How to remove a location from your map on Facebook Timeline

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to remove location from Facebook Timeline map?
Video: How to remove location from Facebook Timeline map?


Can't figure out how to remove a location from your Facebook Timeline Map? With all the new features on the Homepage, finding such an option may seem impossible.However, as you will find out in this article, it is actually quite simple to do.

Note: Map is a feature of the Facebook social media site. Located in your Timeline, this area graphically represents the location of your life events, photos and where you've traveled on the Bing World Map.


  1. 1 Go to the Places page on the Facebook Timeline. It can be found in the Places option below your cover photo, along with other apps like your Friends and Photos. Sometimes the Places app can be hidden from view; to show it, just find it in the option called “More”.
  2. 2 Find the annoying location on your Map. Perhaps you chose the wrong option when looking for a place you have traveled to? Or maybe you just don't want the marker not appearing on your map? After entering the Map, use the Hand tool to navigate your map until you find a location (a dark blob marker upside down). If it's in an area you frequent, you may have to click on that area or zoom in using the controls on the map.
  3. 3 Click on the annoying location marker. A pop-up from the marker should appear, providing information about the location, including the type of location (life events, location of residence or trip, or photography), date and options for commenting, and "Like".
  4. 4 Click on the date. As you will notice, there is no direct option for deleting the location in the popup. Instead, you will need to remove the location from your Timeline page. You can find the location record on your Timeline manually, however the easier way is to just click on the date found in the pop-up that will take you to the location record automatically.
    • Instead, to locate the photo on your Map, click on the photo or find it in your Facebook photo albums and select the Edit Location option, then either change the location or delete it. This will change the Map of your main Timeline page.
    • For Work / School locations on the map, you will need to edit the About section of your Timeline page and manually edit or delete the School / Work entry in that section. This will change the Map of your Timeline.
  5. 5 Remove the entry from your Timeline page. Like any other entry on your Timeline, it has an edit button at the top right of the input box, represented by a down arrow. Click on this button and select the "Delete ..." option.
  6. 6 Confirm your choice in the pop-up dialog. This will remove the entry from your Facebook Timeline page and in turn will be removed from your Map with the marker removed.


  • If you forget where exactly the marker you want to remove is located on the map, try narrowing your search using the options on the right side of the screen, or by filtering the place types shown in the categories at the bottom of the screen. For example, if you selected "2001" on the right and "Photos" from the categories below, only photos of places from 2001 will be shown on your Facebook Timeline Map.
  • Alternatively, the Maps application can be accessed from your Facebook Homepage in the Applications section on the left side of the screen if you have recently used the application.


  • Always be aware of your privacy settings even on Map. You don't know who can view locations if you leave it set to "Public".
  • With new updates being incorporated into Facebook's ever-growing infrastructure, be aware that features included today may be gone tomorrow.

What do you need

  • Facebook profile
  • Facebook Timeline update
  • Internet connection