Ways to Learn Programming Languages

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Learn Programming FAST! My Favorite Method!
Video: Learn Programming FAST! My Favorite Method!


If you are interested in making computer programs, mobile apps, web pages, games or any other software, you need to learn programming. Programs are made up of a programming language. This language allows the program to function on computers, cell phones, or hardware.


Part 1 of 6: Select Language

  1. Decide on your area of ​​interest. You can go on to learn any programming language (although some are considered "easier" than others), you should ask yourself what is the purpose of learning a programming language. This helps you decide what kind of programming language to study and provides a good starting point.
    • If you are interested in web development, you will have to learn a language that is completely different from the one used to create computer programs. Developing a mobile phone application requires skills that are different from programming a machine. The whole decision will affect your direction.

  2. Consider starting with a "simple" language. Will you begin to learn advanced, but simpler, language based on your decisions. This language is especially useful for beginners as they provide the basic concepts and thinking processes that you can apply into any language.
    • The two most popular languages ​​in this category are Python and Ruby. Both are web-oriented languages, using very legible syntax.
    • "Object-oriented" means that the language is constructed from the concepts of that "object", or from the data collected and manipulated by the object. This is a concept used in many advanced programming languages ​​such as C ++, Java, Objective-C and PHP.

  3. Read the basic instructions for many different languages. If you still don't know what type to start, read through the tutorials in several different languages. If you find one that is easier to understand, try to learn it first. There are countless programming language tutorials from online sources, including wikiHow:
    • Python - A great language to get started with, incredibly powerful once you get used to it. Used for many web applications and games.
    • Java - Used on a wide variety of programs from games to web applications, and ATM software.
    • HTML - An important starting point for any web developer. Mastering HTML is essential before moving to web development.
    • C - One of the oldest languages, C is a powerful tool that is the foundation of modern languages ​​like C ++, C #, and Objective-C.

Part 2 of 6: Small Start

  1. Learn the core concepts of the language. While the parts of this step will vary according to the language you choose, all programming languages ​​have the basics essential to making programs useful. Learning and mastering these concepts makes it easy to solve problems and create powerful and efficient code. Here are some of the core concepts of each language:
    • Variables - A variable is a place to store and reference changed data. Variables are often used to represent "integer", "letter", v, v, determine the type of data to be stored. When coding, variables often have recognizable names. This makes it easier to understand how variables interact with the rest of the code.
    • Conditional Statements - A conditional statement is an action performed based on the accuracy of the command. The most common structure of a conditional statement is "If-Then". If the statement is correct (eg x = 5) something happens. If the statement is incorrect (eg x! = 5) something else happens.
    • Functions and Subroutines - The exact name of this concept varies slightly in each language. It can be called "Procedure", "Method", or "Callable Unit". This is essentially a small program in a big program. A function can be "called" by the program multiple times, allowing the programmer to create a more complex program.
    • Input - This is a broad concept that is used in almost all languages. It involves handling user input when storing data. The way the data is centralized depends on the type of program and the data (keyboard, files, etc.). It is closely linked with the Output, which is returned to the user by the result, usually displayed on the screen or converted to a file.
  2. Install the required software. Many programming languages ​​require a compiler, a program designed to translate code into a language understandable by the machine. Some other languages ​​like Python use an interpreter that can execute the program immediately without compiling.
    • Some languages ​​have IDE (Integrated Development Environment) including a code editor, compiler / or interpreter, and debugger. They allow programmers to run any necessary function in one location. The IDE can contain representations of the object and directory hierarchy.
    • There are many code editors from sources out there. These programs provide various ways of syntax highlighting and many other friendly development tools.

Part 3 of 6: Creating a First Program

  1. Focus on only one concept at a time. One of the first programs taught for any kind of programming language was "Hello World". This is a simple program that displays the words "Hello, World" (or some variable) on the screen. This program will teach new programmers to write syntax to create the foundation, functionality of the program, as well as how to process output display. By changing the text, you can learn how the program basically processes data. You can look online for some tutorials on creating "Hello World" program in several programming languages:
    • Hello World in Python
    • Hello World in Ruby
    • Hello World on C
    • Hello World on PHP
    • Hello World on C #
    • Hello World on Javas
  2. Learn through structured decoding of online examples. There are thousands of online example codes for every programming language. Use that example to test how each aspect of the language works and how they interact. Rely on many examples and create your own program.
  3. Syntax check. Syntax is how the language is used in a way that the compiler or interpreter can understand. Each language has a special syntax, although there may be several similar factors. Learning to write syntax is essential when it comes to language programming, and is often what people think of when it comes to computer programming. In fact, it is simply the cornerstone from which advanced concepts can be developed.
  4. Experiment with changes. Change the sample program, then check the results. By doing a live test, you can learn how it works much faster than reading a book or tutorial. Don't be afraid to crash the program, learning how to fix bugs is a major part of the development process, and new things never work the first time.
  5. Start practicing error correction. When programming, you will always get errors. These are errors in the program and present everywhere. The error can be harmless to the program, but it can be the main error that prevents the program from working. Finding and fixing bugs is an important process in the software development cycle, so get used to it early.
    • When you experiment with basic program changes, you will come across a lot of things that don't work. Pointing out a different approach is one of the most valuable skills in becoming a programmer.
  6. Comment on all code. Most programming languages ​​have a "comment" function that allows you to add text without the need for an interpreter or compiler to process it. This allows you to write a brief, clear explanation of what the code does. Not only does it help you remember the functionality of your code in a large program, it's also an important habit in a collaborative environment because it helps others understand how your code works. advertisement

Part 4 of 6: Regular Practice

  1. Write code every day. Mastering a programming language takes a lot of time. Even with a simple language like Python, it takes a few days to understand the basic syntax, and takes a lot of time to master it. Like other skills, practice is the key to becoming more proficient. Try to spend some time each day coding, just an hour between work and dinner.
  2. Set goals for the program. By setting challenging goals, you can begin to solve problems and come up with solutions. Try to think of basic applications like computation, and development to do it. Use the syntax and concepts you have learned to apply in practice.
  3. Talk to other people and read their programs. There are many programming communities out there that specialize in just one language or field. Finding and joining that community will help you make a lot of progress. You will have access to a repository of templates and tools that are extremely useful for the learning process. Reading another programmer's program can inspire you and help you grasp concepts that you haven't mastered yet.
    • Check out the online community and programming forums for the language of your choice. You need to be involved, but not just as a questioner. This community is seen as a place for cooperation and discussion, not just a place of question and answer. Feel free to ask if you need help, but be prepared to show off your accomplishments and accept different opinions.
    • Once you have some experience, consider entering a programming contest. This event is where individuals or teams compete against each other to program a multi-function program, often based on a specific theme. This kind of event is usually a lot of fun and a great opportunity to meet other developers.
  4. Challenge yourself to keep working. Try doing things you don't know. Research is a way to complete a task (or something similar) then try to do it on the show. Not being content with the program that "basically" works; do everything I can to make sure everything is working perfectly. advertisement

Part 5 of 6: Expanding Your Knowledge

  1. Take some training. Many universities, colleges, and community centers offer programming classes and seminars that you can join without having to enter formal admission. This is a great opportunity for newbies as you will get help from experienced programmers and also meet local developers.
  2. Buy or borrow books. There are thousands of instruction books for all programming languages. Knowledge does not accumulate from just one book, you need to read many books to refer to examples and accumulate knowledge for yourself.
  3. Study math and logic. Programming involves basic arithmetic, but you may want to research advanced concepts. This is especially important when you are developing a complex simulation or another heavy-duty algorithm program. For everyday programming, you don't need advanced math. Studying logic, especially computer logic, can help you understand how to approach problems most effectively with more advanced programs.
  4. Never stop programming. One famous theory is that to become an expert you need to practice at least 10,000 hours. While this is still controversial, the general rule remains: mastering takes time and dedication. Do not expect to master everything overnight, if you focus on research, you will gradually progress and be able to become an expert in this field someday.
  5. Learn other programming languages. Although you can be successful with just one language, many programmers want to advance their careers by learning multiple languages. A second or third language often complements the first, allowing them to develop a more complex and interesting program. After mastering the first language, you can continue to learn the new language.
    • You will find learning a second language much faster than the first. Many of the core concepts of programming are quite similar, especially with closely related languages.

Part 6 of 6: Using Skills

  1. Enroll in the 4-year program. Although not strictly necessary, a 4-year college and university program can help you learn a variety of languages ​​and have the opportunity to meet with many other professors and students. This method is not for everyone as there are many successful programmers who do not need to study a 4-year program.
  2. Create a portfolio (profile). As you program and broaden your horizons, remember to save your best results in your portfolio. You can send your portfolio to the recruiter or interviewer so that they know your work. Remember to include the things you do independently as well as in other companies.
  3. Get a few freelance jobs. Freelance job market for programmers is huge, especially developing mobile apps. Get a few small jobs to get a feel for the commercial programming job. Usually, you can use freelance work to build a portfolio and move on to full-fledged work.
  4. Develop your own free software or commercial program. You don't have to work for any company to make money. If you have the skills, you can develop the software yourself and sell it on your personal website or in the marketplace. Be prepared to be able to support any software for sale because the customer needs that service.
    • Free software is a common way to contribute a program or small utility. Developers do not need to receive money but can still make a name in the programming community.


  • If you are interested in game programming, check out Python, C ++, and Java. Of the three languages ​​above, C ++ has the best performance, Python is the easiest to learn, Java runs best on Windows, Mac OS and Linux without any changes.
  • Learn about Free Software. Research the program source code at the Free Software Directory. Why reprogramming when you can do better? Just make sure you understand what you're programming.
  • For most people, programming is something more interesting than the book example. Use the search engine to find a project that interests you.
  • When you learn something new, you should apply it yourself and then adjust the design, predict the results to ensure that you have grasped the concept.
  • Take advantage of official programming update apps and references from software publishers.
  • References are available when you need them. Don't be shy if you can't memorize everything. It is important to know where to look for references.
  • Passing knowledge to others is also a way of practicing. It not only strengthens your abilities, but also helps you think more deeply from different perspectives.