and gums.
    • Hold the thread firmly and rub your teeth in a gentle back and forth motion.
    • Remember to clean all the teeth, including the inner molars. Always rinse your mouth after flossing to remove any plaque and bacteria from between your teeth.
  3. Use an antiseptic mouthwash. An antiseptic mouthwash helps control the bacteria in your mouth, while also keeping your breath fresh and fresh. If you live in the US, you should look for a mouthwash with the ADA (American Dental Association) censorship seal certifying the effectiveness of oral hygiene.
    • You can use a mouthwash before or after brushing your teeth. Fill a full bottle cap and pour it into your mouth, rinsing between teeth for about 30 seconds before spitting out.
    • Use a commercial antiseptic mouthwash product, or simply use an undiluted chlorhexidine solution, available at most pharmacies.
    • If you find the mouthwash is too strong to burn, look for another that doesn't contain alcohol.
  4. Schedule a dental checkup. Scheduling dental check-ups is the best way to prevent wisdom tooth infections and other dental problems.
    • You should have your teeth checked every six months, especially when your wisdom teeth don't appear. Your dentist may suggest that you visit more often if you have health problems.
  5. No smoking. Avoid smoking or using tobacco products when wisdom teeth become infected, as this will irritate the gums and worsen the infection.
    • Smoking is harmful to the general health, and of course, the oral health. Ask your doctor about the fastest way to quit smoking.
    • Smoking also contaminates the teeth and tongue, impairing the body's ability to recover, causing gum disease and oral cancer.


  • It is not always necessary to remove wisdom teeth, unless it causes a problem. The dentist is the one who assesses whether wisdom teeth should be extracted. People who have trouble with wisdom teeth are usually between the ages of 15-25.


  • Home care and treatment is almost impossible to cure an infection. All infections should be examined by a dentist as soon as possible for timely treatment or treatment.