How to lower microalbumin levels

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Lower Microalbumin Levels | Mastering Diabetes
Video: How to Get Lower Microalbumin Levels | Mastering Diabetes


Albumin is produced in the liver and stays in the blood when it is filtered through the kidneys. A high amount of albumin in the urine may indicate kidney damage, and this increases the risk of conditions like diabetes, heart disease or kidney disease. An excessively increased albumin in the blood is called microalbuminuria (microalbuminuria). Microalbumin concentrations at 30-300 mg / dL are a red warning that the kidneys are not able to properly filter proteins. However, you can lower microalbumin levels in your body by making lifestyle changes and treating them properly.


Part 1 of 2: Lifestyle changes

  1. Focus on a diet low in carbohydrates, proteins, and sugar. Damaged kidneys are no longer able to process protein as they should, so you need to give them some time to rest by reducing their protein intake. Eat foods that include slow-absorbing carbohydrates (that do not spike glucose levels), and are low in protein, fat, salt and sugar. Some healthy options include:
    • Carbohydrate is absorbed slowly: oat porridge, beans, brown rice, pasta, porridge, carrots, sweet potatoes and asparagus
    • Low protein foods: Bread and cereal flours, noodles, lettuce, celery, sprouts, cucumbers, parsley, tofu, fish and lean meats
    • Food is low in salt and fat: don't eat fried foods (use olive oil if necessary) and avoid salt.Do not eat canned foods such as soups, vegetables, canned noodles.
    • Low-sugar foods: eggs, kidney beans, tofu, walnuts, cottage cheese, olives, spinach, radish, asparagus, barley
      • Also, do not eat too full, but eat in small amounts. This way the kidneys will not be overloaded and have to work too hard to filter the waste.

  2. Avoid drinking alcohol. Abnormal microalbumin levels are an indication of poor kidney function. Damaged kidneys will no longer be able to filter ethanol in alcohol effectively, leading to the risk of prolonged and elevated microalbumin levels. To prevent this, cut down on alcohol and replace it with water, tea and other sugar-free juices.
    • If you want to have fun while partying, it's best to drink only one glass of red wine occasionally, avoiding any other alcohol intake.

  3. Give up smoking. You should quit smoking gradually instead of immediately stopping. You may experience withdrawal symptoms like quitting alcohol suddenly. But no matter how difficult, it's best to try to control these two habits.
    • Long-term smokers are at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure (smoking causes blood vessels to constrict, forcing the heart to work harder, and this increases the burden on the kidneys). The nicotine in cigarettes can cause blood pressure to rise 10mmHg. If you smoke all day, your blood pressure will always be high.

  4. Lower blood pressure. Difficult to control high blood pressure may be a factor causing high albumin levels. Normal blood pressure levels range from less than 120/80 (mmHg) to 130/80. A blood pressure level of 140 (mmhg) or higher is considered high. To lower blood pressure, you need to avoid foods high in fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
    • If your blood pressure stays high, talk to your doctor about medicines to control it.
    • In addition, regular exercise (3-4 times per week) for 30 minutes can also significantly reduce blood pressure. It is also important to maintain your ideal weight, to avoid being overweight or obese. You should also take your blood pressure in health facilities to make sure you are on the right track.
  5. Drink a lot of water. 8-12 glasses of water that you drink each day can help eliminate albumin in your urine. You should drink more if you sweat a lot and exercise regularly. This will prevent dehydration; the more dehydrated you are, the more albumin will increase.
    • Foods high in salt and fat not only contribute to high blood pressure, but also absorb water in the body. For these two reasons, it's best to avoid foods high in salt and fat.
  6. You should also pay attention to blood sugar levels. It is important to reduce foods high in sugar to control blood sugar levels, prevent diabetes, obesity and pay attention to microalbumin levels. A normal fasting glycemic index will be between 70 and 100 mg / dl. If your fasting glycemic index is between 100 and 125 mg / dl, then you may already have prediabetes.
    • If you are diabetic, your albumin levels will rise because uncontrolled blood sugar damages kidney function. 180 mg / dl is the average threshold of kidney to glucose in diabetics 2 hours after eating. This is why excess amounts of albumin and glucose in the body affect kidney function and cause more kidney damage.
    • This will also help you manage your weight. A healthy diet and exercise can help lower your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, which in turn also impacts your weight.

Part 2 of 2: Getting medical treatment

  1. Measure the concentration of albumin. You need to check and monitor microalbumi levels. This will let you know if your lifestyle is good for your liver and kidneys. The microalbumin test will measure the amount of albumin in the urine. Kidney damage is greatly reduced if the problem is caught early. Consult with your doctor about the next type of control.
    • To measure albumin levels, your doctor will perform a random urine sample or urine sample taken over a certain period of time. During the randomized test, you will take a urine sample in the clinic as usual. For the second type of test, you will take a urine sample at the date and time that the test is scheduled.
  2. Know the meaning of the test results. The correct urine sample will be analyzed and interpreted by a technician. Microalbumin test result is calculated as protein leak in mg units over a 24 hour period. The results can be interpreted as follows:
    • Below 30 mg is a normal result
    • 30 to 300 mg is an early sign of kidney disease
    • Above 300 mg is an indication that kidney disease has progressed
      • You need to talk to your doctor about test results for prompt treatment and control. If your microalbumin levels are higher than normal, your doctor may recommend a repeat test to be sure.
  3. Consider using an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. This drug inhibits the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. This effect dilates the blood vessels, thereby reducing the pressure on the blood vessels and blood volume - in other words, lowering blood pressure. ACE inhibitors have been shown to reduce the leakage of proteins in the urine, such as microalbumin, thereby reducing microalbumin levels.
    • The most common ACE inhibitors are Captopril, Perindopril, Ramipril, Enalapril and Lisinopril. Your doctor will know which medicine is best for you.
  4. Talk to your doctor about statins. These medications help lower cholesterol in the body by inhibiting the activity of HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme needed to produce cholesterol in the liver. Low cholesterol also means that the heart, blood vessels and kidneys will work easier.
    • The most commonly used drugs in the statin group are Atorvastatin, Fluvastatin, Lovastatin, Pitavastatin, Pravastatin, Rosuvastatin, and Simvastatin.
  5. Use insulin if needed. Insulin is a hormone that helps transport sugar in the bloodstream into cells to provide energy to the body. If insulin is insufficient, blood sugar is not transported into the cells and remains in the blood. A daily insulin injection as directed by your doctor is needed to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
    • This method is only for people with diabetes or insulin resistance. If insulin is working properly, insulin injections will not help lower microalbumin levels.


  • Blood in the urine (hematuria), certain medications, fever, other kidney diseases, urinary tract infections, and intense exercise right before the urine sample are some of the reasons for the test results. experience an incorrectly high microalbumin level.