How to be happy when you are yourself

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Key is to Be Happy With Yourself
Video: The Key is to Be Happy With Yourself


It is easy to desire to look like someone else, act like someone, have a comfortable career or a wonderful lover like someone else's. But whoever you are, you can still learn to feel happy and content with your life. Take time to appreciate your talents and qualities, develop a healthy sense of your body, and boost your self-esteem. Focus on the positive aspects of your job, hobbies, and lifestyle. Nurturing strong and close relationships can help you feel more satisfied and confident in life.


Method 1 of 4: Love who you are

  1. Determine what makes you unique and awesome. When you realize what you love most about yourself, you will feel much more comfortable being yourself. Start by listing everything you like about yourself, whether it's your outgoing soul, your work ethic, or your smooth hair stream.
    • Find out at least ten things you like about yourself. Think about your talents, your qualities, or the accomplishments you have achieved.
    • Knowing the value of qualities makes you different. Perhaps you speak four languages, you know how to plant a banana tree and walk with both hands, or you have the talent of making strangers in the blink of an eye. Not everyone can do these things, right? Yet you can do it!
    • Redirect negative thoughts to positive ones. For example, instead of thinking "I'm not pretty," say "I look great today!"

  2. Practice being grateful in everyday life. With positive gratitude, you can recognize the wonderful people, things, and opportunities in life. Make it a daily habit to be grateful for what you love. Appreciate the opportunities, strengths, skills and good fortune that have come to you.
    • Keep a journal to write down everything you are grateful for. You can record your gratitude to family, friends, home, hobbies, opportunities or health that you currently have. Write something in your journal every day, and if you ever feel upset or frustrated, try rereading your journal to encourage yourself.
    • Always say thank you, whether it's thanks to the bartender who just made you a good cup of coffee or thanks to your dear father who is always there for you.

  3. Fill your life with laughter. Always have a place in your life for laughter. No matter how cruel times life may be, don't forget to take a break to have fun. You should feel better now and then in the long run.
    • Feel free to do the dumb stuff. Tell old stories, say bad puns, or dance around like an idiot. Why not?
    • Smile when you make a mistake. This can ease the situation and help you realize that things are not too bad.
    • Watch a comedy or comedian. Comedy shows make you laugh and can make you happier.
    • Stay with people who love to laugh. Laughter is contagious!

  4. Accept your shortcomings. Confidence is the key to happiness, but we all have flaws and flaws. Instead of obsessing over flaws you're feeling, accept them. If you want, ask yourself what you should do to improve yourself in that area.
    • Make a list of the things you need to strive for. Set goals that you can achieve. If you hate your habit, try making a plan or downloading a calendar app. Set alarms when you need to do something.
    • Learn to live with some of your flaws. You will probably never be able to overcome your clumsiness, but that's okay! Try to laugh when you stumble or stumble as if it doesn't matter.
    • Forgive me. Let's look at reality: we all do at times do something not proud of. No matter what you did, admit the mistake and understand why you did it, and then let it all go.

Method 2 of 4: Healthy body awareness

  1. Find things you like about your body. Feeling good about your body will help you feel happy with who you are. Reflect on yourself and cherish your best charms.
    • You may not like all the features of your face, but try to find one or two points, such as attractive eyes or lips. As you look at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself how lovely those lines are.
    • Remind yourself of the things your body can do. Try to love your body for your ability to sing, dance, imagine or just run.
  2. Do exercise. Physical exercise can boost confidence and improve your mood, even if you're not trying to lose weight or improve fitness. With just 30 minutes per session and 2-3 exercise per week, you can also boost your energy and confidence levels. Find out what activity is right for you and practice with it.
    • Mindfulness exercises, such as yoga or tai chi, can give you a sense of peace and help you meditate on your body.
    • Team sports such as soccer or volleyball are incredibly enjoyable activities. These are sports that include social elements that can help you feel better.
    • Activities like running, cycling, swimming, and even walking can help you feel more at ease and make you healthier.
  3. Choose healthy foods to elevate the mood. A proper diet can benefit the mind and body. With a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, protein and flour, you will feel more in tune with your body.
    • Foods rich in fiber and fatty acids can boost your mood and make you happier. These foods include whole wheat breads, brown rice, fish, green vegetables and walnuts.
    • Cook yourself with fresh ingredients instead of buying processed foods. When you cook, you can make healthier choices, plus even greater satisfaction with your homemade meals.
    • It's okay to indulge yourself with sandwiches or ice cream from time to time, but if you eat too much processed or greasy foods, you can get tired and heavy.
  4. Shopping for a wardrobe can help you look better and feel more comfortable. Being satisfied with what you're wearing can create or change how you feel about your appearance. Clothes that are dirty, don't fit, or simply don't fit can affect your mood and confidence. Choose a style that shows your unique personality.
    • Choose the right outfit. Don't try to wear clothes that are too tight or too loose.
    • Find a few items that you love. A favorite jeans, trendy sweater or scarf will help you feel satisfied with your look.
    • The jewels, belts, shawls and shoes magically create the harmony of the outfit. If you do not pay attention to this highlight, please add an accessory to the outfit you are trying on.

Method 3 of 4: Cultivate a life full of joy

  1. Focus on the positive aspects of your job. Sure, there are tasks that are frustrating, even boring, but look at some of the things you love about your career, such as interacting with customers, learning things. new or occasional chance to travel here.
    • If you are having trouble at the company, adjust the way you handle your work. Personalize your workspace with pictures or ornamental plants. Avoid taking on more projects if you are overwhelmed.
    • Take the time to get to know and appreciate the peers around you. You may think that you and your colleagues have nothing in common, but if you try to get closer to them, you might wake up every morning more excited to work.
    • Appreciate what your job can do for you. When you are tired or bored, remember that your job is feeding you.
  2. Pursue hobbies and activities that interest you. Hobbies and interests outside of work will give you something to look forward to while making you more fulfilling and enjoyable. If you don't have any hobbies right now, you can try:
    • Develop the artistic aspect. Try writing poetry, writing music, or drawing pictures. Your work doesn't need to be excellent, but you will have fun writing it.
    • Learn a new language. You will feel more culturally literate and have a chance to find a good job.
    • Join a sports team. You will not only have the opportunity to practice but also make interesting friends.
    • Sign up for a night class. Study a subject that interests you, such as programming, carpentry, or story writing.
  3. Make a schedule that works for you. It will help you organize your life so that the activities of the day run smoothly. If there are times during the day when you feel stressed, rushed, or dull, try jumbling up some activities in your schedule. Change your routine until you find the right schedule.
    • Don't rush every morning. Take the time to eat a nutritious breakfast and get to work a few minutes early. Pack up the night before or set up a lunch menu at the beginning of the week.
    • No matter how limited the time of day is, make some time for yourself.Read a book during lunch, watch your favorite show before bed, or wake up a little early enough to meditate.
    • Full rest. Go to bed and wake up at about the same time each day for your body to form a routine. This will help you feel better each morning you wake up.
  4. Try new experiences. Happiness is created by experiences rather than matter. New experiments will take you out of your comfort zone and leave you with interesting and special memories.
    • Explore the surroundings and the natural world like a picnic, canoeing or rock climbing.
    • Going out on weekends. You can go to nearby cities, go to the mountains or to the beach. Set aside one week each year for long trips to family visits or to visit new destinations, such as Sapa or Phong Nha cave.
    • Go to a concert, go to a museum or watch new movies at a local cinema. This will help you broaden your mind and have new experiences in the city you live in.
  5. Create a fresh and comfortable living space. Feeling safe, comfortable, and at peace can make the difference between happiness and bondage. Please decorate the house so that it will feel elated and full of energy.
    • Clean up the mess. Put everything in the right place and avoid placing too many items in one area. A bright and airy room can contribute to a happy space.
    • Decorate your home with pictures of loved ones, souvenirs from memorable trips or paintings of your favorite places that can remind you of what makes you happy. .
    • Get a sense of relief at home by painting your walls in bright colors like cyan, lavender or yellow.
  6. Change if you are not happy with your routine or lifestyle. If you really feel unhappy in a part of your life, believe that you have the power to change. Take the initiative to start something new.
    • If you hate your job to the point of always feeling stressed and anxious, then maybe it's time you find a new career.
    • Maybe for decades you have been engrossed on the marathon track, but all of a sudden you have become disgusted with the running sessions. Change the mood by finding another activity to exercise or entertain.
    • If you feel stuck, bored or isolated in the city you live in, consider moving or arranging a vacation somewhere new.

Method 4 of 4: Establish a sustainable social network

  1. Find positive and supportive friends. One of the best ways to feel happy in the long run is by building a network of close friends. Having good friends around can help build your self-esteem, boost your confidence, and make you feel like you are helpful.
    • Cherish old friendship. Maintain friendships with old friends by visiting, emailing, calling or talking via skype.
    • If you meet someone who is really in tune with you, do not hesitate to invite them to coffee to see if the two can get to know each other better.
    • Leaving toxic friends. If there is someone among your friends who makes you feel bad about yourself, or they are so negative that they just upset you every time you meet, then maybe it's time to end your friendship. surname.
  2. Love family. Normally, you cannot find anyone wholeheartedly for you or know you better than your parents and siblings. Whether you leave home for college, live abroad or live with your family, it's important that you feel happy with your family in order to truly be happy.
    • If you have a good relationship with your parents, take time to regularly talk to them and say that you love them. And don't forget to thank your parents!
    • Treat your siblings well. Even if you feel at odds with your siblings at times, siblings always share a bond because they grew up under the same roof and were born with their parents.
    • Even without a close relationship with your real family, you can still cherish the people who are attached to you in life. Think about who you can consider a family member and let them know your feelings.
  3. Socialize with the community. Feeling connected to your neighborhood, city, religious community, school, or other community group can make you feel like you belong to something larger. This will help you create strong relationships and enjoy activities.
    • Get to know your neighbors. Not only do neighbors help you bond where you live, but they can also become best friends.
    • Attend local meetings, book clubs, music performances by local artists, attend street cleaning volunteer days, or whatever event makes you feel connected about local culture and politics.
    • Volunteering can give you a sense of accomplishment and help you meet people in your community. Find organizations and goals that you believe in. You can make a donation to help homeless people or build homes for low-income families.
  4. Nurture a healthy relationship. Having a relationship is wonderful, but it's important that your relationship is based on love, trust, and open communication. A toxic bond can be stressful and painful.
    • If you have a lover, talk openly to each other every day. Remember that you both must be satisfied with the relationship.
    • If you're single and dating lots of people, enjoy it. Feeling frustrated can come when you date one person after another, but you have a better chance of finding your partner if you stay optimistic.
    • If you are single and not dating anyone, that's fine! If you don't want to fall in love right now, just be happy with your decisions and be happy with yourself.
  5. Learn how forgive. You will not be able to fully enjoy happiness if you keep resentment in mind or obsess over the past forever. Learning to forgive someone you love for their past mistakes is the only way you can continue the relationship.
    • If someone has hurt you, try standing from their point of view. The person may hurt you but is well-intentioned, or they may not have thought it through.
    • Learn to accept an apology. If your friend, relative, or lover is genuinely sincere and regrets about something, learn to accept your apology. Try to overcome with the best of your ability.
    • Apologize if you hurt someone.


  • Do at least one thing you enjoy every day, whether it's just listening to your favorite song or dancing alone in your bedroom in your underwear.
  • Helping people. Few jobs can boost your confidence and realize just how lucky you are to help others.
  • Don't compare yourself to others. This will only disappoint you. Instead of paying attention to what others have, focus on what makes you who you are.


  • If you've tried everything and still feel sad for yourself, you may have depression and need professional help.