How to Learn to accept your nose

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
My Big Fat Nose | Michelle Bandur | TEDxOmaha
Video: My Big Fat Nose | Michelle Bandur | TEDxOmaha


Your nose is unbalanced, which can lead you to think of it as a hindrance to your happiness and success in life. It is okay to pay attention to yourself, but this thought does not reflect what others consider you most important and valuable. Plus, you can still be happy and attractive with an imperfect nose. The following article will help you know how to accept your nose and appreciate your inherent beauty.


Method 1 of 4: Determine how you feel about your nose

  1. Determine why you care about your nose. People tend to be influenced by other people's surroundings and opinions. Maybe someone made a bad comment about your nose, or you suddenly noticed a flaw in it that bothers you. Either you're paying attention to someone else's nose, like a friend's nose or a famous supermodel.
    • Write down your thoughts about your nose. Ask yourself what you dislike about it. Is it too long, too big, too small, too angular, or too round? This will help you realize how you are evaluating yourself.

  2. Find out who or what influenced your thinking. Usually people can say bad things about you, even people close to you like friends or family. One of the first steps in fighting negative self-image is to find out who is saying bad things to you. Because that is probably someone you trust and take their words to heart.
    • Consider the impact of society's expectations and standards of a perfect nose that can have an impact on you. You may also have strong impressions of noses in magazines, on the internet or on TV.

  3. Think about social situations where you might be comfortable with your nose. Maybe when you're with friends or parents. Or when you are doing your favorite activities or sports, because at that time you are completely oblivious to your nose.
    • You can feel comfortable around certain people because you know they accept and love you, and your nose. They know all the good things about you. Always keep this in mind when you go out into society. There are always people who accept you, who accept you and what you look like.

  4. Know when you have negative thoughts about your appearance. Usually, negative thinking comes from imagining the worst or darkest scenarios. Just paying attention to your nose and making it the center of your life is a negative act. There are many other things that make you who you are.
    • For example, a negative thought might be when you feel you need to put on a lot of makeup to hide your nose before going out. In fact, people usually don't notice your nose at all.

Method 2 of 4: Raise confidence

  1. Realize that the nose will change over time. A person's nose will change shape over time. As a person ages, the bridge of their nose also weakens, and the nose starts to fall. The nose may look a little longer or bigger as a person gets older.
    • No matter what you think your nose looks like now, it will continue to change, as will all other parts of your body.
  2. Try a cognitive belief exercise. This exercise will help remind us of the things we think are most important in a person. When we are asked what we like most about ourselves, we often refer to our personality traits rather than our physical features. This shows us that personality and talent are more important than appearance. It also reminds us that we have the right to see ourselves from our own perspective, not by social standards.
    • List three of your favorite physical features. You can train yourself to think more positively about your body. This will help you accept your nose and see its beauty. List three of your favorite physical features. For example, you could say, "I like my eyes, my lashes are very long and my toes are very beautiful."
    • List your favorite personal traits. You can say, "I work very hard, I'm a good friend, and I'm very funny."
    • Put the two lists side by side and organize them by importance. Ask one sentence for each of these features.
    • Most people who do this exercise tend to rank their personality traits over physical features.
  3. Increase self-confidence in your beauty. Write down a few of your favorite physical features again. If you can't think of examples, think about the ones that bother you the least.
    • Put a positive sentence on each of these traits. For example, you might say "I like my brown eyes, they sparkle under the lights."
    • Use the information you have picked up to change the way you take care of yourself little by little. If you think your eyes are a good physical feature, try wearing clothes that highlight your eye color. Pay attention to the makeup of your eyes.
  4. Stop self-criticism. Once you have identified the source of your negative thoughts, begin to change your thoughts and perceptions about your body. You may find yourself making negative comments about yourself. At times like that, jot down those comments. Ask yourself the following questions:
    • Is that a good comment?
    • Can I tell a friend like that?
    • Does it make me feel good?
  5. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. After you realize you are criticizing yourself, stop yourself. Replace those thoughts with positive ones.
    • For example, you might think, "My nose looks like it takes up the whole face." Stop yourself and think positively: “My nose is special. Any other nose replaced my face would look weird. IM so beautiful"
  6. Understand that beauty is built by society. Different cultures contain different standards and views of beauty. While one culture prefers small and tall noses, another may prefer big noses. Beauty is values ​​built up by distinct cultures.
    • For example, some cultures have a history of attaching the nose piercings and other decorative items to the nose.

Method 3 of 4: Interacting with others

  1. Ignore it if someone teases you. Many people become shy about their nose only when someone makes fun of it. Follow the steps below to ignore the teasing:
    • Be calm: Don't show any reaction to teasing. Keep a nonchalant expression on your face and don't let your body show anger.
    • Silence: Do not respond, especially aggressive words.
    • Stay away: Leave the place. This can be physically leaving, by going out the door, or mentally, by turning away and focusing on another activity.
  2. Direct your attention to other people. Worrying about how your nose looks takes energy. People will like you no matter what your nose is if you listen to them.
    • One way to make sure the person is not paying attention to your nose is to direct the conversation towards him or her. Everyone takes pride in something, such as career, family, religion or beliefs. If you are worried that the person will notice your nose, listen carefully to see what the person is proud of. Once you have identified what they are proud of, compliment them on them. .If possible, make it a friendly joke.
    • Focusing on others can be difficult. Practicing this will keep you off focus on your nose in social situations, as well as help you feel more positive and likable.

Method 4 of 4: Seeking support

  1. Find out the ideal type with a special nose. Your nose won't make or break your success in life, but finding celebrities with special noses will also help. This could be your ideal type as you build your confidence. Some famous people have special noses such as: Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, Andy Samberg, Sofia Coppola, Oprah Winfrey, and many others.
  2. Talk to a friend you trust. Talk to your friends about your thoughts in relation to your nose. Usually, when you express your worries to others, you will find that you are the only one to notice. that.
  3. Talk to loved ones. Maybe someone in your family has a nose like you. Talk to the person about your concerns. Ask if the person feels inferior because of their nose. Ask how they handled it.
  4. Join a body image support group. Check around your area for a support group that brings together people who are dissatisfied with how they look like you.
  5. Talk to a psychologist. If you're still having trouble accepting your physical appearance, it might help to talk to a mental health professional. They can help you deal with the emotions related to your nose. They can also help you come up with some solutions to help you accept your nose.
    • Ask about deformity phobia. People with phobias often think that a defective part of their body, such as a nose, is limiting their life. This part of the body affects their entire life.


  • Keep in mind that plastic surgery, like a nose lift, will be a temporary solution. Although you may feel a sense of relief at first, you will still have negative thoughts about your nose after surgery. Or you might also transfer those negative thoughts to another part of your body. It's better to learn to accept your nose so you can be happy to be yourself without having to resort to orthopedic surgery.