Ways to Dating Men with Capricorns

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024


Men of Capricorn are known for their cold, calm and determined nature. They are strong and quiet types of people; Always work hard to achieve your ambitions and control others. With a sense of humor and extremely attractive looks, they are really irresistible boys. If you look through the sometimes cold, dry crust of Capricorn, you will find a man of intelligence, passion and love. Let's start with step 1 below to find out what is best for dating a man with Capricorn.


Part 1 of 2: Chasing the Capricorn

  1. Join career seminars. The first thing you should know about Capricorn men is that they are very active. The best place to meet your perfect Capricorn is at work, charity events or career development consultations. Capricorn men strive to reach the top of their field, so showing determination and excellence in a profession will help you catch his eye.

  2. Reduce colorful fashion sets. Capricorn men are quite conservative. They are often attracted to girls well-dressed and well-dressed. Showing off sparkling stilettos and daring cut out suits is probably not the most effective way to seduce your guy. It's best to have a classy and feminine look.
  3. Show off your wits. Capricorns are more attracted to intellect than anything else. No matter how perfect the outfit you wear or how beautiful your face is, Capricorn can lose interest if he finds out that you are just a superficial and empty girl. Show him your intellectual beauty by engaging him in in-depth conversations. Make sure to keep calm and calm, though - don't laugh when he jokes.
    • Don't hesitate to show off your wit - Capricorn men often have a sense of humor in their sarcastic expression.

  4. Earn his trust. Capricorn men often find it difficult to open up to others. Before he accepts you, he will have to consider whether or not he can trust you. Be honest and open with him, but be willing to wait a little longer for him to share his thoughts with you. Capricorn will take time to ponder, but with your support - showing him your support and proving you're trustworthy - he'll finally open up to you.
    • Note that you must not betray Capricorn's trust, whether on purpose or not. Once you feel betrayed, Capricorn will take a very long time for you to return, if not ever.

  5. Don't play mind games. Capricorn will not play the game of wits in love. If you like him, be clear and wait for him to walk the other half of the way to see you. Don't try to make him jealous by walking with another guy in front of him, acting in a passive-aggressive manner, or by playing "cat and mouse". For Capricorn men, this would just go against the desired outcome - he would quickly walk away and never look back.
  6. Date him on a quiet evening. The best way to get to know Capricorn and show that you are the worthy one is to take the first step. Invite him over to dinner, go on a picnic or do something just the two of you. He might not feel comfortable being invited to a big party, but a dinner at your home will probably make him more open. This is your chance to shine too - bring up topics that interest him and help him relax with an interesting conversation.
  7. Patience. Capricorn men often want to be friends with a girl before actually dating her.Perhaps this is the time when your patience will be tested. When you're chasing a Capricorn, don't push or push him. He will make his own decisions when you spend a lot of time with him. Draw his attention by letting him know you support his efforts. Take part in his fundraising campaign, read the article he just finished or tell him a sincere compliment, you will prove to be his half, a supportive and supportive person. guy. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Nurturing the relationship

  1. Trust your man. Capricorn men are famous for taking romance seriously - as well as taking their work seriously. As such, your Capricorn is probably not the kind of cheater. When he has a crush on you, he will wholeheartedly maintain his relationship with you. Although it takes a long time for Capricorn guys to open up to you, once you've decided to have a friend in your life, he will be a devoted lover for you.
  2. Knowing that there are nights when he will stay in the office until late at night. Among the zodiac signs, Capricorns are known as workaholics. He takes his job very seriously and will occasionally work overtime. Be ready for this and know that this is not a sign that he is no longer interested in the relationship with you. He just values โ€‹โ€‹his career and wants to do the best he can.
  3. Limit dramatic emotions. Capricorn men seek stability - they want their girlfriends wholeheartedly and emotionally serious. The excitement or the game of wits would make him turn away. If he makes you angry, talk about what he did and why it upset you. Your Capricorn wants to make you happy, so when you frankly tell him what you need and what you don't like, he will do his best to correct it so that next time you don't make you angry again.
  4. Be your support and strive to achieve your own goals. In Capricorn men's conception, the perfect relationship must be able to energize both sides. Support him as he will support you. He has always had a good will, so you should also set your own goals and ideas to strive for. The most ideal relationship with a man Capricorn involves both elements - support and independence.
  5. Arousing passion in the bedroom. Although Capricorn men can be quite conservative in everyday life, he is an unexpectedly passionate lover in his bedroom. Ma was attentive to every detail, and this also made him a great lover. Please share your passion with him.
    • Don't forget, though, that Capricorn is quite traditional - perhaps he won't be in role-play or other weird bedroom tricks.
  6. Know that Capricorn men are not passionate about partying. Which means surprising him with a surprise birthday party is probably not a good idea. You probably already know that, when it comes to attracting his attention, Capricorn men are just excited between a group of close friends and family. They need time before they can trust someone. So an evening at a favorite bar with a few best friends or an evening at home with his girlfriend is better for him than a dance floor at a noisy club or partying in places where there are few people. acquainted.
    • Your Capricorn will really appreciate it if you โ€œtake the leadโ€ in social situations he may find uncomfortable. Being able to socialize is a valuable thing for Capricorn men.
  7. Give him simple and practical gifts. Capricorns love useful objects that aren't too flashy. Instead of buying him a quartz wristwatch costing several tens of millions of VND, think of a Swiss multi-function knife set or the oven for backyard bake parties that he loves.
  8. Limit cuddling gestures in front of others. Public show of love was really not what Capricorn liked. Holding hands may be okay (he even prefers to hold hands because of his protective nature), but other cuddles in the busy street will make him a little uncomfortable. Capricorn men do not want their private life to become the story of the people of the world. So think twice before grabbing his lapels or cuddling him in front of everyone.
    • This also applies to gossip about your Capricorn. These guys are very discreet. If Capricorn finds out that you have revealed your secret between the two of you, he may feel betrayed and will lose trust in you. You should only confide your love story with people you trust.


  • Please be patient. Most Capricorn men do not love with lightning love. They must first get to know you as friends.


  • Always keep a decent attitude. Capricorn men have quite traditional thought; they will not like people who gesture rude or clumsy in front of people.